Local News

Use MoDOT Tools to Check Road Conditions
December 24th 2012 by Dee Loflin
Use MoDOT Tools to Check Road Conditions
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer


Dexter, Missouri - As many of us find ourselves in the midst of a holiday celebration, we may be facing one additional concern - SNOW and ICE.

Snow and strong winds are in the forecast for a good portion of the state, meaning we should be prepared for the possibility of slick roadways and decreased visibility.  The Missouri Department of Transportation reminds us to use caution and check road conditions before we travel.

MoDOT's Traveler Information Map, at www.modot.org offers current views of road conditions for Missouri interstates and highways.  Conditions for these routes are color-coded to give visitors the information they need at a glance.  Users can zoom in to a particular location, view live weather radar and view images from MoDOT's traffic cameras and message boards.

For those of us who use smartphones and tablets, the recently upgraded Traveler Information App brings the same information to our mobile devices.  We can even create a "My Routes" text report that allows us to make a custom list of the routes we travel the most.  The App is available for free from the iPhone and Android App stores by serching for "MoDOT".

MoDOT also provides road conditions information through their Customer Service Center.  Dial 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636) to speak to one of their expert customer service representatives.  They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Remember while MoDOT works hard to treat and plow our highways as the snow begins to accumulate, it is important to allow extra time for travel and to check road conditions before you head out.  If at all possible try to stay home until the road are clear.


Last Updated on December 24th 2012 by Dee Loflin

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Adoption Day at the Dexter Animal Shelter
December 21st 2012 by Dee Loflin
Adoption Day at the Dexter Animal Shelter
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer

Dexter, Missouri -
  You've put off the thought of getting a dog for Christmas.  The time and energy necessary to own a dog are not a surprise to you.  You look forward to years of loyalty and love from your soon-to-be new best friend from the Dexter Animal Shelter.

Just in time to give a cute little critter a new home for the holiday season, the Dexter Animal Shelter is having an Adoption Day.  This Saturday, on December 22nd beginning at 1 pm and ending at 4 pm the facility will be open for adoptions. 

The Shelter is located at 601 East Grant Street.  The Dexter Animal Shelter also has a Facebook page for postings.  Everyone is welcome to come out and ADOPT A NEW FRIEND!

Last Updated on December 21st 2012 by Dee Loflin

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Students Hold Tribute to Victims in Connecticut
December 20th 2012 by Beth Farrah
Students Hold Tribute to Victims in Connecticut

Written by SMT Writer Beth Farrah, Essex, MO - The Richland High School and Junior High had a busy last day of school before the students were released for Christmas Break. Although everyone was excited for Christmas and the gifts they would give and receive, they all took a good look at the people around them and held a tribute to the students just like them, who were lost in the shooting in Connecticut earlier last week. It’s safe to say that it was a heart touching day for the high school students and the staff members.

The day started off with the first ever Reindeer Games, hosted by Music and Band Director, Amber Duley, to get the kids in the Christmas spirit by wearing tacky Christmas sweaters and playing festive games with a Christmassy feel. The students enjoyed many of the games including the Wreath Relay Race, Snowman Bowling, the Candy Cane String Race, and even a giant ping-pong tournament. The students who finished the Minute to Win It games the quickest received prizes and medals.

While the games were going on, a teacher and a few of her students were out in the back hallway blowing up red balloons. They blew up enough balloons so that each high school student and staff member would be able to have one. On the balloons, they wrote the names of the twenty children that were killed, along with the handful of teachers that risked their lives to save them.

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When the Reindeer Games were finished, the students met in the back hallway near the Bullpen, a closed in outside area in the center of the school, and each took a balloon. The Vice President of FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), Elizabeth Farrah, said a prayer for the hurting families that had lost a loved one. The President of FFA (Future Farmers of America), Baylee Taylor, read a heart touching poem called ‘Twas Eleven Days Before Christmas’, which is a rewritten version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’, that was written the day after the tragedy in Connecticut.

The students gathered in the cold wind in a giant circle with a cloud of red balloons above their heads. Baylee Taylor read off the name of each child and teacher that was written on the balloons and began to read another poem called ‘The Field Trip’, which is also a poem that was dedicated to the children involved on that sad day.

Earlier in the week, on Wednesday, the Richland FCA group went out to the flag pole to return it to its full mass instead of holding their normal meeting in the high school science classroom. The students held a group prayer for the protection of their school and the schools around them and for the families that were hurting in Connecticut. Richland’s superintendent, Frank Killian, gave the group of students some wise words as he raised the flag up to the top of the pole.

“The past will always hurt us,” Killian had announced as the flag moved into the sky, “But today is a new day and we will make it a great one.”

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On the count of three, with those wise words in their minds, the students let go of the strings and watched the balloons float away as many cried again for our nation’s great loss. Even though it is important to know that time will heal each and every one of us, we will always remember the tragic day in Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary School and to pray for the safety of the students that are still in school all across our country.

All pictures above are credited to Janie King

Last Updated on December 20th 2012 by Beth Farrah

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FFA Kids Help the Gospel Mission
December 20th 2012 by Beth Farrah
FFA Kids Help the Gospel Mission

Storm and Chelsey Massey are doing a lot more than just counting down the days until Christmas. They have been counting pounds of meat too! The Stoddard County Gospel Mission has been receiving many donations throughout this holiday season but the Masseys have made a great impact on the families receiving food from the Gospel Mission this year.

Storm, a freshman at Dexter High School and a member of the wrestling team, and his sister Chelsey, a junior at Dexter High School and the current FFA (Future Farmers of America) President of the Dexter chapter, have been raising a hog named “Betty” for the past three years and this was the year that they decided to donate Betty’s meat to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission.

The brother and sister have received a lot of help and support from the community while taking on this huge project. But this is not their first rodeo, in fact, this is the second time that the duo has raised a pig and donated it to the Mission and to local families in need.

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Ed Stole of the Meat Shop helped the Masseys get Betty processed. The seven hundred and thirty-six pound hog was processed and donated five hundred pounds worth of fresh meat to the local mission. The duo has proved to make a great team and their hard work and dedication will definitely be making a difference in the lives of the local families this year.

Last Updated on December 20th 2012 by Beth Farrah

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MSH Gets New Heliport
December 20th 2012 by Dee Loflin
MSH Gets New Heliport
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer

Dexter, Missouri -
Merry Christmas to Missouri Southern Healthcare.  Perhaps a much needed gift arrived early this holiday season.  It had been a long range goal to have a heliport on the property of Missouri Southern Healthcare and now it is a welcomed reality.

For the last several years the hospital has landed the helicopter in the parking lot.  This of course required the assistance of the local police department and the fire department to ensure a safe route for the traffic.  These folks have been amazing to help day or night and the hospital thanks them for their dedication and support.

Through the efforts of Missouri Southern Healthcare employees, Mrs. Kelli Chastain, Jeff Miller and Dennis Hanley they realized the need of the heliport. 

Kelli worked closely with Randy Evertt and other employees of the Air Evac to form a partnership and assist with the funding. 

Kelli also enlisted the support of Rick Shipman and his construction crew to donate their labor for the project.  Mark Stidham and the city crews helped the hospital prepare the site.  It was truly a team effort by all involved.

It is a pleasure and a gift not only for the hospital but for the community who will greatly benefit from this heliport.  It will be easier and safer to transport those that need a higher level of emergency services farther away.

Last Updated on December 20th 2012 by Dee Loflin

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