Political Blogs
Candidate for Coroner - Re-Elect Brent Stidham
June 11th 2024 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County, it has been a great honor to serve as your Coroner for the last three years. Coming into this office I had a vision for the position, and I am proud to say that we have made great progress over the last three years. During my term I have worked over 330 death investigations, while also staying under budget every year and saving taxpayers over $36,000. One goal I had coming in to office was to be more public and transparent with the office as well as use my platform to promote positive mental health, suicide awareness, and substance abuse awareness
I have partnered with law enforcement, private entities, and mental health professionals to see that those goals are met. I also continue to keep the public informed by releasing an end of the year report showing taxpayers and citizens exactly what our office is doing on a yearly basis. While some elected officials take their foot off the gas once elected, I have remained committed to serving.
In this position when I meet you it is usually on the worst day of your life after suffering the loss of a loved one. Knowing that, I always show compassion, empathy, and respect. While also providing a voice for those who no longer have one.
I truly love my job and love having the opportunity of being able to serve you. While also providing the last line of defense for the deceased to ensure that no stone goes left unturned, and that every death is investigated properly. That is why I am proud to say that I will be seeking re-election this year for a second term as Stoddard County Coroner. I appreciate the support I have received in the past and I ask for your support again as we look ahead to this years election
Thank you and God Bless.
Brent Stidham
Last Updated on June 11th 2024 by Dee Loflin