Local News

March 23rd 2023 by Dee Loflin


Alexander County, Illinois and Mississippi County, Missouri

Cairo, IL - The Illinois Department of Transportation would like to alert motorists traveling in the Cairo area that the US 60/62 bridge over the Mississippi River will be closed to all traffic.

Critical issues were discovered during the Routine Inspection that started March 13, 2023.  The bridge will remain closed until a plan can be developed and implemented.

Message board will be in place to direct traffic.

Last Updated on March 23rd 2023 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, March 20, 2023
March 20th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, March 20, 2023

The Stoddard County Commission meeting opened with a Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Presiding Greg Mathis.

Health Insurance Update

Closed session was held on Friday, Mr. John McCarty from Arch Brokerage, Cecil Weeks and his staff along with the Commissioners discussed the insurance.  They will work with the insurance company to reconcile the census each month. No further discussion.

Steve Jordan Termination Update

As of last week, Mr. Cecil Week's has not received any information or letter from Jordan's attorney.   "We will leave that alone for the time being," commented Mathis.

Letting of Depository Bid (4) Year Term

Motion to approve Letting of Depository Bid (4) Year Term to be placed in the newspaper and send a letter to all the banks in Stoddard County made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  Seconded by Commissioner Greg Lintz.  All three voted yes.

"We will send a letter to the banks," stated Mathis.  "It will also be placed in the newspaper."  It must be approved by 10:00 a.m. April 24th with a start date by July 1, 2023 made by 

VanGuard Computer Systems

The VanGuard Appraisals, Inc. Computer Systems 5 year contract extension request was presented by Dan Creg, Assessor.   The Assessor's office uses this system for everything in their office.  The cost is $93,025.00 for the 5 years.  There is also a 5 year Service Contract totaling $19, 250.00.

Motion to allow Assessor, Dan Creg, to enter into a 5-year contract with VanGuard Appraisals, Inc. for their computer systems made by Commissioner Greg Lintz.  Seconded by Jarrell.  All three voted yes.

Dale Moreland, Castor Township

Castor Township will be applying for ARPA Funds.  County Road 413 needs much repair including asphalt.  For a cost of $100,000 Causey Asphalt said they could do about 3/4 of a mile.  Mr. Mathis stated that it would have to bid out via the newspaper and that Mr. Moreland needed to get a letter of request to Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission of what exactly what Castor Township plans to do with the monies requests.  Then get approval from the attorney if this is a good project or not.

Motion to accept the meeting minutes from the Regular Session on March 6, 2023.  Jarrell made the motion, seconded by Lintz.  All three voted yes.

Motion to accept the meeting minutes for the Regular Session on March 13, 2023 made by Lintz.  Seconded by Jarrell.  All three voted yes.

Motion to accept the meeting minutes for Closed Session on March 17, 2023 made by Jarrell.  Seconded by Lintz.  All three voted yes.

Plans to have Commissioner Appointed C.D. Stewart potentially sworn in at the next meeting.  The Senate has been out on Spring break and do not convene until March 20th in the afternoon.  The Committee has approved him, but the Senate has not had the opportunity to vote yet.

Motion to approve the Adds & Abates for February 2023 from the Collector's Office made by Commissioner Jarrell, Seconded by Commissioner Lintz.  All three voted yes.

Commissioner Jarrell left the meeting early to represent the County Commissioners at the GoSEMO Fiber event in Sikeston.  SEMO Electric Cooperative has been awarded 3 broadband grants to expand services in rural Southeast Missouri (see attached press release).   An official award announcement at the cooperative offices with the MO Broadband Office director and staff has been scheduled for Monday, March 20th  at 11:30 a.m.

Sawyer Smith, Prosecuting Attorney

Mr. Smith has requested to add a glass window inside the Prosecuting Attorney's office.  This will be on the Agenda for next week. Mathis states he may ask other office holders if they would like the same in their office.

Mr. Smith also presented the Commissioners with a potential source for a grant for Child Sex Crimes advocacy and investigation.  The grant is capped at $100,000 and is an ARPA Fund Grant through the State of Missouri.    The grant can be used to hire additional employees for support to prosecute Child Sex Cases.  The grant opened on March 13, 2023 and is open until May 13, 2023. This would  be a part-time position and save the taxpayers in Stoddard County.

Since Mrs. Jarrell had left the meeting Mr. Mathis wanted her to have an opportunity to look over the document submitted by Smith.  Mr. Smith requested a special meeting by the Commissioners this week to approve the grant proposal.  Mr. Mathis will consider this once he has additional information as the document given is not all the information, but a Terms and Conditions for Contractor Receipt of Federal ARPA SFRF Funds and not the actual application for the grant.

Motion to adjourn at 12;01 p.m. by Lintz, seconded by Mathis.  Both voted yes to adjourn the regular meeting.

