Local Schools

Puxico School Board of Education Meet in a Regularly Scheduled Meeting
July 23rd 2024 by Dee Loflin
Puxico School Board of Education Meet in a Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Puxico School Board of Education met in a regular session on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Below are the minutes from that meeting.

The Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Routine Business:

  • Meeting called to order by President of the Board
  • Board approved minutes from regular meeting held on May 2, 2024.
  • Board approved payment of bills
  • Board adopted agenda after making changes. 


  • End of Year 

Old Business: Puxico Mingo/Tech 24-25 Calendar – No Action Taken


New Business

  • Board approved : 

a.)  No meal rate increases. Student lunches remain $2.00 (full price) and $.40 (reduced price) per meal, 

       staff lunches $2.75 per meal.  Breakfast to remain free for students and staff rates remain $1.00 per meal.

b.)  To amend the 2023-2024 budget to actual

c.)  To operate on the 2023-2024 budget until the 2024-2025 budget is finalized

d.)  The 2024-2025 regular board meetings schedule (Dates & Times)

e.)   Evaluation of Instructional Climate

f.)   Evaluation of Educational Persistence

g.)  Employee Retention Incentive

h.)  2024-2025 Athletic handbooks

i.)   No Action Taken –  Revision 1 to the Puxico R-8 2024-2025 Calendar

j.)   Moved to Old Business

k)   Adopted Board policies and Regulations:P1425 – School Volunteers, P2115 Transgender Students, 

      P2200 – Admission and Withdrawal, P&R 2240 – Admission and withdrawal Nonresident Students,

      P2400 – Student Educational Records, P2525 – Graduation requirements, P2760 – Students in Foster Care,

      P2810 – Counseling Services, P&R 4120 – Employment Procedures, 

      P4866 – Pregnancy, Childbirth Anti-Discrimination, P4867 – Lactation Accommodation, 

      P6121 – Holocaust Education, P6122 – Social Studies Religious Influence Class, 

      P6251 – Blind Students Independence, Training and Education   

l.)   Set date and time of June 20, 2024 at 5:30 pm for closed work session board meeting

m.) ELA Curriculum and Plan of Instruction

Executive Session

  • Accepted letters of resignation from Kyla Freeman as JH Softball Asst. Coach and 

Mike Owens as JH Baseball Asst. Coach

  • Hired Abigail Wirz – Para Professional, Brittney Dunivan – Little Library position     

Stephanie Null – Pre-School Aide for 2024-2025 school year

  • Approved assignment of Jennifer Alberson as JH Scholastic Meet Sponsor and Kelly Smothers as Jr BETA Assistant for 2024-2025 school year


Last Updated on July 23rd 2024 by Dee Loflin

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