The Stoddard County Commissioners began their Monday morning meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance on October 3, 2022.
Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington and Commissioner Carol Jarrell were present.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to select Conexon, an engineering firm out of Kansas City, MO, to be the firm to handle the broadband in the Puxico area. There were a total of four engineering firms who submitted bids. Talkington said they checked on references as well. Conexon was selected on their ability to do the engineering based on an evaluation put in place by the commissioners. The cost of the engineer is unknown at this time. They will draw up the plans for the broadband and bill the County accordingly. Seconded by Commissioner Talkington. Both voted yes.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from September 26, 2022. Commissioner Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yes.
In those minutes they approved the Bank of Advance agreement to handle the County's direct deposit of payroll, voted to delay the selection of the broadband engineers to the following Monday, voted to delay the voting of the Investment Policy until the following Monday, approved the September 19, 2022 minutes. and voted to amend the previous meeting minutes to include ASA Asphalt as the company performing the work for paving Seneca St., Court St., and Viola Street.
Water District #5 News - "I've had the same water leak for over a month. They have been out twice and may have thought it was fixed, but it is not. There is no phone number on the front door of the office for people to call. I would like to know if the water meters were read and if bills are going to be sent out," commented by Debbie Robey, a concerned citizen.
When asked about the update on the Water District #5 board, Talkington stated that it was an ongoing investigation due to the removal of Commissioner Steve Jordan. He has been on the phone with attorneys this week and will bring Commissioner Jarrell up-to-date. He will then contact Brandi Ross at the Water District #5. She is the only remaining board member.
A letter to request Administrative Services bids will be sent out to 23 pre-approved groups that CDBG has on file for them to have the opportunity to bid on the Administrative Services for the Duck Creek Township block grant project. Talking said it was discovered that those agencies needed to be contacted. Those bids will be opened on October 17th. Bids will be due by October 14th. Bids from the public notice in the Dexter Statesman were due on October 5th. Those bids will be opened on the 17th as well.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the Investment Policy presented by the Stoddard County Collector/Treasurer Josh Speakman. Commissioner Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yes. The Investment Policy reflects the principles set forth in RSMO 30.950, 1997 and allows the treasurer to make investments in U.S. Treasuries and securities having principal and/or interest guaranteed by the U.S. government as well as collateralized demand deposits.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to adjourn at 12:05 p.m. Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yes.
The Commissioners entered into closed session at 1:30 p.m. per RSMo: 610.021(12) to interview for EMA Director.
Photo taken in an earlier commissioner meeting in August.