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Stoddard County Commission Meeting for Monday, April 24, 2023
April 25th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting for Monday, April 24, 2023

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Ron McKain, guest, said the prayer.  Commissioner Carol Jarrell was not present for the meeting.

Commissioner C.D. Stewart made a motion to accept the minutes from the regular session, April 17, 2023.  Mathis seconded the motion.  Both voted yes.  Motion passed.

Commissioner C.D. Stewart made a motion to accept the minutes from the Closed Session, April 17, 2023.  Mathis seconded the motion.  Both voted yes.  Motion passed.

Stars & Stripes Museum Expansion Update

Mathis stated that he has a surveyor getting a lot description for the Stars & Stripes Museum expansion.  The Museum had requested an additional 7 acres and the land belongs to the County.

Update on the Old Medical Building Owned by the County

Mathis updated those present about the HVAC system and it is in good condition.  This is in reference to the old medical building that someone wants to rent and make into a coffee shop.  They will need to put a meter in place and have AmerenUE turn the gas on.  Mathis asked William Dowdy, Maintenance Manager, who was present, to contact AmerenUE to get a meter installed.

City of Puxico Alderman Travis Stafford

There is an old Ford Crown Victoria police car that belongs to the Sheriff's Dept and has been sitting and will eventually go to auction.  Mr. Stafford has asked the County to donate or allow the city of Puxico to purchase the vehicle as they are in high need of a car.  The Puxico Police Department has a Crown Vic currently and all the partition cage parts will transfer to this vehicle.  " Let's have the city of Puxico Marshall come over and start the vehicle and drive the vehicle and see if in working condition," commented Mathis.  "It has been sitting over there for over a year." 

Update on Mr. Ron McKain's Request to have a County Prayer Meeting Prior to Pentecost

Bloomfield Park was a no because of two weddings that will be held in the park during the dates he has requested.  Dexter Park and Recreation office has not gotten back to him, American Legion wants $125 per night to rent and I can't do that.  "I am going to put it in your hands and since it is for the County, I am leaving it in your hands to find me a place.  You all know of places and have an influence over the people," stated McKain.

Dale Moreland with Castor Township

Sally Cato, representing the Blackshare Family who owns the property in question is requesting that the County remove County Road 570 as a designated road in Castor Township.  A gate was put up more than 20 years ago because the road goes through a swamp area and since 1998 there has not been any road maintenance since the railroad took over.  The land has been designated as a wetland by the state of Missouri and the family that has owned this property has since the 1800s and want to protect the land.

There is a procedure to "close" a road which takes signatures of 12 people and an application as well as the Castor Township Board would have to be agreeable.  Then a public hearing.

Cato presented a MO State Statute 228.190 and 228.110 states that if no one has done anything for 5 years then you don't have to do this process.  Mathis stated, "We will take the statute and get legal advice on the procedure."  Moreland said the Castor Board will meet and vote and he did not see an opposition of this removal as a road.

Update on the ARPA request by Castor Township to asphalt roads.

"We bought the asphalt machine and we then found out that we needed new tracks.  It will cost $22,000 to replace the tracks.  That's why we need to have someone to asphalt the roads and don't have the money to replace the tracks on the asphalt machine," stated Moreland.

Mr. C.D. Stewart left the meeting at 9:45 a.m. to attend a funeral.

10:00 a.m. Open Bids/Letting of the Depository Bid

Four bids were received

1.  Southern Bank  

2.  First Midwest Bank  

3.  First State Bank & Trust 

4.  Bank of Advance 

"All bids will be reviewed collectively as a group. Then at that time we will vote and choose a bank.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me," commented Mathis.

Josh Speakman, County Collector, has offered to make a spreadsheet to help with choosing the bank.

No official closing of the Opening of the Bids portion of the meeting.

John McCarty, Arch Brokerage Insurance 

Health EZ end of the emergency for COVID-19.  Insurance wants to know how to process claims going forward since the national emergency is considered over.  Will COVID-19 tests be covered yes or no.  If they choose no, then the plan will have to be amended.  

No further business was conducted.  Meeting adjourned without motion around noon time.

Last Updated on April 25th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting - Monday, April 17, 2023
April 18th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting - Monday, April 17, 2023

The Stoddard County Commissioners opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance at 9 a.m. in the Commission Chambers.

Doug Lowery/Duck Creek Township

Mr. Lowery was requesting an update on the ARPA Funds; however Katelyn Lambert from Bootheel Regional Planning Commission was unable to attend today's meeting.  She will get with him on an update.

Beau Bishop/Stoddard County EMA Director

He was supposed to present information regarding the ARPA Funds requests.  Mrs. Lambert will call him today and get information from him.

Stars & Stripes Museum Request for Land

Sue Tippen came in and requested more land of about 7 acres on February 14, 2023.  "We need to be deciding on this in the next few weeks," commented Mathis.  "We need to get with the Assessor's office and look at the maps."

William Dowdy, Maintenance

William is having RL Persons to come in and look at the leaks in the old courthouse.  They have repaired the roof before and will access the new leaks and see what it is going to cost to repair.

Colter Gabler/Smith & Company

Bridges on County Roads 766 and 752.  He has ordered survey and drilling on 076 and will get authorization on the second bridge 075 soon.  He was just updating the Commission on the two bridges they have signed a contract for them to rebuild.

