Dexter, Missouri – There will be a Public Hearing on the 2015-2016 Budget for the City of Dexter, Missouri.
This Public Hearing is open to all citizens of the City of Dexter and will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 1, 2015 at the Municipal Building, 119 Vine Street, Dexter.
A copy of the proposed 2015-2016 Budget will be available for public viewing in the City Clerk’s Office at the City Administration Building, 301 East Stoddard Street, Dexter.

The annual Free Fishing Days give everyone the chance to fish in state waters without a permit, trout permit or prescribed area daily tag during those days.
The Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center has additional fishing opportunities in June. Ages 16 and up are invited to attend a fly fishing program Saturday, June 13.
The program is offered once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Participants will learn the basics of fly fishing and pick up new technical skills such as equipment selection and use, reading the water, matching the hatch, fly casting, fishing techniques and essential knots. A fishing permit is required for this course and registration begins June 2. Equipment will be available for loan during the program.
Fishing programs in June wrap up with the Father’s Day Fish Fry at the Nature Center, Saturday, June 20, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Guests will learn the basics of fishing such as casting, tying a knot, baiting hooks and cleaning fish before sampling fish recipes. Adult supervision is required for ages 5 to 17. Attendees 16 and up must have a valid fishing permit.

Cape Girardeau, Missouri - Gene Magnus has been promoted to director of Information Systems at Saint Francis Medical Center. In this position, he will be responsible for all of Saint Francis’ application software systems, including the new, system-wide Epic electronic medical record.
Magnus started Saint Francis in 2010 as a senior systems analyst in Information Systems. Most recently, he served as a project leader in the same department and was instrumental in the implementation of electronic medical records for Saint Francis employed physicians. Prior to joining the Medical Center, Magnus owned a local computer and telecommunications business.
“Gene comes highly recommended by his peers and has exhibited a strong customer service and ‘can-do’ attitude during his five years at Saint Francis,” said Edward Duryee, chief information officer at Saint Francis. “I am looking forward to working with him in this new role.”
Magnus earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from Southeast Missouri State University and an MBA in healthcare administration from William Woods University. He is a certified project management professional (PMP) and serves on several local nonprofit organizations’ boards of directors.
Saint Francis Medical Center is a 284-bed facility serving more than 650,000 people throughout Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas. Guided by its mission to provide a ministry of healing and wellness inspired by its Christian philosophy and values, the Medical Center has become a progressive, innovative regional tertiary care referral center. Saint Francis’ major service lines, which have received national recognition, include the Neurosciences Institute; Orthopedic Institute; Family BirthPlace, featuring the region’s first Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; Heart Hospital; Emergency and Level III Trauma Center with Convenient Care; Cancer Institute; and Fitness Plus.

Dexter, Missouri - The Lighthouse Children's Church is doing a fundraiser during the 100 Mile Yard Sale weekend. They are renting out spots at $20 a day and 100% of the proceeds goes to sending our kids to church camp.
You can set up Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but not Sunday or Monday. You can call the lighthouse at 624-2500 or Rachel Strickland at 625-9545
Visitors and residents will be out in full force along Route 25 Memorial Day weekend in search of bargains at the 100-Mile Yard Sale, but MoDOT wants you to remember the greatest savings of the event could be a life.
"It's a fun weekend that people look forward to each year," says Traffic Engineer Craig Compas, "but we want people to remember that there's more traffic and more congestion along Route 25 this weekend than any other and drivers need to keep that in mind."
MoDOT will do its part to bring the safety message to the forefront. Message boards will be in place along the route to alert drivers of the unusual traffic patterns and promote safe driving.
"We really want drivers to be alert-to be aware of their surroundings, to be aware of sudden stops and to look for pedestrian traffic," Compas says. "It's a big event locally, and we want everyone to enjoy themselves and be as safe as possible."
For more information, contact Compas at (573) 472-5310 or call MoDOT's Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636).

Missouri AHEC Science & Health Camp for
Middle School & High School Students
ATTENTION ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! Have you ever wondered... What is it like to perform surgery? Work in the ER? Have a career in health care? Stop wondering! Register now for the 2015 Missouri AHEC Science & Health (M*A*S*H) Camps! Learn about science in the field of medicine, nursing, dentistry, and other health care occupations. Participate in hands-on learning activities that include: vital signs, CPR, first aid, suturing, injections, dissections labs, oral health, and more! And YES... have FUN too!
M*A*S*H Camp is a summer day camp held at various locations throughout the area. The following camps will be held this summer:
2015 Middle School M*A*S*H Camps
June 19 – Puxico Junior High School, Puxico, MO
June 30 - East Carter County Middle School, Ellsinore, MO
July 14 - Butler County 4-H Club, Poplar Bluff, MO
2015 High School M*A*S*H Camps
June 2-3 - South Pemiscot High School, Steele, MO
July 30-31 – Sikeston Career & Technology Center, Sikeston, MO
August 6-7 – TRC Nursing & Allied Health Center, Poplar Bluff, MO
All students must complete an application in advance and submit it by the appropriate deadline. The cost of attending a 1 day camp is $10.00 and a 2 day camp is $20.00. Payment should be in the form of a check or money order made payable to SEMO AHEC and submitted with an application. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis and participants accepted will be notified by email.
Information and applications can be obtained by visiting www.semoahec.org/mashcamp or by email from Racheal Baker, SEMO AHEC Program Specialist, at racheal@semoahec.org. Early response is highly encouraged, as capacity is limited for these events.
M*A*S*H* Camp is a collaborative effort of community partners including: the Southeastern Missouri Area Health Education Center (SEMO AHEC), South Pemiscot High School, Puxico Junior High School, East Carter Middle School, Sikeston Career & Technology Center, and Three Rivers College of Nursing & Allied Health. The mission of all academic and community partners in this unique learning opportunity is to provide early exposure and academic enrichment to students who are interested in becoming health care professionals in the Southeastern Missouri region.