Local News

Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, September 9, 2024
September 10th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, September 9, 2024

The Stoddard County Commission meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for the agriculture community, the county office holders, employees and for those who lost their lives on September 11th and their families who will be remembering the ones they lost.

Upcoming Events

MINGO Open House is Friday, September 13, 2024

Tuesday, September 17th Stoddard County Fair Parade kicks off

Doug Lowery - Duck Creek Township

"Any direction on township with FEMA?" asked Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis.

"We actually have a meeting with a FEMA representative to go over things with Duck Creek Township," stated Lowery. "She asked about damages and how much money we were out over the phone."

John Fisher with the New Madrid County Family Resource Center and Southeast Diaper Bank

Proclamation Signing

Motion to approve the official statement of the Proclamation for the National Diaper Need Awareness Week made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.

The Honorable County Commissioner: Official Statement - Whereas, diaper need, the condition of not being able to afford a sufficient supply of clean diapers to keep babies and toddlers clean, dry, and healthy, can adversely affect the health and well-being of children and their families;

Whereas, national surveys and research studies report that nearly one in two families struggles with diaper need, and 48 percent o families delay changing a diaper to extend the available supply; and

Whereas, a daily or weekly supply of diapers is generally an eligibility requirement for babies and toddlers to participate in childcare programs and quality early-education programs that enable children to thrive and parents to work; and

Whereas, many parents struggling with diaper need report missing an average of five days of work each month due to an insufficient supply of diapers: and

Whereas, without enough diapers, babies and toddlers risk infections and health problems that may require medical attention resulting in medical costs, and parents may be prevented from accessing childcare needed to go to work or school, thereby destabilizing the family's economic prospects and well being; and

Whereas, the people of Stoddard County recognize that diaper need is a public health issue, and addressing diaper need can lead to economic opportunity for the state's families and communities and improved health for children, thus ensuring all children and families have access to the basic necessities required to thrive and reach their full potential; and

Whereas, Stoddard County is proud to be home to trusted community-based organizations including (list state diaper banks) that recognize the importance of diapers in ensuring health and providing economic stability for families and thus distribute diapers to families through various channels; and

Whereas, through their important work of addressing diaper need, diaper banks play a critical role in supporting families, improving infant health and well-being, and advancing our local and state economic growth; now

Therefore, I, County Commissioner, do hereby proclaim the week of September 23rd through September 29th, 2024 as


In Stoddard County, thank the aforementioned diaper banks, their staff, volunteers, and donors, for their courageous service during the crisis, and encourage the citizens of Stoddard County to donate generously to diaper banks, diaper drives, and support those organizations that collect and distribute diapers to families struggling with diaper need, so that all of Stoddard County's children and families can thrive and reach their full potential.

Greg Mathis
Presiding Commissioner of Stoddard County

Other Business

Motion to approve the Ads and Abates from Collector/Treasurer Josh Speakman made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.

There was some discussion about the right away document for County Road 766 bridge project and an error on the document; therefore the Commission needed to approve the new document.
Motion to approve the right away County Road 766 bridge project made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis received a letter from MoDOT about bridge inspections.  Stoddard County is due for biennial inspection of non-state bridges with 20 feet or greater spans.  These inspections within Stoddard County will be held during the month of January 2025.

Motion to approve the regular session meeting minutes for September 3, 2024 made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to approve the closed session meeting minutes for September 3, 2024 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Kendra Eads, Southeast Missouri Network Against Sexual Violence will be here next week during the meeting to give a presentation according to Mathis.

Joe Pulliam with Pulliam Surveying

His term is up even though he resigned the position due to living outside the county, but there is no other surveyor that wanted the responsibility.  

SB40 Board Vacancy

The media brought up that the SB40 announcement  for the board vacancy was not in the paper last week.  Mr. Mathis will get with the DAR to put that in the paper next week and change the deadlines.

