Bernie, MO - This year, the Bernie PTO is bringing back a community favorite, TJ's Pizza out of St. Louis.
TJ's provides delicious products with premium ingredients. Be watching for order forms coming home this week.
If you don't know a Bernie Elementary student and are interested in ordering contact PTO officers; Michelle Masters Aycock, Lori Powell or Brandy New.
Important dates to remember...
KICKOFF - Monday, 8/30/21 this is the official start date.
Note: Please fill out the requested information on the front of your sales sheets.
TURN-IN no later than Friday, 9/9/21 Please return sale sheets to school. Please remember to fill in your name on the front of your sheets.
DELIVERY will be Tuesday, 9/27/21
Pickup from 3-5:00 pm, in the school cafeteria.
Thank you in advance for supporting Bernie PTO!

Bernie, MO - The Bernie School Board of Education met in a regular session meeting on August 9, 2021. Below are the notes from that meeting.
The Board of Education held their annual Tax Rate Hearing before the start of the regular school board meeting on Monday the 9th day of August. The tax rate in the General fund was set at $2.9705 . The tax rate in the Debt Service Fund was held at $.30.
The Principals gave their building reports and Mr. Hicks gave a facility update. Mr. Hicks announced school opening at an operational level 1 and discussed the ESSER III budget application.
The Board approved Program Evaluations on School Climate and Summer School.
The Board accepted the 2020/21 Annual Secretary of Board Report.
Lindsay Beaird presented changes to the Local Compliance Plan and the Board of Education approved the Plan as presented.
The Board approved the financial statement and bills were authorized for payment.
During Executive session, Superintendent Goals were reviewed.
The Board hired Taylor McCallister as a part time custodian.
The substitute employee list for the 2021/2022 school year was approved.
The Board approved adding Darrin Shipman, Brandi Stanley and Dylan Johnson to the Substitute listing.
The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, September 13, 2021.

The Board of Education met in regular session last evening on Monday the 12th of July.
The Tax Rate Hearing was set for 6:45 p.m. on August 9, 2021. Program evaluations on Board Policy and Strategic Planning were approved.
The Board approved re-appointing Tom Mickes as the school legal counsel.
The board approved re-adopting Policy 0342 and approved changes made to Policy 2670.
The board approved the Athletic Handbook as presented and approved changes made to the Staff Handbook.
The board approved purchasing furniture for the Elementary Principal Office and the Superintendent Office and also approved the Tuck Pointing and Sealing of the Annex Gym.
The board approved the financial statement and approved paying bills and replenishing petty cash.
During Executive session:
The Board approved hiring Cheryl Tischer as an Elementary Custodian.