The regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen of Puxico, Missouri, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall on Thursday, June 27, 2024, by Mayor Rick McLean. The meeting had been postponed from Thursday, June 20, 2024, due to the absence of the mayor and an alderman. When the roll was called, the following members were present: Peter Coutavas, Patti McLean
Travis Stafford, and Candy Williams Alderman Stafford led the group in prayer and Mayor McLean led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under announcements, Alderwoman Williams reported to the Board on what she had learned at the Missouri Municipal League’s elected officials training conference that she had attended in Columbia, Missouri, the first part of June.
The agenda was discussed. After discussion, Coutavas moved that the agenda be adopted as presented. P. McLean seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams
The May 16, 2024, regular meeting minutes were reviewed. Coutavas moved that the minutes of the May 16, 2024, regular meeting be approved. Stafford seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams
The May 21 2024, special meeting minutes were reviewed. Coutavas moved that the minutes of the May 21, 2024, regular meeting be approved. Stafford seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams
The Board reviewed the bills. After discussion on the bills, Coutavas moved that all bills be paid. Williams seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams
Joshua Speakman, Stoddard County Collector, was present to discuss the possibility of the County office collecting the City personal property and real estate taxes for the City. At this time, the County collects city taxes for Bloomfield, Bernie and Essex. They charge a 2% fee as collector and send a check for the remaining amount to the city on a monthly basis. Currently, the City pays the City Collector an hourly wage to collect the city taxes. The City also pays approximately $300 yearly to have the tax bills generated and printed and another $400 to mail out the tax bills. It is part of the City Collector’s job to print, collate, and mail the tax bills in October and if the taxes aren’t paid by March of next year, she prints, computes penalties and mails out delinquent tax bills in April. If the collection of city taxes were turned over to the County Collector, all of the above work would be done by the county office workers. The City’s tax bill would be a part of the County tax bill and the tax payer would have to pay the City taxes at the same time he paid the County taxes. The tax payer could not just pay the County without paying the City taxes. The County Collector would have a list of delinquent city taxes and the County would collect those delinquent city taxes before it would accept current city taxes. The County Collector would charge a total of 3% collection fee on delinquent taxes.
This year, the City Collector collected approximately $100,000 in taxes, 2% of which would be $2,000. Speakman presented a contract that the City would sign if it wished to turn its tax collecting over to the County. As a side note, the County Collector does have a system where a tax payer can make monthly installment payments on his taxes rather than making one big payment in November.
Daniel Smith, a representative from Dittronics, the company who has given the City a quote on placing cameras at parks, library, and city hall, was not present to answer the Board’s questions concerning the tech service on the equipment.
Vinita Weidenbenner, a CPA from Jean & Company, the City accountants, was present to discuss the City budgets. The FY 2024 Amended Budget that had been prepared by Jean and Company was reviewed by the Board. Coutavas moved that the FY2024 Amended Budget be approved. P. McLean seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams
The FY 2025 Budget that had been prepared by Jean and Company using the financial decisions made at the May 21, 2024, special Board meeting was reviewed. Coutavas moved that the FY 2025 Budget be approved. Stafford seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford,
Departmental reports were given:
David Hawthorne, maintenance supervisor, stated that Doug Solberg, city maintenance worker, had quit. At this time, Hawthorne has made the part-time summer maintenance worker full time to cover the work to be done. The Mayor asked that the maintenance workers rock the ground on east side of the stage in Veteran’s Park to eliminate weeds growing at the top of the ditch. Alderwoman Williams stated that the Historical Museum would like to have the bushes/saplings in the front part of the museum pulled up.
Finally, the recycle trailer that has been placed on the museum parking lot was discussed. It was decided to move it back to the City Hall parking lot. Since the City is continually having problems with people placing trash and other items that are not recyclable in the trailer, it was decided that if this continues to happen, the City will discontinue having the trailer in the City.
Currently, a City employee must take the trailer with the recycle items to Dexter for recycling. The business which receives the items makes the employee return with any items that are not recyclable to be put in the City trash. The trailer belongs to the recycling business.
