Local News
Holiday Trash Schedule
December 17th 2012 by Dee Loflin
City of Dexter offices will be closed Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th for the Christmas Holiday as well as Tuesday, January 1st for the New Year's Day Holiday.
Trash Schedule for the Christmas Week:
Monday and Tuesday's trash will be picked up on Wednesday.
Wednesday's trash will be picked up on Thursday.
Thursday's trash will be picked up on Friday.
Trash Schedule for the New Year's Week
Monday trash will be on schedule.
Tuesday - Thursday's trash will be one day late.
There will be no bulk or yard waste pick up on Friday.
Trash Schedule for the Christmas Week:
Monday and Tuesday's trash will be picked up on Wednesday.
Wednesday's trash will be picked up on Thursday.
Thursday's trash will be picked up on Friday.
Trash Schedule for the New Year's Week
Monday trash will be on schedule.
Tuesday - Thursday's trash will be one day late.
There will be no bulk or yard waste pick up on Friday.
Last Updated on December 17th 2012 by Dee Loflin