Political Blogs

Steve Jordan Pledges to Support Congressional Term Limits
October 15th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Steve Jordan Pledges to Support Congressional Term Limits

Steve Jordan Pledges to Support Congressional Term Limits

Dexter, MO – U.S. Term Limits (USTL), the leader in the national, non-partisan movement to limit terms for elected officials, is gathering support from state lawmakers across the nation. Its mission is to get 34 states to apply for an amendment proposal convention specific to term limits on Congress. Missouri state house candidate, Steve Jordan (District 151), has committed support for term limits on Congress by signing the term limits convention pledge.

The U.S. Term Limits pledge is provided to candidates and members of state legislatures. It reads, “I pledge that, as a member of the state legislature, I will cosponsor, vote for, and defend the resolution applying for an Article V convention for the sole purpose of enacting term limits on Congress.”

In the 1995 case, Thornton v. U.S. Term Limits, the Supreme Court of the United States opined that only a Constitutional Amendment could limit the terms of U.S. Senators and House Representatives. According to Nick Tomboulides, Chief Executive Officer of USTL, the best chance of imposing term limits on Congress is through an Article V Proposal Convention of state legislatures.

“The Constitution allows for amendments to be proposed by either 2/3 of Congress or 2/3 of the states. While we’d like for Congress to take the high road and propose term limits on itself, we know they are too self-interested to do that without external pressure.” said Tomboulides. “That is why it is important to get buy-in from state legislators,” he added. Once proposed, the amendment must be ratified by 38 states.”

Tomboulides noted, “More than 87% of Americans have rejected the career politician model and want to replace it with citizen leadership. The way to achieve that goal is through a congressional term limits amendment. Steve knows this and is willing to work to make sure we reach our goal.”

According to the latest nationwide poll on term limits conducted by Pew Research, term limits enjoy wide bipartisan support. Pew's analysis states, “An overwhelming majority of adults (87%) favor limiting the number of terms that members of Congress are allowed to serve. This includes a majority 56% who strongly favor this proposal, just 12% are opposed.”

View Jordan's signed pledge here

U.S. Term Limits is the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating solely on term limits. Our mission is to improve the quality of government with a citizen legislature that closely reflects its constituency and is responsive to the needs of the people it serves. USTL does not require a self-limit on individuals. Our aim is to limit the terms of all members of Congress as an institution. Find out more at termlimits.org

*U.S. Term Limits does not endorse candidates. Candidates who sign the pledge endorse term limits.

Last Updated on October 15th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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Governor Mike Parson Proclaims October as Pork Month in Missouri
October 01st 2024 by Dee Loflin
Governor Mike Parson Proclaims October as Pork Month in Missouri

Governor Mike Parson Proclaims October as Pork Month in Missouri 

The official proclamation has been presented to the Missouri Pork Association.

 Governor Mike Parson has proclaimed October as Pork Month in the state of Missouri, in recognition of the high-quality pork produced by Missouri pig farmers and their families. Missouri’s pork industry ranks seventh in the nation with 3.35 million head, producing more than six percent of the U.S. total, and providing nearly $1.4 billion in value.


“We are proud of Missouri pork producers for the work they do each day,” said Governor Mike Parson. “Pork is one of the most nutritious and versatile products on the market, and the industry continues to advance. The swine industry is one that deserves to be celebrated each and every day, especially during Pork Month.”


Tremendous progress has been made in the pork industry through research in genetics, resulting in an economical and nutritious product for today’s consumers. Pork producers across the country continue to make progress in overall sustainability by being more efficient every day.


“As a pork producer myself, I know the commitment it requires to raise healthy, high-quality livestock,” said Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn. “I celebrate the grit and tenacity of Missouri swine producers every day, and I’m appreciative Governor Parson does the same. Thanks to the many producers committed to providing quality pork products to consumers across the globe.”


To learn more about Pork Month and the Missouri pork industry, visit https://www.mopork.com/.