Rick Sheren, Marshal, gave the police report. Tickets had been given for speeding, no insurance, and displaying plates of another.
Larry Doublin, animal control officer, reported one of the dogs that was being fostered had been adopted.
Doublin also gave the fire department report. Doublin stated that there had been no fires but they had made medical calls. The fire station drains in the bathrooms were having problems and the roof had a leak.
Under the library, the library report was reviewed. The library’s summer reading program is nearing completion. Prizes have been purchased using donated funds.
Alderman Williams stated that she was still searching for binders for the museum to use to put historical materials in.
Under unfinished business, Bill 24-01, a bill amending the city business license ordinance to include a vendor’s license was read first by Coutavas and second by Williams. Williams moved that Bill 24-01 be approved to become Ordinance 24-01. Coutavas seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams This ordinance established a temporary vendor license at a cost of $100 a year and required food vendors to have health certificate and insurance. The ordinance also increased the cost of a peddler’s license for produce to $25.00 a year.
Bill 24-02, a bill setting employee salary beginning July 1, 2024, was read first by Coutavas and second by Williams. P. McLean moved that Bill 24-02 be approved to become Ordinance 24-02. Stafford seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams This ordinance gave all employees a $1.00 an hour raise and increased the firefighter call rate from $10 to $15 a call.
The purchase of cameras for parks, library and city hall was next on the agenda. Since the representative from Dittronics was not present to answer the Board’s questions concerning tech support for the cameras, Coutavas moved that the purchase be tabled until the next regular meeting. Stafford seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams
The Board reviewed the City’s Missouri Department of Natural Resources grant application that would use recycled materials for park benches and tables to be placed in Memorial (South) Park. The total funds requested was $7,525.
Under new business, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) has asked the City if it would like to be a part of a paving project that it will be doing on PP Highway (Richardson Avenue) in FY2026.
The City’s part would be to pay to have the parking area from Highway 51 to Hickman and the apron area from Hickman to Buena Vista.
The City’s cost for doing the parking areas is approximately $!5,815 and adding the apron section would be an additional $3,788. After discussion, Coutavas moved that the City enter into an agreement with MODOT in which the City would pay to have the parking and apron areas from Highway 51 to Buena Vista paved when MODOT paved Highway PP at a cost of approximately $19,604. P. McLean seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams The City Board will need to approve an ordinance at its July regular Board meeting authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement with MODOT.
The Historical Museum Board requested that the Board place a portion of its restricted fund balance into a Certificate of Deposit with the museum department receiving the interest from the CD. According to the city clerk’s calculations, approximately $34,723 of the museum’s fund balance as of April 30, 2024, is considered restricted and can only be spent by the museum. After discussion Willliams moved that $30,000 of the museum’s restricted funds be placed in a CD with the museum fund receiving the interest from that CD. Coutavas seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams
The City Park Board which has been inactive for several years was reorganized. Mayor McLean appointed the following to be directors on the Park Board: Marsha Tompkins, Chelsea Gillock Brandon Woolard, Freida Phillips and Judy Richards. Also appointed as rural development members of the Park Board were Dakotah Hancock, Madison Burge, Janell Neighbors and Taylor Trout. Alderwoman Patti McLean was appointed as Park Board Liaison. Coutavas moved that the appointments to the Park Board be approved. Williams seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams The terms of office for these appointees will be determined at the Park Board’s first official meeting.
The Board discussed the transfer of City property tax collection to the Stoddard County Collector. The Board reviewed the information that had been given to it by Josh Speakman, the Stoddard County Tax Collector earlier in the meeting. Coutavas moved that the City enter into a contract with the Stoddard County Tax Collector to have his office collect the City’s personal and real estate taxes at the same time it collected the County taxes. Stafford seconded. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams
The city clerk will send the Stoddard County Tax Collector a signed contract transferring the collection of City taxes to the County. This contract will need to be approved by the Stoddard County Commissioners. The clerk will work with the County Collector to determine what information he will need for the collection of delinquent taxes.
