Local News

Holiday Trash Schedule
December 17th 2012 by Dee Loflin
Holiday Trash Schedule
City of Dexter offices will be closed Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th for the Christmas Holiday as well as Tuesday, January 1st for the New Year's Day Holiday.

Trash Schedule for the Christmas Week:

Monday and Tuesday's trash will be picked up on Wednesday.
Wednesday's trash will be picked up on Thursday.
Thursday's trash will be picked up on Friday.

Trash Schedule for the New Year's Week

Monday trash will be on schedule.
Tuesday - Thursday's trash will be one day late.

There will be no bulk or yard waste pick up on Friday.

Last Updated on December 17th 2012 by Dee Loflin

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Rediscover The Mighty Mississippi
December 13th 2012 by Dee Loflin
Rediscover The Mighty Mississippi

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer

Cape Girardeau, Missouri - The Cape Girardeau Nature Center is hosting “Rediscover the Mighty Mississippi” on Saturday, December 15th from 1 pm – 3 pm.  No registration is required and the event is for all ages.

You will spend the afternoon discovering the majestic Mississippi River as you look at maps and letters that tell a tale of its history and origins.  Hopefully, you will walk away with an appreciation of the powerful, yet beautiful treasure we have in the Heartland.

Last Updated on December 13th 2012 by Dee Loflin

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Local Author's Book at Stars and Stripes Museum
December 11th 2012 by Dee Loflin
Local Author's Book at Stars and Stripes Museum

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer

Bloomfield, Missouri - “In The Shadow of Thy Wings” is a fictitious book written by a local author and published by WestBow Press this year.  Sharron L. Willis, now retired, earned her bachelor’s degree in education and now hopes to minister to women of all ages through her writing.

Since her younger days as a teenager, she has enjoyed reading romance novels set in the earlier days of our American history.   She lives with her husband Tom and their poodle/miniature pinscher, Muffin, about 30 miles south of Bloomfield, Missouri.

“In The Shadow of Thy Wings” is about a young woman, Claudia Rose Pickett who lived during the Civil War on a farm near Bloomfield, Missouri.  Her fiancé, Andy, fights for the Union.   While reading this novel, you will experience many of the horrors of the war, including the death of neighbors and family members, the destruction of their homes and the daily fear of living during a war. “In The Shadow of Thy Wings” is their love story.

Sharron Willis has a great love for the Lord and people.  All of the main characters in her book rely on their faith in God, even though they sometimes question Him.

On a recent visit at the Stars and Stripes Museum, Mrs. Sue Mayo suggested this wonderful book, as it is available for sale in their museum.  She stated, “It would make a nice Christmas present for those interested in romance or the Civil War era”. 

The Stars and Stripes Museum is open Monday – Saturday and is a wonderful place to bring students, church groups and people of all ages.  If you would like a tour or would like more information please contact the museum at 573-568-2055.

Last Updated on December 11th 2012 by Dee Loflin

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St. Joe & Trinity Success for Charity & Christ
December 09th 2012 by Staff Writer
St. Joe & Trinity Success for Charity & Christ
Idalia, Missouri - An incredible combined event took place today as the St. Joe General Baptist Youth Group and the Trinity United Methodist Youth decided that working together was a good way to double the action for doing good things.  St. Joe played host to the event as a benefit charity was held for The Ben Kruse 18 Fore Life Foundation.

"Our kids have had many of their family members affected by cancer," commented youth worker Richard Vaughn.  "Our kids just wanted to do something that would do something good for others and a chili lunch became a great idea."

Both Trinity and St. Joe have combined for events in the past, with the most recent being a fun filled day of paintball in Blodgett.  As discussion for the "next" event occurred, the groups found they had a conflict with the planned chili lunch being held at St. Joe.  Rather than competing, the groups worked together to join their efforts in hopes of a multiplying the end results. 

"This worked out really well for us all as we had a great crowd of over 250 for lunch and raised well over $2,000 for 18 Fore Life," noted Loyd Rice. 

Following the lunch fundraiser, the group enjoyed praise and worship music performed by a pickup band from both churches.  Tony Thorn and Buddy Heaton were quick to organize a group that included Pastor Greg Stevens (bass), Delisa Sitze (vocals), Laura Thorn (vocals) and youth group member Joe Rice on the drums. 

/images/2012 Article Pics/Local/SJGBY Mid2a.png"I just love to watch my grandson play the drums," commented Barb Rice.  Her grandson, Joe, has youth on his side but is very talented.

Alan Hedrick introduced the featured speaker as a friend and someone with two strong characteristics, his love for the Christ and a huge smile that spreads joy to everyone. 

Greg McCall was a 3-year letterman at Prattville High School in Alabama.  Notably, the Prattville Lions always found themselves in rival games at the end of each season against the team made famous by the MTV series "Two-A-Days",  the Hoover High School Bucs.  McCall won back-to-back state titles by defeating Hoover his junior year and Spain Park his senior year. 