Property Insurance Agent Bid

Mathis asked Mr. Cecil Weeks about the property insurance and how it was bid out last time.  Mr. Weeks brought in a document.  December 9th will be the bid opening at 10 a.m. for the Property Insurance Bid.  There are only three insurance companies that will even insure the county due to the jail size and previous claims.  The Commission is bidding out for an agent and not a broker to get bids from those three insurance companies.  Document was not available in a typed format by the end of the meeting, but will be published when it become available.

Motion to accept the Property Insurance Bid for the newspaper made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to go into closed session to discuss legal at 11:04 a.m.  made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.

Last Updated on September 10th 2024 by Dee Loflin

Route 114 in Stoddard County Reduced for Bridge Repairs
September 09th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Route 114 in Stoddard County Reduced for Bridge Repairs


Route 114 in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane with a 12-foot width restriction as construction crews perform bridge maintenance.   

This section of roadway is located near County Road 781 in Grayridge, Missouri. 

Weather permitting, work will take place Monday, Sept. 23 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.  

The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area. 

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT 

Last Updated on September 09th 2024 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Tuesday, September 3, 2024
September 08th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Stoddard County Commission meeting began at 9:08 a.m. with a Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis.

First on the Agenda on Tuesday, September 3rd was the Ambulance District and the fact they had money reserved for them in ARPA, but have not spent it.  There was approximately $8,000 reserved for them in 2022 for laptops. They have now requested $5,111.05 for their air purification system.  They changed their request from computers that were originally approved by the previous Commission to an air purification system approved by the current Commission.  The ambulance district will not be using about $3,698.00 and this amount will go back into the ARPA funds for other entities.

Motion to approve the payment for their ARPA Request in the amount of $5,111.05 for the Stoddard County Ambulance District (All paperwork is in order) made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

New Business

Clarence Smith, Water District #4

"I have a price for the computers and the printer to request from the ARPA funds," stated Smith. "One is for $4,110. and the other is $1,073 and I am asking for the Commission to  disperse funds to reimburse these expenses."

Mathis stated he would get with Katelyn Lambert at BRPC and see about what we can do.  "We have about $110,000 left in ARPA funds to disperse at the present time and we need to have them committed by the end of the year.."

AREA Interests

MINGO will have their open house on September 13th at 10:00 a.m.

Stoddard County Fair begins September 17th with the parade at 5:30 p.m.

Castor Township Tax Hearing 6 p.m. No change in the tax rate.

Republic Service Open House September 27th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. with tours and food.

Employee Unused Vacation Policy for Employees

"If you did not use your vacation time you lost it," stated Mathis. "Then two years ago the Commission changed it to the employees could request it two weeks prior to their anniversary date.

"It's not fair to the employees because the employees have failed to ask for it," Mathis said.  "Office holders have failed to communicate the new policy change, some employees have requested it after their anniversary date then we as a Commission have to deny it.  The policy the way it was written was not working out in my opinion.  Not everyone knew of the policy."

Motion to change and update the Unused Vacation Policy to be that the employees will receive their unused vacation time at the anniversary date without having to ask for it made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

In the opinion of this reporter the easiest way to inform all employees as to any policy change within a company is to have each employee sign-off that they have received a copy of the new policy and therefore all employees are made aware of the policy change going forward. 

Motion to go back and pay employees for any unused vacation for the year 2024 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Change in Overtime Policy for Law Enforcement

The Commission discussed in Closed Session the Public Safety Overtime Policy and voted 3-0 to change the handbook and policy.

The new county policy for public safety employee (Dispatch, Jail, Patrol) assigned to work 12 hour shifts will be compensated at 1.5 hourly rate after 84 hours in 14-day work period.  Anyone working 8 or 10 hour shifts will be compensated 1.5 times hourly rate at the 40 hour a week policy.  When working 12 hour shifts you work 36 hours one week then 48 hours the next week which would equal the 84 hours at regular time and not be paid any overtime until after 84 hours. 

