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Stoddard County Commission Discuss Solar Farms, ARPA Update
June 06th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Discuss Solar Farms, ARPA Update

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis began the meeting with Commissioner C.D. Stewart with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for those effected by the recent weather damage on Sunday, law enforcement, office holders and people who work for the county.

Mathis stated that Commissioner Jarrell had a family emergency and would not be in attendance today.  He also noted that Liberty national cancelled due to a death in the family.  

Jacob Cleary, Stoddard County Assessor

Cleary is responsible for assessments on the solar farms.   

Commissioner C.D. Stewart had the floor, he stated, "Scott County is getting a solar farm in Blodgett.  A lot of people are hot about it that live around it; however the farmers are leasing the ground are really happy about it."

"My concern is the water table is close to the top of the ground in this part of the world," continued Stewart. "When the solar panels get destroyed say by hail or tornado etc this glass and chemicals in the solar panels can get into the water system or in the potatoes from the potato farm."

"I spoke to the Farm Bureau this morning and wondering where they stand on this in the state of Missouri," stated Stewart.

Solar panels operate as power plants.  There are two types of solar farms.  One is a utility scale farm which caters to large areas and generate more power.  Theater is a community scale farm providing electricity on a limited scale.

When it comes to taxation Mr. Cleary explained how it would be taxed in Stoddard County.  "Right now we are at a stalemate with the State.  It is taxable; however based on the cost of the solar panels the counties in this area have come to an agreement of $650 of the market value of the assessment per panel.  Each panel being about 3 foot x 5 foot.  not all panels are that size, but that's the measurement they use.  The Supreme Court said to do a fair or standard evaluation, but so far the 11 counties in this area are doing it the same way as Stoddard County."  

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis said that Commissioner Stewart is to drive the information gathering to see if there is anything we can discuss in the future. 

Board of Equalization will open 10 a.m. on July 2, 2024. If you would like to appear you must set an appointment with the Assessor's office.

Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission

Commissioner Mathis read a letter from the Department of Economic Development regarding the project of the BRPC building. A Community Development Block Grant was to be used to do work at the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission building.  They had to have the project closed out March 15, 2024 or there would be some repercussions.  So now Stoddard County Commission will now be unable to apply for grants during the next cycle.

Lambert explained that the material took longer for the contractor to get and then getting the 504 Compliance information took longer.  They will not be eligible for the 2024 application cycle; and the FY2024 funds will not be available. The Commission can still apply for FY2023 funding.

The CDB Grant was awarded May 24, 2021 and the three year mark wasn't up until May 24, 2024.  Lambert feels the Commission can appeal this letter.  There may still be time if the appeal goes through properly.

The deadline is August 23, 2027 to be closed out for all federal monies.

"Was Bootheel Regional Planning Commission aware of the deadline?" Mathis asked.  Lambert stated that we received the same letter and tried to meet the deadline. If the commission wanted to appeal then Bootheel Regional Planning would appeal the decision.

ARPA Update by Lambert

Water District #5 - They received the computers, but they have had some issues.  Cooper will bring in receipts.

Ambulance District - no call back yet

Bell City - Moving along with the project.

Bernie Water - Water Basin - Construction permit from DNR and will advertise out that project the first week of June. When did we award asked Mathis.  Early 2023 so the 9 month deadline of getting this taken care of has come and gone.

Advance - Working with mayor on maximum benefit area.

Bloomfield - CDBG application almost complete.

PWSD #2 - Meters going in and are about 1/3 done.

Essex - CDBG application has been submitted

Dudley Special Road District - no update yet - was going to advertise for bids for gravel

Other Business:

Open meeting for concerns regarding Senate Bill 190 - 2023 Property Tax Credit for Senior Citizens.  Anyone can attend this meeting.

Motion to accept the Minutes for May 24, 2024 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Mathis.  Both voted yes and motion passed.

Mathis contacted Liberty Township during the meeting.  If you pile your limbs up next to the road they will pick them up.  Rick Anthony, superintendent of Liberty Township, said, "You can call and have them pick up"

Peter Coutavas, City of Puxico Alderman

He has asked for $3,500 for repeaters for radios in the police cars at Puxico through the ARPA Funds.

Motion to closed the meeting at 11:35 a.m. by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Mathis.  Both voted yes and motion passed.

Last Updated on June 06th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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