Dexter Police to Participate in Click It or Ticket Enforcement
Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Police will be joining with statewide law enforcement May 22 – June 4 for an aggressive “Click It or Ticket” mobilization to crack down on Missouri’s seat belt violations.
Six out of 10 people killed in Missouri traffic crashes are unbuckled. And even with all the advancements in automobile safety and education on the importance of seat belt use, Missouri’s seat belt use has remained relatively unchanged in the last six years and consistently below the national average.
Missouri has an 81 percent seat belt use, which is well below the national average of 88 percent. Teens and pick-up truck drivers are among those least likely to buckle up at 70 and 69 percent.
“Every day someone dies in a crash in Missouri because they weren’t buckled up,” said Chief Stone. “We will be pulling out all the stops to ensure motorists are buckling up.”
Seat belt use is the single most effective way to protect people and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes.
Buckle Up and Arrive Alive. For information on Missouri seatbelt usage, visit www.saveMOlives.com.

Route ZZ in Stoddard County Reduced for Construction Project
Route ZZ in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane with a 10 foot width restriction as contractor crews extend the box culverts and overlay the roadway.
This section of roadway is located from Route 60 to Route H.
Weather permitting work will be performed Monday, May 15 through Friday, July 14 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.

Stoddard County, Missouri - Crews with PWSD 4 work to repair a 6 inch water main break near the end of Hwy AD Sunday afternoon.
Repairs were delayed most of the day because on call utility locate personal were unable to respond due to high water issues across southeast Missouri.
Photo by Tim Fowler.

Jefferson City, Missouri - In response to flooding and the state of emergency declared over the weekend, the Missouri Department of Transportation will allow heavier than normal truckloads of rock, sand and gravel to travel on Missouri highways.
The allowance will help get flood-fighting supplies to communities and expedite needed repairs of roads, levees, railroads, etc.
While the waiver is in effect, private and for-hire motor carriers may carry up to 10 percent more than their licensed weight on Missouri highways.
The waiver will remain in effect for through May 31. While the waiver is in effect, participating motor carriers are limited to:
• A loaded, gross weight no greater than ten percent (10%) above the gross licensed weight of the commercial motor vehicle;
• Transportation of rock, sand and gravel only within the State of Missouri;
• Drivers must obey posted bridge weight limits;
• When crossing a bridge, the driver must restrict the vehicle speed to no more than thirty miles per hour (30 mph);
• Travel is only allowed on non-interstate highways. NO TRAVEL IS ALLOWED ON MISSOURI INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS.

Stoddard County, Missouri - Route WW in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform pavement repairs.
This section of roadway is located from Route 60 to Route J
Weather permitting, work will take place Tuesday, May 2 through Tuesday, May 16 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.