Since there was no further business, a motion for adjournment was made by Coutavas and seconded by Stafford. The motion carried on a roll call vote. AYES: Coutavas, P. McLean, Stafford, Williams Adjournment time was 7:50

Route 114 Bridge Replacement over Dexter Creek in Stoddard County |
Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment |
The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking public input regarding a proposed project to replace the Route 114 bridge over Dexter Creek in Dexter, Missouri. Although the bridge is safe for travel, this 90-year-old structure is considered to be in poor condition. The bridge is in need of replacement, and the project is currently in the design phase. The project will require acquisition of approximately 0.06 acres of new right-of-way from the northwest corner of the parcel associated with Dexter’s East Park, in an area that does not contain any recreational features or uses. This project is currently scheduled to go out for contractor bids as part of MoDOT’s December 2026 letting with construction expected during the 2027 construction season. The road and bridge at the existing bridge location on Route 114 will be closed for approximately 70 days during construction. Local roads available for a short, 1-mile detour include Route 25, Stoddard Street and Clements Street in Dexter, Missouri. Using state routes, the detour would total approximately 13.5 miles and includes Route 25, U.S. 60, Route FF and Route 114. Individuals and organizations wishing to comment on the project may do so by Wednesday, July 24 the following ways:
Missouri Department of Transportation ATTN: Donna Philpot 2675 North Main Street Sikeston, MO 63801 MoDOT is committed to providing equal access for all participants. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact MoDOT Customer Service at 888 ASK MODOT (1-888-275-6636) by Friday, July 19. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact MoDOT’s External Civil Rights department through Relay Missouri Services at (800) 735-2966 or 7-1-1 (Toll Free – TTY). For more information, please contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888 ASK MoDOT (275-6636). |

Route AC in Stoddard County Closed for Culvert Replacement |
Route AC in Stoddard County will be closed as Missouri Department of Transportation crews replace a culvert under the roadway. This section of roadway is located from County Road 227 and County Road 232 near Bloomfield, Missouri. Weather permitting, work will take place Monday, July 22 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area. For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODO |

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the weekly meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for our community, former President Donald Trump and the family of Corey Comperatore, who was killed at the rally.
Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
Lambert updated the spreadsheet for the ARPA Funds. The interest is not up to date on this spreadsheet; however it is up to date as of June 30, 2024. The Interest from the ARPA funds totals $249,257.73.
"I am going to ask Beau Bishop to come in next week to see if there are any federal funds coming down from the Governor," commented Mathis.
Dudley Special Road District received three bids for gravel. They had requested approximately $40,000 Lambert told the Commission.
The bid process has started for the Bernie Water Basin with regards to ARPA and they will not be using prevailing wages. There was a final rule to not use prevailing wages if it is sole source funding
Tuesday, Annual Foundation Board Meeting for the IDA
Peter Coutavas, Director spoke to the Commissioners about the IDA
There will be the Annual Foundation Board Meeting for the IDA.
"I established a Special Allocation Fund two years ago," commented Peter Coutavas, Director of the IDA. "It is a special fund of $40,000 to give to businesses at my discretion. This year I have only spent $11,000."
This Special Allocation Fund is in its second year and has been very successful. Monies distributed to help businesses in the form of signage, A/C repairs, replacing rotted vent pipe, furnace repairs, support art club, washing machine, bakers mixer, BBQ BASH sponsor for a city park, theatre support, food truck, ARC Christmas party sponsor Dexter Mother's Day lunch, Puxico Weekly Presss office improvements, gravel and drain pipe, Eagle Days, and Fire Dept Tanks. These monies go to supplement items that are needed by businesses.
"If I can help in a ny way with giving a little money then I have the power to give a few hundred dollars here and there," Coutavas said. "It really does help a struggling business or bringing in a new business, or even a charity trying to raise money. Each city has a $5,000 fund I can use at my discretion and it is working. This year I only spent $11,000."
"Our landfill receipts for this fiscal year have been received," commented Coutavas.
Totals for the year are 1st Quarter - $85,060.98, 2nd Quarter - $79,904.01, 3rd Quarter - $74,836.46 totaling $239,801.45 thus far with 4th Quarter still to be received.