Last Updated on March 20th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, March 13, 2023
March 20th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, March 13, 2023

The Stoddard County Commissioners opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for our county.

City of Dexter Update:

Dexter City Administrator Dave Wyman asked the commission to enter into an agreement for the $800,000 ARPA Funds for the new hotel project.  He said both the city aldermen and the Commission are required to enter into this agreement for the ARPA Funds for the sewer.

Motion to accept the intergovernmental cooperative agreement for $800,000 for ARPA funds for the city of Dexter.  Commissioners Carol Jarrell made that motion.  Seconded by Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis..  Both voted yes and signed the agreement.

Ivan Schrader Update:

“As you all are aware a warrant (also known as a payment voucher) was given to the Treasurer’s office at the end of 2022 in the Sum of $4730.18 check number 50196 drafted in 2022 budget, for the Treasurer to sign a check and release funds for an Invoice resulting in legal fees Ivan Schrader Law Firm performed,” said Speakman. “At the time I was given conflicting opinions of the legality of releasing these funds. (commissioner, county counsel, and retained counsel).”

Josh Speakman stated, "I was given conflicted opinions on dispersing the check to Ivan Schrader.  I reached out to the Attorney General.  State Statute 49.070  I then reached out to the County's legal team, Mr. Sawyer Smith.

"What fund did this come out of," asked Mathis.  Speakman said you would have to look at the voucher.  

The Collector's only obligation was to either release the funds or not.  

"Ivan Schrader should not have been called in the first place," stated Jarrell. " We had another attorney that we voted for to represented the County.  Spending another  $4,730.18 out of the taxpayers money is awful.  Cecil Weeks and Danny Talkington should have never called Schrader and gotten involved.  We should have hired Travis Elliot, who is the County's attorney on record,

 Speakman said he then signed the check and it has since cleared the bank.


I believe there are some issues with COBRA.  The County just got COBRA information two weeks ago; however some employees retired or terminated employment as far back as January 1, 2023. County employees who served 20 + years and have not reached the age of 65 can continue to be on the Healthcare Plan," Mathis said. "They do not have to COBRA."

$783.74 is what Pam Wheeler, County Clerk's office who handles the insurance and Human Resources duties had on record for Retiree's to pay; however one retiree who attended the meeting said she was paying $776.21.  

COBRA folks to send check tot he COBRA administrator.  Any monies that people have paid to the Treasury.  They need to be paying to the COBRA administrator.

We didn't have a COBRA administrator prior to 1/1/2023 per Cecil Weeks so former employees were paying directly to the Treasurer/Collector's office.  Since they now have a COBRA Administrator who is a third party to the insurance company the former employees were to pay them directly for continuation of coverage.  They were never told this and have been paying Speakman's office.

"We did not have COBRA until last week," stated Pam Wheeler. "Once we put a spreadsheet we discovered there were two different amounts."

Speakman asked, " What do we do with the revenue that has already been taken in for a retiree or terminated employee?"

Also the number the Clerk's office has for the number of employees is different than what Arch Brokerage/HealthEZ is charging and has not been right for the invoicing for the past three months.

Weeks stated that they have not been reconciling each month with an updated employee census, but they needed to start.  He also said that they have refunded the County and prorated employees; however the invoice do not clearly show those changes.

The COBRA premium was set under the plan with Arch Brokerage at  $731.11 for each employees and COBRA is $776.21.

"Bottom line, I am calling Arch Brokerage and find out what is going on," stated Mathis. "We will have Speakman, Weeks, Wheeler, myself, Jarrell, and Stewart on this conference call!"

"I think we are trying to kill a mouse with a hand grenade.  So we will get this taken care of this week," continued Mathis.

"I am showing 59 employees and Wheeler is showing 69 employees with the HealthEZ," commented Speakman.  "Pam looked att he census this morning and they still haven't taken some people off."

Human Resources

Mr. Week's office handles the Human Resources duties for the county, all the paperwork, insurance, benefits, liability insurance, etc.  He and Wheeler stated that they do not get new hires and termination information timely from the sheriff's department.  

Before a new employees starts he/she is come to the Clerk's office and fill out new hire paperwork.  Also as soon as that employees is terminated or quits information must be sent over to the Clerk's office timely not two weeks later.

"We will get with the Sheriff's department and get this cleared up," stated Mathis.

Outlaw Report for Tax Year: 2017

Speakman brought in the Outlaw Report for Personal Property Taxes that is from 2017 to write off about $40,000 which is down by 20% over the past years.  This is on people who have passed away or moved out of the area.  Motion to accept the Outlaw Report for Tax Year ending in 2017 made by Commissioner Jarrell.  Seconded by Mathis.  Both voted yes.

Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission

The staff had a meeting for the rural broadband for Puxico School District.  They reiterated that they are working on the Engineering Report.  Once that is completed they will put out for bid.

City of Bloomfield's ARPA funding request is a good request for the $400,000.  

City of Advance has completed their administrative proposals and have applied for the CDGB Grant.  

Lambert asked if the Commission could sign a contract to request an additional $47,796.00 for a CDGB Grant for the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission building project.  Motion made by Jarrell.  Mathis seconded it.  Both voted yes.

Hazard Mitigation Plan for Stoddard County Resolution No. 02-2023

Motion to accept the Hazard Mitigation Plan update made by Commissioner Jarrell.  Seconded by Mathis.  Both voted yes.

The Resolution stated the Stoddard County Commission adopting the Stoddard County 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.

Whereas the Stoddard County Commission recognizes the threat that natural hazards pose to people and property within the Stoddard County Commission and no community is immune from hazards whether it be tornado/severe thunderstorm, flood, severe winter weather, drought, heat wave, earthquake, dam failure, or wildfire and recognizes the importance of enhancing the ability to withstand natural hazards as well as the importance of reducing the human suffering, property damage, interruption of public services and economic losses caused by those hazards; and

Whereas the Stoddard County Commission has participated in the preparation of a multi-jurisdictional local hazard mitigation plan, hereby known as the 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, hereafter referred to as the PLAN, in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000; and

Whereas the Stoddard County commission recognizes that land use policies have a major impact on whether people and property are exposed to natural hazards, the Stoddard County Commission will endeavor to integrate the PLAN into the comprehensive planning process; and

Whereas adoption by the Stoddard County commission demonstrates their commitment to hazard mitigation and achieving the goals outlined in the PLAN.

In accordance with the Stoddard County policies, the Stoddard County Commission adopts the final FEMA-approved plan for Stoddard County for the purpose of building a safer community by reducing natural hazard vulnerability.

Advertising Letter of Depository Bid (4) Year Term

The County Clerk drafts the Depository spec information and Mathis asked for a copy during the meeting.

The Clerk's office will send out a letter to each bank in the County.  The Commission will open the bid and talk to the banks and then decide.  This is in reference to checking and savings account for the County.

Mrs. Jarrell had to leave at 11 a.m. so it will be voted on next week.  The Commission has until late April to make a decision so they have plenty of time to get the information out to the banks.

C.D. Stewart, New Stoddard County Commissioner

The committee did approve his appointment and now it goes to the main floor of the Senate.  The Senate will be back in session on March 20, 2023.  Once his confirmation is voted on when they return from spring break then he will be sworn in at the Commission Chambers.

Update on Generator for Sheriff's Department

The letter will be made today, certified and they will have 10 days to respond once received.

Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m. 

Last Updated on March 20th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commission Meeting - March 6, 2023
March 06th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting - March 6, 2023

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the meeting as usual with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for county officials.

On the Agenda there was a line item for the Ivan Schrader Legal Update.  Josh Speakman, County Collector, is not available today as he is at a spring conference.  This item will be placed on next week's agenda.

City of Bloomfield

Justin Bell "In 2015 we passed a million dollar bond issue to upgrade the sewer and lagoon projects.  These monies being requested will be towards an additional project."

Somewhere within the city when it rains the water overloads our sewer system.  The City of Bloomfield is requesting funds from the ARPA program to test, repair, and replace items needed for a Sewer Collection System.  The testing would divulge where they have inflow and infiltration issues with excessive rainwater.  When they have a two or three inches of rain their present sewer system which is rated for a discharge of 300,000 gallons per day becomes strained.  The result of such a rain means several of their citizens being unable to use their toilets for approximately three days until the excess water moves through the lagoon system.

The city knows there are areas in our city where rainwater is flowing directly into their lines and by video testing will identify those areas.  They know they will have to insert new lining in approximately 15,000 linear feet of existing sewer lines and maybe more.

Their engineers are also telling the city that they will need to replace at least four manholes and have inserts for approximately 25 more.

The City of Bloomfield is requesting $500,000 from the Stoddard County Commissioners to assist the city in this project.  They have a cost estimate from Smith & Co. available to the Commissioners for review.  The city of Bloomfield had asked for $400,000 in ARPA assistance early on, but it has since been denied based on the federal guidelines set forth and the County attorney has already reviewed that request and was in agreement.

C.D. Stewart, New Commissioner

Mathis stated that Stewart would appear before the Senate at Jefferson City on Wednesday, March 8th for his confirmation as the new Stoddard County Commissioner.   Stewart was appointed by Governor Mike Parson following the removal of Commissioner Steve Jordan.

The Stoddard County Commission had appointed Greg Lintz in the interim until Governor Parson rendered a decision.  Mathis said upon his confirmation Stewart will have a swearing in ceremony during the Commission meeting on Monday, March 13, 2023.