Closed Meeting

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis made a motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to RMSo: Section: 610.021 (19) (Impair the County's ability to protect security, specifically cyber security) at 10:15 a.m.

Mathis stated that they had some questions and that Alan Hedrick would get the information to them as soon as possible.

Commissioner Mathis ended the Closed Session and opened the regular meeting again at 11:00 a.m.

Motion to accept the Earthquake Insurance with CountyWide Insurance/Levitt Group $141,500 with a $500 policy fees Risk Insurance Brokers.   

Motion to accept the minutes from April 10, 2023 by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  Seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All three in favor.  Motion passed.

Mathis had to leave the meeting early.  

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Commissioner Jarrell at 11:58 a.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Stewart. Both voted yes and motion passed.

Last Updated on April 18th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Bus. 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Roadside Improvements
April 11th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Bus. 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Roadside Improvements

Business 60 in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews trim the trees along the roadside. 

This section of roadway is located from Specialty Drive to West Oak Street in Dexter, Missouri. 

Weather permitting, work will take place Tuesday, April 18 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area. 

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT 

Last Updated on April 11th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Route 114 in Stoddard County Reduced for Pavement Repairs
April 11th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Route 114 in Stoddard County Reduced for Pavement Repairs

Route 114 in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform pavement repairs.   

This section of roadway is located from Route 25 to County Road 717 in Dexter, Missouri. Weather permitting, work will take place Wednesday, April 12 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.  

The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area. 

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT 

Last Updated on April 11th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commission Releases Additional ARPA Funds as New Requests Come In
April 05th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Releases Additional ARPA Funds as New Requests Come In

The Stoddard County Commission meeting opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Alligience by Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis.

New Lisbon Township, Terry Bates

The Soybean Association has requested $12,000 returned after it was determined the the use of the money was not compatible with the requirements of its use. The money was to be for bridge repair in the New Lisbon Township. 

The county asked if the money could be used for a box culvert replacement. It will go toward the box culvert along with $48,000 0f the original $120,000 ARPA fund request. The commission released the $48,000 for the replacement of the box culvert.

Water District #2, Bill Knoderer Secretary/Treasurer

"I have here to ask for $100,000 from ARPA funding.  I have a copy of the bid for the metering system as well as a bid from MRWA for the software billing system," stated Bill Knoderer, Water District #2 Treasurer/Secretary.  

"Water District #2 needs a complete upgrade our metering system and software billing system," stated Knoderer.  They also need to have MRWA do a rate study.  They haven't  increased rates until last month because it did not have a cap on it."How many feet of pipes do you supply?" asked Presiding Greg Mathis.  "Do you pump your own water?  Do you have your own treatment plant?"

"We have 40,000 feet of line in the ground of which goes about 2 miles outside of Bell City up through Painton and Perkins, all the way up to Randalls.  It covers water meters in both Scott and Cape Counties as well." commented Knoderer.  

Presiding commissioner Greg Mathis said the estimates will be given to Katelyn Lambert with Bootheel Regional planning. Lambert will consult with the legal team and determine if the project can be covered by the ARPA funds. Lambert said there may also be some grants to assist with this project as well.

Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission

"I met on Friday with Lambert to get the annual report completed for ARPA Funds," stated Mathis. "I was unable to log in."

The old Administrators for the log in are Josh Speakman, Stoddard County Collector, and Danny Talkington former Stoddard County Presiding Commission.  Mathis was unable to log in at that time so the idea is to get Speakman to help with getting him on the log in.  They were able to complete the report and submit.

Currently if the Commission were to disburse all ARPA funds requested they would be in the red in the amount of $218,951.00.. However, some entities who have applied for ARPA funds have applied for grants. If these grants are awarded additional ARPA funds could be freed up. The County received $5,637,766.00 in ARPA money in 2021 and 2022. To date the Commissioners have paid out $607,829.38. 

The city of Advance and Bell City are also looking at getting CDGB grants and that may free up some of the ARPA funding.

The Commissioner voted in 2022 to add interest back quarterly from the money market accounts.  To date $65,248.14 have been added from interest.

Originally the interest on the ARPA money was placed into general revenue and not back into the ARPA account.  Commissioner Jarred fought to put the money back into the ARPA account.

Motion to release $450,000 of ARPA Funds to the city of Bloomfield to update their sewer lines made by Jarrell.  Seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All three voted yes.  This request was made on March 6, 2023.  

Motion to approve $247,000 of ARPA Funds for Water District #4 made by Jarrell.  Seconded by C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes.  Motion passed.  The request was made August 30, 2021.

Motion to approve $48,000 for New Lisbon which was requested on March 27, 2023 to replace a box culvert made by C.D. Stewart. Seconded by Jarrell.

Update on the Generator

We have received a reply from HMN.  The Commissioners will have to have a meeting to discuss further legal action.

Clock Update

No update on the clock.  

Old Pharmacy Building

Mathis has contacted a HVAC company to see what is wrong with the system and see if it can be fixed.  A new boutique and potentially a coffee shop might be going in that building as well.

Opioid Money and Reporting Update

Mathis and Cecil Weeks, Stoddard County Clerk, met on March 31, 2023 and signed the necessary paperwork for reporting the funds received on behalf of the county.   The county was awarded monies as part of a legal settlement.

The Commission went into a closed session around 11:15 a.m. no further details on what time the meeting ended or if they went back into regular session at this time.

Last Updated on April 05th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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