The 1/2 million dollar grant fund has been distributed this fiscal year have been sent to Dudley $ $31,857.50Puxico $50,000, Bernie $45,000, Bloomfield $50,000 and Puxico $18,585 which goes to their Improvement Corporations to help struggling or new businesses inter communities.
Income comes from the landfill, $1.50 for every ton that goes into the landfill....it is a tipping fee per Mathis.
"We are also assisting with the hotel fund with the sewer and water fund for $750,000 to the city of Dexter," continued Coutavas.
Mathis asked if there was an Enhanced Enterprise Zone Committee? No one was for sure there was a board for that. More investigation into the committee will be performed prior to the next Commission meeting.
Air Conditioning Issues in the IDA Building and the Wildflower Boutique
Motion to seek bids to replace the HVAC and Heating unit in the IDA Building made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
SB190 Senior Citizens Tax Credit Application by Josh Speakman, County Collector/Treasurer
"I don't want to make it a hinderance this year, but want to make sure it is the person applying for it and not someone else," commented Speakman.
Motion to authorizes Speakman to adopt the Tax Credit Application to use the last 4 digits of the social security and to have the document notizarized was made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
"This is something new and a key point you made earlier is that we may have to make some changes in the future to this document," stated Mathis.
The Collector/Treasurer's office will have employees who can Notarize the documents. Application process will begin September 1, 2024.
Update on the Clean-Out of Drainage Ditches #13-33 and #14
Commissioner C.D. Stewart has looked at the drainage areas that need to be cleaned out per their previous bid. This was not in the original bid process, but really needs to be completed. The ditches nor of Highway 25 will cost an addition $800 and the ditch along Highway C will cost an additional $6,000 and other areas will cost an additional $7,950 totally $14,750.
Motion to extend the clean-out of ditch clearing and clean out on ditch #13.33 north of Hwy 25 in the amount of $8,750.00 made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
"We have the money to do this and will be taken out of general revenue because they don't have the money," stated Mathis. "This is a 25 year clean-out and I am not going to let $15,000 keep us from doing this. We have the money in general revenue."
Motion to extend the clean-out of ditch clearing and clean-out on Ditch 14 extending to County Road 208 in the amount of $6,000.00 made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion regarding Change Order #1 and Change Order #2 Stoddard County Commissioner authorizes to use General Revenue Funds if funds are not available in those Ditch accounts made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded Commission Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Scenic Byway
"I think we need to get a meeting together to let folks know," stated Commissioner C.D. Stewart.
The Commissioner decided to make August 5th a date that citizens can attend the Commission meeting and discuss the Scenic Byway.
Board of Equalization Closure
On Tuesday, July 16th the Board of Equalization will close at 10 a.m. As of today no one has made an appointment. The Board of Appeals will open at that time.
Johnson Grass Board
The Dept of Agriculture usually sends a letter out. Mathis has a letter from April 2024 and needs to update the three board members. Their term expired in December 2023. Mathis and Stewart will get with those three board members to see if they want to serve another 3 year term. The Commission decided at this time not to advertise the positions.
Carl Hefner, Stoddard County Sheriff's Department
A deputy wrecked a car and the insurance will be paying, but they haven't heard if the vehicle is totaled yet, but sure looks to be totaled. Sheriff Hefner is requesting to go ahead and replace the car with a truck.
"Our trucks seem to be holding up so much better than the SUVs we have currently," stated Hefner. "The radio equipment was salvageable and that's about all."
The Sheriff's department already had a state bid available from Lou Fusz, an authorized dealer in St. Louis.
"We have 8 vehicles and they all have 200,000+ miles on them," stated Hefner. "We got a little behind trading them out."
"The deputy was injured and so with the canine officer," but not too bad," continued Hefner.
Motion to order the new vehicle for the Stoddard County Sheriff's Dept to replace the wrecked vehicle in the amount of $51,400 F150 Truck Super Crew with police package made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Other Business
Motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from July 8, 2024 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve the Bid Opening Meeting minutes from July 8, 2024 made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to end the meeting at noon made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the regularly scheduled Commission meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer over the 1221st Transportation Unit who lost one of their own, Mr. Landewee, his family, the county employees and emergency management and first responders.
