Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis began the regularly scheduled Stoddard County Commissioner meeting by leading an audience of about 20 people in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then prayed for those who were helping with getting the electricity back on, all those who helped cut down trees and ask that those who are currently unhappy receive patience and kindness. Also to the law enforcement officers, elected officials that they may do the will of the people.
SB190 Update/Information
Governor Parson signed into law Senate Bill No. 190 an act to repeal sections 143, 124, and 143.125 of the Missouri revised statutes to enact in lieu thereof three new sections relating to tax relief for seniors. No one will receive a refund or a check from the county collector.
Now that this law has passed, it will be the Stoddard County Commission to either accept this law or not per the language of the new law. Each County within the State of Missouri will choose to authorize a property tax credit to eligible taxpayers in their county.
Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the meeting stated that the Stoddard County Commission is going to address this SB190. "We have 4 things we can do," stated Mathis.
1. "We as a Commission can do nothing."
2. "We can pass a resolution stating that we will not do anything right now and make a decision later. Personally I think this is gutless, in my opinion."
3. "We could require the citizens of Stoddard County to pass a petition by getting 5% of the registered voters to sign and then it would be put on the ballot for the public to vote on. Again. I think this is also gutless in my opinion."
4. Stoddard County Commission can pass an ordinance and accept the law as written.
"I am going to turn this meeting over to Josh Speakman as he has done the most research on this bill and has a good grasp of how it will be implemented."
Josh Speakman, Stoddard County Collector/Treasurer took the floor to explain the SB190
"If the Commission passes this the county will have to hire one employee to be dedicated to researching the information for each citizen that applies for this tax credit," stated Speakman. "The County will take the biggest hit of around $75,000 or more to hire a person and purchase necessary software to perform the job tasks."
Dexter School District would be second in line to take a hit as they rely on a portion of Personal Property Tax monies to fund them.
"We are asking for input today and we will not make a decision today," stated Mathis. "However we will make a decision in the next couple of week,"
Each political subdivision of the county will be impacted if the Commission chooses to pass an ordinance in favor of the SB190/SB756.
If the SB190 were to be passed by The Stoddard County Commission, then the entities that would be affected who rely on Personal Property Tax monies would lose revenue. Those entities are the State of Missouri, Stoddard County Ambulance District, Stoddard County Health Department, Stoddard County Sheltered Workshop, all schools including NMCC, Richland, Twin Rivers, Dexter, Bernie, Bloomfield, Bell City, Advance, Zalma, Puxico and Three Rivers College in Stoddard County, also the townships including Castor, Duck Creek, Elk, Liberty, New Lisbon, Pike and Richland. The Road & Bridge Districts made up of Castor, Duck Creek, Elk, Liberty, New Lisbon, Pike, Richland, Bluff Special, Dudley Special, Lavalle Special, Crowder-Zeta, Essex Special and Grayridge Special. Then each city will be affected including Bernie, Bell City, Bloomfield, Essex, Advance, and Dexter,
"For the first few years I don't think very many will sign up," commented Commissioner C.D. Stewart. "I think as it goes farther along more people will sign up for the tax credit."
Currently Jackson County, Greene County, and St. Louis County have all passed this into law in their county.
Dale Moreland representing Castor Township stated, "I don't feel the public is informed very well about this issue. People think their taxes are going to be forgiven and they are not."
Speakman stated that in reality most people would only benefit about on average of less than $100 each; however the more your home is valued at the more credit you would receive. Speakman used the commissioners as examples. Mr. Mathis would save $25 per year, Mrs. Jarrell about $50 per year and Mr. Stewart about $80 per year.
For example if you are 76 years old and have a house worth $100,000 you will receive a tax credit of less than $90. If they made improvements then research would have to be done on each individual and would be on a case by case basis.
Speakman went on to say that there was a program already in place for the elderly. The Missouri Property Tax Credit Program is out there for people over 65 years of age.
Advance Superintendent asked if the Commission anticipated of anyone seeking to try and put in a funding source to offset this credit? Mathis answer with a definite NO. Looking down the road we as the County Commission do not look to offset the this credit at this time.
ARPA Funding Update:
Motion to authorization $91,501.78 out of ARPA funds to Bell City Fire Department for their new facility made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
City of Puxico requested $3,500 for repeaters for the police department. At this time the Commission has decided to freeze new requests for ARPA spending due to the recent storm damage. No actual motion was made; however they all agreed at this time since funds are getting low.
Duck Creek and Castor are hauling a lot of gravel because of the recent storms washed out some roads. Mathis has not talked with Liberty Township yet, but would assume they may need gravel as well..
Other Business
Motion to accept the regular session meeting minutes from Tuesday, May 28, 2024 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Mathis. Stewart voted yes, Jarrell abstained because she was not present at the meeting, Mathis voted yes. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn at noon made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.