Peter Coutavas, IDASC Director

Coutavas has requested to help a boutique owner in Puxico the ability to rent the old pharmacy in Bloomfield.

Motion the authority given to the IIDASC terms of the lease agreements - No rent for four months, Rent of $150/mo for four months, rent of $250/mo for four months, and notate a new lease for the 2nd year and no security deposit.  Motion made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  Seconded by Greg Mathis.  Lentz Absent.  Both voted yes.

Motion to accept the minutes from Tuesday, February 28th made by Commissioner Jarrell.  Seconded by Mathis. Both voted yes.

Motion to accept the minutes from February 28th, Executive Session made by Commissioner Jarrell.  Seconded by Mathis. Both voted yes.

Minutes from the Executive Session - Stoddard County Commission met for a closed meeting pursuant to RSMo: Section 610.021 (13)

Commissioner Mathis asked for a motion to give financial incentives to Stoddard County Sheriff Office personnel who work when the Stoddard County Government Building and Justice Center are closed fro inclement weather.  A motion was heard from Commissioner Lintz and seconded by Commissioner Lintz and seconded by Commissioner Jarrell.  Vote as follows Lintz No, Jarrell No, Mathis NO, Motion did not carry.   

Commissioner Mathis asked for a motion to give five Stoddard County Sheriff Office employees who were hired after October 1, 2022, a raise equal to new employees performing the same job, after January 1, 2023.  Pay raise will be effective for the pay period February 21, 2023 to March 20, 2023.  A motion was heard from Commissioner Lintz and seconded by Commissioner Jarrell, with no request for discussion.  Commissioner Lintz - Yes, Jarrell - Yes, and Mathis - Yes.  Motion carried.

A motion to close the Executive Session made by Commissioner Jarrell.  Seconded by Lintz.  All three voted yes.

Motion to adjourn at 12:03 p.m. for today's meeting made by Commission Jarrell.  Seconded by Mathis.  Both voted yes. 

Last Updated on March 06th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting for Tuesday, February 28, 2023
February 28th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting for Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for local elected officials and their decisions that they make daily and how it affects our county citizens

Heather Davis, new employee of the County Clerk's office, will be taking minutes at the Stoddard County Commissioners Meeting.

Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission

Bernie potentially wanting to purchase a commercial lawnmower to mow a park in their town.  The would also like to purchase a snow plow attachment for one of their city trucks in the event the region would receive inclement weather in years to come.  This is covered under Government Services until the ARPA Funds and is an allowable expense.

A small business in Puxico is looking to get roof repaired/replaced on their building.  they estimate it to cost around $25,000 from ARPA monies.

Another small business has reached out to Commissioner Mathis asking about ARPA funds for small businesses.

"The current Commissioners will discuss this as we don't have a lot of funds available," commented Mathis.

The previous Commission chose only to give funds for Broadband, Water and Sewer infrastructure and not to local small businesses.  

Motion to approve the minutes for Tuesday, February 21, 2023 minutes made by Commissioner Jarrell. seconded by Commissioner Lentz.  All voted yes.

The 2023 Salary Schedule was distributed.  This information is open to the public and can be obtained from the Stoddard County Clerk's office by request.  Employees were given a 3% raise effective January 1, 2023.

Elected Officials Salaries for 2023:

Presiding Commissioner - $49, 329.72

Associate Commissioner - $47,329.72

Associate Commisser - $47,329.72

County Clerk - $67,582.46

County Treasurer/Collector - $83,234.17

County Recorder - $67,582.46

Prosecuting Attorney - $150,035.00

Coroner - $28,451.50

Assessor - $66,964.45

Sheriff - $90,021.00

Beau Bishop, Emergency Management Director for Stoddard County

Siren Grant was approved federal HMPG grant for $157,500.00, The County would have to ad $17,500.00 to match monies for a total of $175,000 grant.

"I am currently working on the Stoddard County Hazard Mitigation Questioner," stated Bishop. "I will also be attending the NWS Spring Weather Workshop on march 1st in Paducah and then on March 2nd and 3rd I will be in Jefferson City for a MFSMA Tools of Floodplain Management.  I will also be in Portageville on March 16th for an Earthquake Summit."

FEMA has announced that all COVID-19 Disaster Declaration Incident Periods will close on May 11, 2023.  "I will be gathering information to finalize the closing of the Reporting Period."

"We did not receive the grant for the new truck, so we are going to table that for now," continued Bishop. 

At 11:30 a.m. Commissioner Lentz  made a motion to adjourn from the regular meeting and enter into Executive Session: Personnel 610.021 (13).  Seconded by Commissioner Jarrell.  All voted yes.

Last Updated on February 28th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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