Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the weekly meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for the family of Ryan McAllister who perished in an airplane crash, for all the law enforcement, office holders and their employees.
Reminder that the County offices will be closed on Wednesday for Juneteenth.
Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
Updated Excel sheet for the ARPA Funds was distributed to the Commissioners and media. "There's about $76,000 left," stated Lambert.
Steve Battles with Dudley Special District put out a bid for gravel, but did not get any bids. He is trying to get quotes now.
Katelyn introduced Cam Schlosser, intern at Bootheel Regional Planning Commission and great-nephew of Commissioner C.D. Stewart.
Senate Bill 190 for the Senior Tax Credit
Motion to adopt the Senior Citizen SB 190 that became law in the state of Missouri made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
"We all realize this was a difficult decision; however many of the school officials are in Savanah, Georgia on a Sr. Beta trip," stated Cindy Crabb, Puxico Superintendent. "They could not be here today."
"Appreciate you all taking the time to listen to our side," stated Jason Karnes, Bloomfield Superintendent.
"We are the first county in Southeast Missouri to discuss this SB 190 bill and I felt like we did needed to address it," commented Commissioner Greg Mathis.
Josh Speakman, County Collector/Treasurer will have to hire an individual in the Collector's office to oversee all the senior citizen tax credit including the research necessary for each individual to receive their credit. . This will cost the county about $75,000 total dollars including benefits, work comp insurance and salary, etc.
The ordinance will be written up and given to members of the media and to the superintendents of the school districts.
Speakman will create an application and will be approved at the next meeting. Applications will NOT be available for seniors until the Commission approves the Application and the deadline to apply will be June 30, 2025.
Motion to accept the Ordinance for Senate Bill 190/Propert Tax Relief for Seniors dated June 17, 2024 made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Beau Bishop, EMA Director
On Sunday, May 26, 2024 a major storm hit the city of Dexter and parts of Stoddard County.
One Damage Assessment performed in Dudley - major
Four Damage Assessments performed in Essex - two major and two minor
Two Damage assessments Performed surrounding Dexter - two major
Dexter Fire Depart performed damage assessments in Dexter - 52 major, 128 minor
A major is considered when outside comes into a structure, like a tree puncturing a roof.
EMA RHSOC Generator Deployed to the City of Bernie to power the City Water Plant. this was within two hours of the city being completely without water. They deployed Sunday, May 26th at 1 p.m. and returned on Monday May 27th at noon.
"I was in contact with Penermon Village Mayor Chester Hill about their sewer system being down," stated Bishop. "I advised the EMA RHSOC Generator could be deployed to assist. Mr. Hill informed they would backlash their system which got them by until they had electricity the next morning."
Stoddard County Sheriff's Department asked to use the EMA Water stored in the basement of the Government Building. They took the water to Essex and made rounds handing out water to people that needed it. With the assistance of Dexter Chamber office, contact was made with Pepsi Marion and three pallets of new water was secured. One pallet was delivered to Bloomfield Fire Department for their use and two pallets replaced the water handed out and it is stored in the basement of the Government Building.
FME IA (Individual Assistance) Assessment performed on June 3, 2024. Present for the Assessment was FEMA, SEMA, SBA, Stoddard County EMA Director, and City of Dexter EMA Director Don Seymore. Preliminary numbers were: 58 homes surveyed, 24 major, 6 destroyed, 2 affected and 26 minor.
FEMA PA (Public Assistance) Assessment performed on June 6, 2024.Present for the Assessment was FEMA, SEMA, Stoddard County EMA Director, and City of Dexter EMA Director. Sites assessed were City of Dexter Street Department, Dexter East City Park, Stoddard County Fair Grounds, Sugar Plum Park, and two locations that the City of Dexter set up for debris burning.
Stoddard County EMA and City of Dexter EMA are still in contact with the State to bring in more Debris removal teams. Teams are slow getting here because of being deployed about the U.S. A lot of debris left is going to need specialized teams with bigger equipment.
MARC (Multi Agency Resource Center) was requested by Stoddard County EMA and City of Dexter EMA on Wednesday, May 29th. Resources were sourced and gathered by SEMA and the MARC was able to help at the City o fDexter East Park on Tuesday, June 11th. MARC served 107 households, 284 people, and 100 at the outside FOOD POD.
Special thanks to WW Wood for organizing and cleaning up the Debris in Dudley. Volunteers and Essex Special Road District for the clean-up effort in and around Essex. Liberty Township for the clean-up efforts in their township, and countless other organizations and residents for their help.
"SEMA and FEMA have not made their declarations yet for assistance. That will come in the next month I suspect," commented Bishop.
"I am moving forward to get with City of Dexter EMA Director Don Seymore to get teams in here to get trees cut up and the debris moved. Main priority and focus is to get more a more organized COAD and VOAD to make sure we are better prepared next time there is a bad storm or even an earthquake," stated Bishop.
Supplement Insurance Agent
"We had on the Agenda that a supplement insurance agent would be here today. I contacted the gentlemen and he will be at next week's meeting." stated Commissioner Mathis. Employees already have AFLAC with a local agent.
Water District #5
There is a precautionary boil water advisory. Water District #5 was able to cover the pipes and are monitoring. They will still have to repair the entrance to that pond on private property, but at least the water pipe repair has been made.
Other Business:
Motion to except the meeting minutes from June 3, 2024 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to except the meeting minutes from June 10, 2024 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Update SB40 Board of Resignation
The Commission received a letter regarding the SB 40 Board Resignation from Josh Hester. The Commission will need to publicize it in the newspaper for two weeks. There are three terms that expire June 30, 2024. Danny Griffin and Ray McLane both would like to renew their board spots. Herman Morse and Pat Holloway have requested to be on the board.
"Traditionally it has been placed in the Dexter Statesman," stated Commissioner Carol Jarrell. "There are three positions that will term on June 30, 2024. We will need to advertise for those positions."
Candy Collier, Stoddard County Recorder
"I would like to request money from the ARPA funds to convert some of our roll film and put on a Zip drive," stated Collier. "We have slowly got things backed up to 1975 and would like to continue and do it in stages.
The cost of this is $19,000 for five year of converting roll film to a Zip drive.
"Our documents go back to 1835 that we have available, just not on computer," commented Collier.
Reminder from Josh Speakman that the Land Sale will be in August 2024.
Motion to enter into closed session for the purpose of personnel made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart at 11:09 a.m. seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.