Work Period Provision - The FLSA also provides a partial exemption from overtime pay requirements for police officers employed on a work period basis.  A public employer has the option of basing overtime on a work period rather than the 40 hour work week.  This alternative work period is a pre-established and regular recurring period of at least seven but less than 28 consecutive days (29 C.F.R. 553.201).  The length of the work period determines the number of hours after which the police officer is due overtime.  Overtime compensation is required when the ratio of the number of hours worked to the number of days in the work period exceeds the ratio of 171 hours to 28 days (29 C.F.R. 553.230).

No motion was made in regular open session requiring the policy change.  The Closes Session vote stands.

In the opinion of this reporter this subject should have been discussed in Open Session for the public and media to hear and is in direct violation of the Sunshine Law pursuant to MO State Statute 610.021, closed meeting and closed records authorized.

Bridge Replacements

Colter Gaebler with Smith & Co. Engineering sent paperwork to be signed with regards to Co. Road 766 Bridge Project and right away acquisition.  Colter now has all documents signed.  They are ready to move forward with that project and wanting the Commision to sign off and get the funds allocated.  Motion to approve the right away certification statement for Stoddard County Road 766 bridge project made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted and motion passed.

Motion to sign the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Supplemental Agreement #1 BRO-R103(076) for Bridge No. 1960010 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.  This document pertains to County Road 766.

Motion to sign the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Off-system Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Supplemental Agreement #1 BRO-R103(75) for Bridge No. 22-2210021 made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.  The document pertains to County Road 752.

Trees Around the Courthouse

"We put out a bid and Wright Tree Service did it the last time," William Dowdy, maintenance supervisor stated. "They are Bradford Pairs and there is some type of native tree exchange, but I can check into it."

Heating Unit

"Heating season is coming and we haven't done anything with Roof Top Unit #3," Dowdy commented. "It may break and not work at any time."

Old Business:

Liability and Property Insurance

Commissioner Stewart stated, "I am flexible if we can't get a separate bid then we can just get down to services."

Commissioner Jarrell state, " I would like to stay with what we have.  Mr. Hedrick and his group.  They are local and he already looks each year for the best price."

Motion to seek a Request for Qualification for a Broker for Property and Liability Insurance.  No motion was made the motion died.

Motion to seek bids for Property and Liability Insurance through an agent made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Mathis stated that they will have a legal notice typed up and ready to approve on Monday, September 9, 2024 at the Commission meeting.  The Bid Opening will be November 4, 2024 at 10 a.m.  during the Commission meeting.

"What is the difference between a broker and an agent for insurance in this case," asked Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times. "Only Hedrick and his group can get a quote from Traveler's Insurance, correct?"  Stewart stated that is correct.  There are only three companies willing to insure the County due to the size of the jail and previous claims.  Now an agent can put in a quote for the other two that he/she might represent.

SB40 Board Member

Senate Bill 40 for a Board Member notice was not in the Dexter Statesman so the Commission has changed the date to September 16th as the deadline.  Mathis noted it should be in the paper this week and next week.  Peter Coutavas has submitted a letter of intent to serve on the SB40 Board.  According to Commissioner C.D. Stewart, Herman Morse has given a verbal to Wayne Jean that he is interested in being on the board.

Johnson Grass Board

Two people put in their names to be on the Johnson Grass Board. Doug Lowery of Puxico and Dee Loflin of Dexter both requested in writing to be on the Johnson Grass Board. 

Mathis stated he would not vote for Dee Loflin because she is media and the other board members would be concerned with what could be said and printed in a paper. It is noted the board has never met or at least not met in years.  It is also noted that all meetings would be open to the public and the media.  Closes session to media would only be if litigation/lawsuit involving the Johnson Grass Board or personnel issues which they have zero employees.  Therefore the press could be at those meetings. Both candidates are well qualified however.

Motion to appoint Doug Lowery on the Johnson Grass Board made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Other Business

John McCarty, with the health insurance, has requested to be here in person and go over the insurance in closed session.  Mathis stated that September 16th Mr. McCarty will be here to discuss health insurance claims in Closed Session at 11 a.m.

