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Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, August 15, 2024
August 13th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, August 15, 2024

The Stoddard County Commission opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Mr. Greg Mathis, Presiding Commissioner.  He thanked the poll workers during the election as well as all the candidates who put their names in as well as those elected.

Mary Ann Williamson Letter

Mathis passed out a letter received from Mary Ann Williamson of Williamson Family Farms.  She stated that she had a very positive experience that she had with the EMA Director, Beaut Bishop, during a very difficult time that many Stoddard Countians faced on the May 26th with the tornado damage.  Their farm in Essex took a direct hit from the tornado that Sunday morning.  The tree and debris situation was overwhelming.  She reached out to Beau, who responded by coming to the farm to discuss with her what to expect in terms of help, timeframes, etc.  Beau coordinated with a volunteer church group from Cape Girardeau to come out and assist them.  They successfully removed a tree from a building as well as cleaned up as much debris as possible.  The group was profession and very supportive in attitude.  Beau was present during their work and she appreciated the hands-on attitude he displayed.  Special thanks to Beau Bishop for all his help during this time.

Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission

"The small business administration is available along side FEMA," stated Lambert.  "We had a lot of the public come in on Friday.  They have also been going out to the people's homes to let them know they are available in the gym at the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission if any one has questions or needs assistance due to the tornado damage."

ARPA Funds Update:

"I have contacted just about everyone on the list of open projects," stated Lambert.  "Here are a few items that are still out to be addressed."

Water District #2 does have a request to draw down $4,894.35. Replacing meters and getting them up to date. 

Motion to pay $4,893.35 out of ARPA funds to Public Water District #2 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Water District #5 has the computer system in place, but the meters are not correctly reading just yet and were a little off.  Dave Cooper, president of Water District #5  won't pay anyone until it is working perfectly.

She has called SCAD several times and no one has come in.  Mathis will go directly to Chuck Kasting to find out why they have not returned her calls and not put in for the computers he asked for almost two years ago with ARPA funding.

Bell City Fire has signed the Procurement Letter for the sidewalk and concrete area.

Bernie Water Basin has selected a contractor and know they have to use prevailing wages.

City of Advance has been using the new sewer camera and they finally made a decision on which areas to hit with this project and have a map now.  Once finalized they can go out to bid.

Bloomfield Wastewater are in their 2nd stage of a CDBG hearing so we will know something soon.   

City of Essex - CDGB application submitted and should hear by the end of the year.  They could use the $50,000 on the streets if they do not get the grant as they have been turned down twice before.

Dudley Special Road District - They can go ahead and get the gravel. They have done the procurement as well.

Water District #6 needs to replace their meters and need $150,000 though there is not that much left in the ARPA Funds.  I am just letting you know and we are looking at other grants as well.

Stoddard County received $5,637,766.00.  By putting this money into money market accounts they have accumulated  $249,257.73 in interest.

"We need to get Beau in here and nail down the money distributed to the Townships for gravel that was washed away in May," stated Mathis.

Lambert also stated that the Full Board Meeting and Community Meeting for the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday to discuss what Grants available.  This meeting is open to only County and City employees,  Annual dinner to be finalized in October as well.

SB40 Board Member Vacancy

SB40 Board and recently appointed Patricia Holloway to the board and she is going to resign that position.  

Motion to place an ad in the paper for a board member for the SB40 Board made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

The deadline is Monday, August 26th to apply for the SB40 Board.

New Business:

Pater Coutavas, IDA

"I have a discretionary fund of $40,000 that I can give to individuals throughout the county," commented Coutavas.  "I Distributed $100 to Ghost Cafe' for their BBQ Bash in the Park and $400 for a mixer.  I gave Wildflower Boutique $471 for a hat and shirt press machine to help with her business."

$35,000 towards to the Bloomfield Improvement Corporation loan to a person to purchase a building and will refurbish the building and rent it out.  This was a loan and will be paid back.