Josh Speakman, Stoddard County Collector, Agreement with Puxico Tax Collections
"The City of Puxico reached out to me a few weeks ago" commented Speakman. "Bloomfield, Essex and Bernie have already done so and I presented to them the ability to collect taxes for the city.
"The governing body of both the city and the county have to bless this agreement before I can move forward," continued Speakman. "The city of Puxico voted yes at their last meeting and now I am asking the Commission to agree to the arrangement."
This is an agreement between Josh Speakman, acting as Collector and the City. He would receive a 1099 at the end of the year and the County receives 1% to go to general revenue.
Motion Stoddard County Commission accepts the agreement between the Collector and the city of Puxico made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Drainage District with Clean-up on #13-33 and Ditch 14
"We are asking that MoDOT divert or consider diverting the water from the swamp low lying area down the north size of Hwy 25 going southwest to ditch 13-33 and 14. The highway ditch is already established, but would need excavated deeper to make this happen," stated Speakman.
"This area of issue, along Hwy 25 has been an existing issue for some time now, with water levels consistent and on the edge of the road that seems to remain and higher than normal levels of rlonger than normal periods of time."
Stoddard County has invested nearly $100,000 dollars on the ditch cleanup project on the north end of the county.
Speakman is spearheading this request. This would be in Little River Drainage system. No motion was made today.
SB190 Tax Credit for the Elderly
"I had two questions about the application," commented Speakman. "One is whether or not to put the Social Security number on the application and if it has to be notarized or not. The ball is in your court (referring to the Commission) as to the decision on these two matters."
Mathis stated they would look at the application and decide next week.
Cecil Weeks, Stoddard County Clerk - Election Update
Only 11 people have voted in the office thus far for the Primary in August. Absentee voting began on June 25th.
"In the last Presidential election the turnout was low for the August primary," commented Weeks. "Only 7,032 people voted in Stoddard County, that's only 36% turnout."
July 24th is the last day to request an Absentee Ballot by mail. You can come up to the government building in Bloomfield and get an Absentee Ballot.
The Saturday prior to the Primary the County Clerk's office will be open all day and on Monday, August 5th will be open until 5 p.m. so people can come in and vote.
Johnson Grass in Liberty Township
Mr. Mathis had received a call from a citizen regarding Johnson Grass in Liberty Township. He contacted someone on the board and they stated that they had already sprayed once and have some additional chemicals on order. They are behind due to picking up the limbs from the storm damage in May.
Dee Loflin, owner of the ShowMe Times asked about the Johnson Grass Board. There are three members on the board and their terms expired in December of 2023. The Commission appoints the board members and typically the Dept of Agriculture sends a reminder letter. No further action was taken at this time.
Scenic Byway Update
All Commissioners have looked over the information and letter received. Mathis said they can possibly get a public meeting set for July 19th.
Peter Coutavas, City of Puxico Alderman, stated that the city will discuss at their regular meeting next week on Thursday, July 18th at 6 p.m. He will discuss the byway coming through Puxico.
Air Conditioner at the IDA Building, owned by the County
Presiding Commissioner Mathis said that the IDA paid $900 to put freon in and there is still a slow leak. He has spoken to Alisha Trammell, Treasuer and Peter Coutavas, Director of the IDA. During the Commission meeting he stated that he has spoken to William Dowdy, Maintenance, who will get some specs on the unit. This will need to be bid out since it will be over $12,000.
The Community Center in Bloomfield, Missouri Grand Opening
Kerri Standley attend the meeting on behalf of the city of Bloomfield and invited everyone to attend a ribbon cutting. The city of Bloomfield received a $2 million dollar CDB Grant to building the new Community Center next to the city park.
On Friday, July 12th there will be a ribbon Cutting at 5 p.m. and then an open house from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. The Center is located at 808 S. Prairie St. Refreshments will be served.
10:00 a.m. Bid Opening for Transport Van Insert
Motion to enter into Bid Opening at 10:22 a.m. by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Then only bid that was presented was from Public Safety Upfitters in the amount of $19,224.00 out of Fenton, Missouri for the vent adapter and insert of the transport van.