Local News
Crickets Tell the Temperature in Warm Weather
July 07th 2019 by Dee Loflin

Crickets tell the temperature in warm weather
MDC education consultant recommends teaching children this fun summer trick.
Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) naturalists say a fun activity for children during summer break is to listen for crickets and determine the temperature.
“Summer is such a wonderful time to help children fall in love with nature,” said Bridget Jackson, a MDC education consultant. “The weather gets warm, we spend time outdoors and it’s just natural for us to interact with wildlife during the summer months.”
When people think of watching wildlife, they may think about birds, deer, or turkeys, but Jackson says Missouri has many insects, like crickets, that are just as interesting and just as beautiful as other wildlife.
“By listening to cricket sounds, you can teach your children to calculate the temperature,” Jackson said. “Once they catch on, children will really enjoy this trick and remember it for years.”
A male field cricket will make a slow series of chirps on warm nights to attract a mate, when the temperature is around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Usually, they’ll chirp about two or three times per second. The formula to convert cricket chirps to degrees Fahrenheit can be found in the Old Farmer’s Almanac. First, count the number of chirps that occur within 14 seconds, then, add 40 to the number of chirps and the sum will tell you what the temperature is. For example, if the cricket chirps 30 times in 14 seconds, you would add 40 to the 30 chirps and know that the temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fall Field crickets are found in summer and fall mainly in grassy habitats, feeding on plant and animal matter. Though crickets can sometimes damage vegetable crops, they also bring a benefit by consuming the eggs and pupae of pests and scavenging dead insects.
“Insects perform so many important functions, like breaking down decaying matter, keeping soil healthy and serving as a food source for other animals in the food chain,” Jackson said. “We couldn’t survive without them.”
Last Updated on July 07th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Route T Closed for Bridge Replacement
July 07th 2019 by Dee Loflin

Route T in Stoddard County will be closed as contractor crews replace a bridge over Turkey Creek.
This bridge is located between County Road 295 and County Road 297.
Weather permitting, work will begin Monday, July 15 and re-open Monday, Sept. 30.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.
For additional information, contact Resident Engineer Donald Hills at (573-840-9781) or MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636
Last Updated on July 07th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Police Department Mourns Loss of K9
July 07th 2019 by Dee Loflin

It is with deep sadness the Dexter Police Department announces the passing of our beloved Police Canine Bard. Bard underwent a surgery on June 27, 2019 regarding a piece of metal in his paw. The surgery went well, and Bard was at home recovering with his handler. During the evening hours on 0613012019, his handler discovered Bard deceased in his kennel.
On July 1, 2019, the Dexter Veterinary Clinic performed the Necropsy where it was discovered Bard had an infection of his intestines, resulting in vomiting which led to him aspirating, causing the death of Bard.
After the investigation and the results of the Necropsy, no foul play was suspected, and this is an unfortunate event.
The Dexter Police Department would like to express sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Stoddard County Coroner Kenny Pope, Greg Mathis with Rainey Mathis Funeral Homes and The Dexter Veterinary Clinic for going beyond the scope of their professions to assist our department during this difficult time.
Please keep Officer Forkum and the Dexter Police Department in your thoughts and prayers.
Last Updated on July 07th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Bootheel Recycling Price Sheet - June 26, 2019
June 27th 2019 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - "Bootheel Recycling is a Missouri scrap metal recycling company whose customer base includes regional utility companies, large manufacturing businesses, tool and die shops, local Dexter scrap dealers, haulers, farmers and individuals across Southeast Missouri and Arkansas."
"We comply vigilantly with the laws set forth by OSHA, EPA, federal and Missouri. Our scrap metal recycling policies are honest and transparent. Our scales are certified yearly and calibrated twice a year. We belong to the Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. We are OSHA 10 certified. We have the highest graded material in the industry."
"We buy most forms of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, scrap iron, radiators and catalytic converters. Please consult our Scrap Metal Selling Guide to find out more about how to sell scrap metal, and how to get the most money for your scrap metal. The best indication of our success is our loyal customer base. We are nice people with good business practices. We have a very high level of return business, and our new customers often come to us by way of referral."
"Our friendly customer service staff will ensure that your recycling experience is simple and hassle-free. Our modern and streamlined processing system allows us to offer competitive prices. Please contact us today if you would like to inquire about our services."
Last Updated on June 27th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Yard Sale Thursday and Friday in Dexter
June 26th 2019 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - Large yards sale at Rinehart Storage Units on Thursday, June 27th and Friday, June 28th beginning at 7 a.m.
Rinehart Storage is located just off the north outer road behind Rinehart Insurance and across the highway from Wal Mart.
There will be lots of furniture, home decor, girls clothing and boys clothing, women sizes 6-10 clothes/shoes, kids toys and American Girl items. Also teacher items!!
If you would like to advertise your Yard Sale or Garage Sale the cost is only $15.00 for an ad on the ShowMe Times. Send an email to Dee Loflin at news@showmetimes.com and she will get you an ad out to thousands of people in Stoddard County!
Last Updated on June 26th 2019 by Dee Loflin