Local Schools
Bloomfield School Board Meets - Set Tax Rate, Approve Substitute Teacher List
August 15th 2024 by Dee Loflin

Bloomfield School Board met and set the Tax Rate as well as approved Substitute Teaching list.
August tax rate hearing and board meeting notes.
The tax rate hearing was held, and the board approved keeping the tax rate at $3.3600 as it has been previous years.
The board approved:
* opening a new bank account to accept online payments through Teacher Ease for lunch account payments.
* Approved Full Maintenance Service Agreement with MSBA.
* Approved Special Education Local Compliance Plan.
* Approved Veregy for Project Coordination and Management.
* Approved various district policies and procedures.
The Board heard reports from all three building principals, and in my report I updated the Board on summer projects, discussed the Board provided lunch on Wednesday, gave the Board an update on the upcoming school year, and introduced the Board to Wayfinder. Wayfinder will be a social emotional learning tool our counselors will utilize with students including a "portrait of a graduate" aspect that will be a great tool for our students.
In executive session, the Board approved:
* Substitute list
* Resignation of Jacob McNeil from Fall Baseball Assistant Coach and Head Junior High Baseball Coach.
* Hired Dennis Graser as Fall Baseball
* Discussed the addition of a School Resource Officer position
Last Updated on August 15th 2024 by Dee Loflin