With a highly successful career in high school, McCall was heavily recruited by several division one schools such as Ole Miss, Hawaii, Southern Mississippi and Louisville.  Due to coaching changes prior to the recruitment season, all roads lead to Arkansas State in Jonesboro, where he became a 4-year letterman as a defensive lineman. 

Greg shared that his life was always surrounded with church.  He noted to the youth that "I was a 'drug' baby".  He continued that "my momma drug me to Sunday School, drug me to church and drug me to prayer meetings on Wednesday nights."

/images/2012 Article Pics/Local/SJGBY Mid3.pngHis life changed greatly as he arrived at A-State and met two important friends in Tom Castilaw and Chuck McElroy.  His relationship with Chuck McElroy proved to be a life changing experience as he was introduced to a deeper understanding of what following Christ was all about. 

McElroy discipled McCall into a lifestyle of living a full life for Christ and bringing others into that same relationship with the Lord.  (2 Tim 2:2)  He encouraged the youth of both churches to seek that deeper relationship and to realize that "there is nothing new under the sun."  He pointed to Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes 1:9 for the youth to reference.

McCall will entering the mission field with Campus Outreach soon at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee (just south of Nashville).  On a campus of 27,000 students at MTSU, Greg is anxious to begin developing friendships with the young people and mentoring them into deeper relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ.

/images/2012 Article Pics/Local/SJGBY Mid1.pngAs a successful athlete at the college level, Greg is often afforded a platform that creates interest from youth.  Greg is a good example for our youth and his willingness to travel to our area to share with our kids was greatly appreciated by all the organizers of the event. 

Campus Outreach requires those called to the ministry develop their monthly income from believers that wish to support his ministry.  Greg is currently at approximately 75% of the necessary monthly support to begin his ministry at MTSU. 

If you have a desire to assist Greg, you can reach him at gmccall@campusoutreach.org or by phone at (334) 451.0960.  You can also click the link below to print a signup form and a pledge card that will be needed to complete your support to him.

Pledge Form:  Click Here

Supporters Information Sheet:  Click Here

Thanks to the God for good men like Chuck McElroy that are driven to build good young men like Greg McCall.  Thanks to God for a young man like Greg McCall that is willing to follow God's leading to go to our college campuses to share the good news of the gospel.  May the blessings of Christ be with him.

/images/2012 Article Pics/Local/SJGBY BOT.png

Last Updated on December 09th 2012 by Unknown

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18 Fore Life & DPR Honors Gaige Willems
December 05th 2012 by Staff Writer
18 Fore Life & DPR Honors Gaige Willems
Article by
SMT Writer Beth Farrah

Dexter, Missouri - The Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes the word ‘community’ as a unified body of individuals. As a unified body, it seems as if we share the same struggles, victories, heartaches, and triumphs throughout our daily routines. People come and go and the community may have its ups and downs, but in the end, we’re still ‘a unified body’.

This is a perfect way to describe Gaige Willems. Gaige is the son of Misti and Gerald Willems and is a fourth grader that attends Dexter Elementary. He is bright and athletic and loves to play basketball.

In 2009, another heartache shook Dexter and the Willems family when they discovered that their son was diagnosed with leukemia. With many prayers, Gaige recovered but we are very sorry to say that the leukemia has recently returned and Gaige must take further treatments.

Gaige has been playing basketball at the Dexter Park and Recreation and that is why when his family, friends, and teammates found out about his recent news, they knew that something needed to be done.

On Tuesday, December 4th, Gaige played his last game for the season with his team at the new DPR building in Dexter. It was a bittersweet moment that was heartfelt and hopeful.

/images/2012 Article Pics/Local/Gaige Mid1a.pngJamie Rowe of Dexter Park and Recreation organized the event in honor of Gaige and his family.  Rowe took the opportunity of handing Gaige a jersey so that he could visually see the support of his teammates and friends.

/images/2012 Article Pics/Local/Gaige Mid2.pngThe jersey is just another way to show Gaige that we are praying, caring, and thinking about him while he goes through this hard time in his life.

Scott Kruse of the Ben Kruse 18 Fore Life Foundation also made an appearance at this special event. Kruse spoke about real champions in the world. They’re not super heroes or NBA all-stars, but they’re people like Gaige Willems, who have survived and thrived even though tough and life changing events have been thrown his way. The 18 Fore Life Foundation is able to support and help people during times of need, just like Gaige and his family. The foundation was created to help people and that is why Gaige was honored at this special basketball game.

Although a basketball jersey doesn’t seem like much, we believe that Gaige will take it to heart and remember that there are so many people throughout this caring community that will reach out to help during his time of need. So, as a ‘unified body’, we hope that Gaige and his family come through this hardship stronger and happier than ever as hundreds of prayers are said for Gaige and his health.

Last Updated on December 05th 2012 by Staff Writer

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