$22,900 to the Bloomfield Improvement Corporation to Townsend for a work-out gym

$750,000 for the hotel group and that went to the city of Dexter   

MoDOT Scenic By-Way Update

Presiding Commissioner Mathis emailed a Letter of Intent to Jennifer J. Hall, Outdoor Advertising Manager for the Missouri Department of Transportation in Springfield, MO office stating that Stoddard County Commission has an interest in the scenic by-way.   All the information will be gathered and there will be a public hearing at some point.  

"We just want more information on the scenic byway and in no way shape or form are we endorsing this project," stated Mathis.  

Cecil Weeks, Stoddard County Clerk's Office

Mr. Weeks passed out a voucher from Roper Excavating for work performed on Ditch 13-33 and Ditch #14 totaling $105,000.

Motion to pay Roper Excavating $14,117.65 for excavation and ditch work on Ditch 13-33 and Ditch #14 Draining District 13-33 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All there voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to authorizes payment to Roper Excavating $77,293.31 out of Ditch #14 funds made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to authorize payment to Roper Excavating in the amount of  $13,589.04 out of General Revenue fund for excavating of Ditch #13-33 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.   

Election Information

Election turn-out is usually about 30-35 % for the primary which is about the norm in Stoddard County.  6,078 total voters casted their ballots.  

"We hope to have everything certified today as we have had folks out of the office," commented Weeks.

Mathis questioned about people not being allowed to vote because they have become an invective voter because their mail was returned.   According to Weeks there were only two county wide with that issue.   

Blue Provisional Ballot - If you do not have a photo ID you can vote Blue Provision Ballots.  Then the resolution judges will verify signatures in order for the vote to count.

Yellow Provisional Ballot - Not in the voter registration system,the poll judge can't find their name.  Legitimate reason to remove is that you didn't vote in two general elections. There was only 6 yellow provisions ballots cast in the county.

Inactive Voter - Election mail will not be forwarded as it is the law.  If they have moved or canceled their P.O. Box their mail will be returned to the Clerk's office.  They have to keep their address up-to-date.  If they don't they will not be able to vote and the polls, but will have to come to the Clerk's office and update their address.

Commissioner Carol Jarrell and Statement About the Election

Commissioner Carol Jarrell thanked her Lord and Savior for giving her a good 16 years as a Commissioner for Stoddard County.  She thanked her family for standing beside her and supporting her.

"I want to thank the voters for 16 years of faith and trust," commented Jarrell. "I congratulate Mr. Wes Howard and feel he will serve the county well.  it has been such a prevue working with all the elected officials and employees.  We have a very strong county and proud and passionate about this county.  You, Greg, are the best presiding commissioner I have worked with and you serve the county well. It doesn't matter what color hat you wear.  It's been an honor to get to know you handiwork along side of you, referring to C.D. Stewart.  You are a great commissioner of your district.  Thank you Mr. Smith and Miss Dee for your continued coverage of our government. God closes one door, but opens another and I just appreciate all of you and thank you very much."

US Small Business Association -

Declaration in the State and the county has been included, FEMA and Small Business Administration. FEMA is short term and SBA long term and offers loans...two types of loans property damage and economic disaster loan for for small business for any expenses they may have like payroll, water, etc. 

Deadlines - September 23rd for physical damages.

Make sure that people are aware of these deadlines.

Re-bid the Property Insurance

"I know the gentleman from Higgenbottom came in and introduced himself.  I am assuming if we choose to bid this out we would do a bid to place in the newspapers." commented Mathis.

Weeks stated that there were only about three insurances that would cover counties with county jails.  At least that is what he had heard.  

"We will put this on next week's Agenda to discuss placing a bid for either insurance for property or brokers," commented Mathis.

Old Business:

Motion to accept the regular meeting minutes from Monday, August 3, 2024 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to approve the July 2024 Ads and Abates from Collector Josh Speakman made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Prosecuting Attorney Sawyer Smith needed to enter into closed session at 1 p.m. ; however he needed to move that up to an earlier time.  

Motion to enter into closed session at 11:17 a.m. made by Commissioner C. D. Stewart, seconded by Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Last Updated on August 13th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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