Local News
Yard Sale Thursday and Friday in Dexter
June 26th 2019 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - Large yards sale at Rinehart Storage Units on Thursday, June 27th and Friday, June 28th beginning at 7 a.m.
Rinehart Storage is located just off the north outer road behind Rinehart Insurance and across the highway from Wal Mart.
There will be lots of furniture, home decor, girls clothing and boys clothing, women sizes 6-10 clothes/shoes, kids toys and American Girl items. Also teacher items!!
If you would like to advertise your Yard Sale or Garage Sale the cost is only $15.00 for an ad on the ShowMe Times. Send an email to Dee Loflin at news@showmetimes.com and she will get you an ad out to thousands of people in Stoddard County!
Last Updated on June 26th 2019 by Dee Loflin