Last Updated on October 01st 2024 by Dee Loflin

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Candidate for Coroner - Re-Elect Brent Stidham
June 11th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Candidate for Coroner - Re-Elect Brent Stidham
Stoddard County, it has been a great honor to serve as your Coroner for the last three years. Coming into this office I had a vision for the position, and I am proud to say that we have made great progress over the last three years. During my term I have worked over 330 death investigations, while also staying under budget every year and saving taxpayers over $36,000. One goal I had coming in to office was to be more public and transparent with the office as well as use my platform to promote positive mental health, suicide awareness, and substance abuse awareness
I have partnered with law enforcement, private entities, and mental health professionals to see that those goals are met. I also continue to keep the public informed by releasing an end of the year report showing taxpayers and citizens exactly what our office is doing on a yearly basis. While some elected officials take their foot off the gas once elected, I have remained committed to serving. 
In this position when I meet you it is usually on the worst day of your life after suffering the loss of a loved one. Knowing that, I always show compassion, empathy, and respect. While also providing a voice for those who no longer have one. 

I truly love my job and love having the opportunity of being able to serve you. While also providing the last line of defense for the deceased to ensure that no stone goes left unturned, and that every death is investigated properly. That is why I am proud to say that I will be seeking re-election this year for a second term as Stoddard County Coroner. I appreciate the support I have received in the past and I ask for your support again as we look ahead to this years election
Thank you and God Bless. 

Brent Stidham 

Last Updated on June 11th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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Charlie Robertson Announces His Candidacy for Stoddard County Coroner
May 15th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Charlie Robertson Announces His Candidacy for Stoddard County Coroner

My name is Charlie Robertson and I am announcing my candidacy for the Stoddard County Coroner in the upcoming term.  My wife, Leslie, and I reside outside of Bloomfield where we have raised our children except for 7 and 1/2 years while I served away and abroad in the United States Army.  I have been back in the area since 1992.

As a Pastor of the Bible Tabernacle Church in Bloomfield, I serve God, His Church and its family.

As an Army Veteran, I have served my country proudly and honorably both on foreign and domestic soil.

If elected as your coroner, I look forward to serving the citizens of Stoddard County.  I truly believe, we were put on this earth to be our brother's keeper by taking care of each others' needs.

I have met many of you by serving and directing funeral services for your loved ones at Watkins and Sons Funeral Home and the same dedication and compassion showed while dong this will be the same action serving as your Coroner.

I am a pro-life Republican and a Bible believing Christian that believes we have a duty to protect all walks of life throughout our county.  All of us at one time have an appointment to face death.  Sometimes we fold our hands, close our eyes and pass from this life peacefully.  Others may pass from an illness, accident or sickness.  There are also some who pass without explanation, it seems at firs, and need a voice to speak for them when they cannot.  It is my belief that all need to be heard, and we have a duty to ensure that peace, answers and tranquility serves them as well.  We all should have a voice no matter what.

I am not running for this position for fame or self recognition - I do not require a "hey look at me mentality", but rather would like to continue to serve all of you.  I would appreciate your support.

I pray that God continues to bless and keep you.


Charlie Robertson

Last Updated on May 15th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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Speakman Completes Missouri County Collectors Association's Annual Training
May 14th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Speakman Completes Missouri County Collectors Association's Annual Training
Stoddard County Collector and Treasurer, Josh Speakman, recently concluded his participation in the Missouri County Collectors Association's annual training for County Collectors, held from April 21st through 25th. Serving as a member of the association's executive board, Speakman actively engaged in a week-long program aimed at professional development, networking, and fostering collaborations to benefit county operations.

Throughout the training, Speakman attended a diverse array of classes and sessions covering topics crucial to county governance and financial management, all with a focus on his conservative approach aimed at saving taxpayers money. These included deep dives into tax policies, workshops on best practices in revenue collection, and discussions on innovative approaches to address challenges faced by county collectors across Missouri, always with an eye toward fiscal responsibility.

Moreover, Speakman seized the opportunity to build relationships with colleagues from other counties, forging connections that will undoubtedly prove invaluable in the exchange of ideas and experiences. By exchanging insights and sharing expertise, Speakman aims to enhance his ability to serve Stoddard County effectively and efficiently, all while keeping the taxpayer's bottom line in mind.

Speakman's active participation in the training underscores his commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in county governance and his dedication to ensuring the highest standards of service for the taxpayers of Stoddard County. Through collaboration and continued learning, Josh remains steadfast in his mission to uphold transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in county operations, delivering tangible benefits to the hardworking taxpayers of Stoddard County.

Last Updated on May 14th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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