Political Blogs

Speakman Completes Missouri County Collectors Association's Annual Training
May 14th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Speakman Completes Missouri County Collectors Association's Annual Training
Stoddard County Collector and Treasurer, Josh Speakman, recently concluded his participation in the Missouri County Collectors Association's annual training for County Collectors, held from April 21st through 25th. Serving as a member of the association's executive board, Speakman actively engaged in a week-long program aimed at professional development, networking, and fostering collaborations to benefit county operations.

Throughout the training, Speakman attended a diverse array of classes and sessions covering topics crucial to county governance and financial management, all with a focus on his conservative approach aimed at saving taxpayers money. These included deep dives into tax policies, workshops on best practices in revenue collection, and discussions on innovative approaches to address challenges faced by county collectors across Missouri, always with an eye toward fiscal responsibility.

Moreover, Speakman seized the opportunity to build relationships with colleagues from other counties, forging connections that will undoubtedly prove invaluable in the exchange of ideas and experiences. By exchanging insights and sharing expertise, Speakman aims to enhance his ability to serve Stoddard County effectively and efficiently, all while keeping the taxpayer's bottom line in mind.

Speakman's active participation in the training underscores his commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in county governance and his dedication to ensuring the highest standards of service for the taxpayers of Stoddard County. Through collaboration and continued learning, Josh remains steadfast in his mission to uphold transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in county operations, delivering tangible benefits to the hardworking taxpayers of Stoddard County.

Last Updated on May 14th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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