Local News

Use MoDOT Tools to Check Road Conditions
December 24th 2012 by Dee Loflin
Use MoDOT Tools to Check Road Conditions
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer


Dexter, Missouri - As many of us find ourselves in the midst of a holiday celebration, we may be facing one additional concern - SNOW and ICE.

Snow and strong winds are in the forecast for a good portion of the state, meaning we should be prepared for the possibility of slick roadways and decreased visibility.  The Missouri Department of Transportation reminds us to use caution and check road conditions before we travel.

MoDOT's Traveler Information Map, at www.modot.org offers current views of road conditions for Missouri interstates and highways.  Conditions for these routes are color-coded to give visitors the information they need at a glance.  Users can zoom in to a particular location, view live weather radar and view images from MoDOT's traffic cameras and message boards.

For those of us who use smartphones and tablets, the recently upgraded Traveler Information App brings the same information to our mobile devices.  We can even create a "My Routes" text report that allows us to make a custom list of the routes we travel the most.  The App is available for free from the iPhone and Android App stores by serching for "MoDOT".

MoDOT also provides road conditions information through their Customer Service Center.  Dial 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636) to speak to one of their expert customer service representatives.  They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Remember while MoDOT works hard to treat and plow our highways as the snow begins to accumulate, it is important to allow extra time for travel and to check road conditions before you head out.  If at all possible try to stay home until the road are clear.


Last Updated on December 24th 2012 by Dee Loflin

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