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Sparklight Encourages Customers to Be Aware of Phishing Scams
September 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Sparklight Encourages Customers to Be Aware of Phishing Scams


With phishing scams on the rise, Sparklight® encourages customers to be vigilant about their online safety.

Phishing emails, sent by scammers, appear to be from a trusted source in order to collect confidential account information. Customers may occasionally receive phishing emails that look as if they are from Sparklight or another trusted company, but instead are designed to collect confidential account information. Sparklight will never ask customers for account information via email.

"Scammers and hackers will try to take advantage of any scenario to collect personal information," said Ken Johnson, Senior Vice President of Technology Services. "Unfortunately, that includes preying upon vulnerabilities of consumers during a pandemic. We encourage our customers to always be aware, and exercise caution before clicking links or sharing personal information."

Signs of a suspicious email include:

A sender's email address or URL that points to a different company

Grammatical or spelling errors throughout the email

Requests for personal information or to click on a link

If customers receive suspicious emails that appear to originate from the Sparklight network, they are asked to forward the original email to abuse@cableone.net.

Any suspicious email should be deleted, and users should empty their deleted items folder to ensure the email is completely gone.

More information about phishing emails and online safety can be found at support.sparklight.com.

Last Updated on September 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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Governor Parson Proclaims September 5th - 11th Suicide Prevention Week in Missouri
September 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Governor Parson Proclaims September 5th - 11th Suicide Prevention Week in Missouri

Missouri Governor Mike Parson has proclaimed September 5th - 11th, 2021, as Suicide Prevention Week.

"I am taking a pro-active approach to suicide prevention by learning risk factors and warning signs so we can all work to reduce suicide attempts and deaths," stated Parson.

More than 1,100 Missourians die by suicide each year.  That is an average of person every seven hours.

Since 2009 suicide rates have increased by 27% with Missouri ranked 16th highest in the nation.  

If you know of someone that is immediate crisis contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Missouri has designated the twenty-second day of each month as "Buddy Check 22 Day" to promote education and awareness of the problems of suicide fcing military personnel.

Last Updated on September 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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What Is Labor Day?
September 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin
What Is Labor Day?

The United States Department of Labor notes that Labor Day is a celebration of American workers that dates back to the 19th century (1800s). The day is meant to commemorate the contributions workers in the United States have made to the nation, helping to make it one of the strongest and most prosperous countries in the world.

Who came up with the idea of Labor Day?

Despite the fact that municipal legislation surrounding Labor Day was initially introduced in the 1880s, debate remains as to just who should be credited with proposing a day to honor American workers. Some records suggest that Peter J. McGuire, who served as general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and co-founded the American Federation of Labor, deserves the credit for Labor Day.

However, the Department of Labor notes that many people believe a machinist named Matthew Maguire (no relation to Peter) was the first to propose a holiday honoring workers in 1882. At that time Maguire was serving as secretary of New York’s Central Labor Union, which later adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.

The first Labor Day was ultimately celebrated in New York City on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in accordance with the plans made by the Central Labor Union, which strongly suggests that Maguire does, in fact, deserve the credit for coming up with the holiday.

Why celebrate Labor Day?

Labor Day is worth celebrating because, without the contributions of millions of workers every year, the United States would not be the success story it is and has been for more than 200 years. In addition to the United States, many countries across the globe, including Canada and Australia, have their own versions of Labor Day.

Labor Day weekend might now be seen as the unofficial end of summer. But this Labor Day weekend, celebrants and workers should remember that Labor Day also should be a time to reflect on the value of hard work.

Last Updated on September 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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Southbound U.S. 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Signage Repairs
September 02nd 2021 by Dee Loflin
Southbound U.S. 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Signage Repairs

 Southbound U.S. Route 60 will be reduced to one lane at the One Mile Road exit in Dexter, Missouri as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform signage repairs. 

This section of roadway is located from the North Outer Road to Hickory Hills Road in Dexter, Missouri.

Weather permitting, work will take place Tuesday, Sept. 7 and Wednesday, Sept. 8 from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.

The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT 

Last Updated on September 02nd 2021 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County has 68 New Cases of COVID-19 and Three New Deaths Related to the Virus
September 02nd 2021 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County has 68 New Cases of COVID-19 and Three New Deaths Related to the Virus

Stoddard County Health Center Director, Ben Godwin, has confirmed 68 new cases of COVID-19 since the last update on Monday, August 30, 2021.

He additionally confirmed three COVID-19 related deaths in Stoddard County.

The county now has 222 active cases and 85 COVID-19 related deaths.

Stoddard County has seen 4367 total confirmed case of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.

Broken down by age group the confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic are:

0 to 19 - 654

20 to 29 - 648

30 to 39 - 598

40 to 49 - 662

50 to 59 - 567

60 to 69 - 560

70 to 79 - 403

80-plus - 285

Broken down by gender the county has confirmed 1,943 cases in males and 2,424 cases in females.

As of Thursday, September 2nd Bell City Schools have decided to go to virtual learning for a couple of weeks and have cancelled all fall sports until September 13th.

Last Updated on September 02nd 2021 by Dee Loflin

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