Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis started the meeting with the Pledge of Alligence and a prayer for the county officials, police, sheriff's dept and for the Bernie Lady Mules as they try to win a state championship in softball this week.
David Wyman, City of Dexter, Administrator
He introduced Lauren Hill as a new full-time employee for the city of Dexter. Her office will be located in city hall and tourism taxes will pay for her salary. Her title is Administrative Assistant - Tourism.
The Missouri Department of Tourism has grant money to help with advertising events within the community and to help promote certain events.
Motion to pass the Destination Marketing Organization Resolution to designate the city of Dexter as the official city for Stoddard County, Missouri made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Destination Marketing Organization Resolution so passed by the Stoddard County Commission
Whereas, City of Dexter, Missouri, a legitimate department, agency, or resprestative of Stoddard County, is engaged primarily in the marketing and promotion of tourism;
Whereas, this organization has shown and demonstrated evidence of its on-going tourism marketing activities and plans for promotion of Stoddard County; and
Whereas, this organization requires formal acknowledgement and recognition by the governing body of the county to become a qualified participant in the programs administered by the Missouri Division of Tourism:
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the city of Dexter, Missouri is hereby designated and recognized as the single representative organization to solicit and service tourism in Stoddard County for participation in the Missouri Division of Tourism's Marketing Matching Grant.
Cal-Main Foods Update
Late summer there will be a hiring push. Their egg production is coming this fall. They currently have 15 employees.
Missouri Department of Economic Development Letter sent to former Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington Received by Current Commissioners - Mr. Mathis has faxed the letter to Katelyn Lambert at Bootheel Regional Planning Commission to decide what is the next step.
SB40 Board Vacancy
There is a vacancy on the SB40 Board due to a member stepping down; however no letter of resignation has been received by the Commission. Mrs. Carol Jarrell explained that a letter of resignation would be needed before proceeding.
Tax Break for Seniors Update:
Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis handed out an informative article from the St. Louis newspaper regarding the tax break for Missouri seniors. Commissioner Mathis asked Josh Speakman, Collector/Treasurer to discuss the tax break.
Other Business
Stoddard County offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024 for the Memorial Day holiday and will have the Commission Meeting on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
Motion to accept the Monday, May 13, 2024 minutes from the regular session made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Greg Mathis. Both Stewart and Mathis voted yes, Jarrell was absent from the previous meeting so she abstained from voting.
Motion to purchase a transport van out of the commissary fund for the Stoddard County Sheriff's Dept in the amount of $52,000 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed. The current van is not drivable and they have been using two officers and two other vehicles to commute the inmates.
Morion to adjourn at 11:53 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. Both voted yes as Mr. Mathis left early.