Roadways are getting busier this time of year; don't drive distracted
As parents rejoice and students lament, schools are returning to session across the Show-Me State. Drivers are reminded to slow down and pay attention as more children will be on or near roadways, walking and bicycling to school or waiting for the bus.
In 2019, 19,243 crashes in Missouri involved a distracted driver. These crashes resulted in 79 deaths and 7,634 more people injured, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol statistics.
But it's not just on the roadway drivers need to be cautious. Hurriedly backing out of the driveway without paying attention could lead to serious injury for a child running to catch the bus. Please slow down, use caution and be alert to changing surroundings.
Part of those changing surroundings is the influx of school busses on the road. Remember, it's state law for vehicles in both lanes to stop when a bus has its red warning lights flashing and stop sign extended. Even in situations when opposing traffic is not required to stop, drivers still need to be alert to unexpected obstacles.
Those busses, parents driving kids to school and teachers commuting means roads will be busier than they have been the past few months. Never use your cellphone when driving. And set a good example for your young passengers by making sure everyone in the vehicle is bucked in.

Work zones to take a "brake" for holiday weekend
MoDOT will limit road construction Labor Day weekend due to increased traffic; however, reduced speed limit signs will still be enforced.
Most maintenance and construction projects that would impact traffic will be suspended Friday, Sept. 3rd and resume the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 7th.

Missouri Route 25 in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform drainage repairs.
This section of roadway is located from Route AC to Mary Street in Bloomfield, Missouri.
Weather permitting, work will take place Tuesday, Aug. 31 and Wednesday, Sept. 1 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.
For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT

Route N in Stoddard County will be closed as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform pavement repairs.
This section of roadway is located from Highway 91 to Route Y.
Weather permitting, work will take place Tuesday, Aug. 31 from 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Open to local traffic only.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.
For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT

Stoddard County, MO - Ben Godwin, Director of the Stoddard County Health Department has confirmed 76 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday afternoon.
The county now sits at 214 active cases, 81 deaths and a grand total of 4,246 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.
Age Group Breakdown:
0-19 615
20-29 628
30-39 586
40-49 645
50-59 559
60-69 536
70-79 395
80 and over 282 cases
The Stoddard County Health Dept has broken down by gender as well. There have been 1,896 confirmed cases in males and 2,350 cases in females.
The updated information on the nursing facility outbreak is 56 total confirmed cases with 11 active cases among residents, 5 among staff and 6 deaths.
Godwin also released a community breakdown of active cases.
These numbers do not include the nursing facility outbreak:
Dexter 102
Bernie 23
Bloomfield 20
Puxico 19
Advance 16
Essex 10
Dudley 7
Bell City 3
Oran 2 (some rural Oran addresses are located in Stoddard County) and Parma 2.
If you have questions please call (573) 568-4593. The Stoddard County Health Dept is located at 1001 North Highway 25 Bloomfield, MO 63825