Local Schools
Retiring 2023 DHS Homecoming Queen Kate Churchill Escorted by Cameron Bell
September 08th 2024 by Dee Loflin
The 2024 DHS Homecoming Coronation was held at Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, September 6th as the Dexter Bearcat Football Team took on the Sikeston Bulldogs defeating them 48-7.
The retiring 2023 Homecoming Queen Kate Churchill attended the 2024 Queen Coronation. She is the daughter of Dan and Rhonda Churchill.
She graduated last year and is now a nursing student at Three Rivers College in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. She is a member of the USTA, Student Nurses Association, Dexter FPC, TRC Student Leadership Academy, Phi Theta Kappa, and the TRC Honor's Program.
Kate says she is a proud alumni of Dexter High School and hopes to continue to serve her community after college graduation!
She was escorted by Cameron Bell. He is a senior at Dexter High School and is the son of Christian and Mendy Bell.
He is a member of cross country and track & field teams as well as Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Farmers of America, Student Council, Sr. Beta Club, National Honors Society, and Pep Club.
When asked to describe Kate, Cameron said she is, "My glorious queen!"
Last Updated on September 08th 2024 by Dee Loflin