Motion to accept the regularly scheduled meeting minutes from August 26, 2024 made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C. D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to accept the closed session meeting minutes from August 26, 2024 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

With no other business a motion to enter into Closed Session at 11:10 a.m. for Legal purposed according to Statute 610,021 made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.  

Last Updated on September 08th 2024 by Dee Loflin

Macy Manier, DO, Joins Ferguson Medical Group - Sikeston
August 30th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Macy Manier, DO, Joins Ferguson Medical Group - Sikeston

Saint Francis Healthcare System is pleased to welcome pediatrician Macy Manier, DO, to Ferguson Medical Group - Sikeston, a Saint Francis Medical Partner.

Manier completed her residency in 2024 at the University of Illinois Children’s Hospital of Illinois, Peoria, IL. She is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and specializes in obesity, ADHD and asthma. She will be seeing children from birth until the age of 18.

Ferguson Medical Group - Sikeston is located at 1012 N Main St, Sikeston, MO 63801. To learn more about Dr. Manier, visit sfmc.net or call Ferguson Medical Group-Sikeston at 573-471- 0330.

Saint Francis Healthcare System is guided by our mission to provide a ministry of healing, wellness, quality and love inspired by our faith in Jesus Christ. Founded by Franciscan Sisters in 1875, our priority remains the same: serve all who enter with dignity, compassion and joy.

Anchored by Saint Francis Medical Center, a 306-bed tertiary hospital, and supported by nearly 3,000 employees and more than 250 providers in eight communities, the Healthcare System is a driving economic force in the region. Major services include the Cancer Institute, Emergency and Level III Trauma Center, Family BirthPlace and the region's only Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Heart Hospital, Neurosciences and Orthopedics.

Last Updated on August 30th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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New Interventional Cardiologist Joins the Medical Staff at Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center
August 30th 2024 by Dee Loflin
New Interventional Cardiologist Joins the Medical Staff at Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center

New Interventional Cardiologist Joins the Medical Staff at Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center

Interventional Cardiologist, Shazib Sagheer, MD., has joined the medical staff of Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center.  

Dr. Sagheer's approach to patient care is guided by his motto: "Saving lives, improving lives, and prolonging lives." He is passionate about delivering the highest quality care to his patients, prioritizing patient safety and effectiveness in every procedure.

Dr. Sagheer graduated from Aga Khan University Medical College in Pakistan. He completed his internal medicine residency at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine in Albuquerque, NM followed by a General Cardiology Fellowship. He continued with an Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology Fellowship at Birmingham School of Medicine in Birmingham, AL, and an Interventional Cardiology Fellowship at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in Newark, NJ. 

Dr. Sagheer will join the practice of Regional Physician Services in the Cardiovascular Institute of Southern Missouri and is accepting new patients. Areas of expertise include treatment of a diverse cardiovascular range of services including but not limited to heart attack, Peripheral arterial disease, heart rhythm diseases such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure including advanced heart failure, heart valve diseases, and coronary artery diseases. 

In his spare time, he enjoys outdoor activities such as traveling, biking, and reading books.

"We are pleased to welcome Dr. Sagheer to our cardiology clinic. With him joining our team, we now have 4 interventional cardiologists dedicated to serving our community. Their expertise will be a tremendous asset in advancing the quality of our cardiac care,” Clyde Wood, CEO said. 

Dr. Sagheer will maintain office hours Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. He is currently accepting new patients. For more information, visit www.regionalpysisicanservices.com and click on “Providers” or call 573-778-2600. 

About Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center:

Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center is located in Poplar Bluff, Missouri and serves Butler County and seven other surrounding counties. PBRMC is committed to meeting our community’s healthcare needs by providing compassionate, quality patient care. The medical center offers a wide range of services, including oncology, cardiology, orthopedics, robotic surgery, women’s health and more. Learn more at PBRMC.com.

Last Updated on August 30th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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