The Stoddard County Commissioners opened the next to the last meeting of the 2023 year with a prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
Old Business:
Commissioner Greg Mathis stated that everything looks good with the Department of Economic Development for the deobligation of the CDBG grant with Bootheel Regional Planning. He does have one form to send to them and that is the "sign-in" sheet for the last Commission meeting.
The final contract for the health insurance has been finalized. It was already voted on by the Commission at a previous meeting. Today the Commission signed off on the contract.
New Business:
Beau Bishop, Stoddard County Emergency Management
Bishop stated that the first quarter EMPG grant claims for the operating period of July 1, 2023 thru September 30, 2023 were submitted and approved. ON November 17th we were reimbursed $6,540.91 for this claim.
The EMPG 2nd quarter grant claims for the operating period of October 1st - December 31st will be submitted before January 15, 2024.
Stoddard County EMA fiscal year 2024 budget has been submitted to the Stoddard County Clerk's office to be reviewed by the Commission.
"On August 22nd - 25th I attended the 2023 Missouri State Emergency Management Conference and from August 30th - September 1st I also attended the 2023 MFSMA Annual Conference," commented Bishop. "On October 19th, I attended the quarterly SEMO EMA and RHSOC meeting. On November 6th the Stoddard County EMA hosted the NWS Winter Weather Workshop with the Paducah National Weather Service. Information was provided on the upcoming winter weather season and the new NWS Chat Service. 17 area stakeholders attended."
He continued to discuss the November 28th quarter Bootheel LEPD meeting and the December 13th quarter Stoddard County Consortium meeting. Stoddard County EMA asked for, and received approval from the board, for access to the Zuercher System that all county dispatchers use. With access, EMA will be able to start weather related CFS's for time tracking during an event, and will also have access to the map functions that will allow for EMA to place real time barriers and information on the map concerning flooded/blocked roads, etc. Once these are placed on the map, all dispatches will be able to see the same information, so it can be conveyed to their appropriate people when routing to a call could be an issue.
The HMPG Siren Grant - Notice for bid is active. I twas advertised int he Daily Statesman, and the Daily American republic. Notice for bid is also posted on the front door of the Stoddard County Ambulance office. Bids are due no later than Friday, January 5th at 3 p.m. CST. Once all bids are received they will be brought to the Commission for discussion.
The procurement paperwork is ongoing for the HMPG Generator Grant.
The bid process has been completed for ARPA radios. Battles Communications was the only bid received. All paperwork submitted to BRPC and the approval was given to order radios. Radios have been ordered and we are waiting for them to be received. Preliminary breakdown of radio distribution is as follows: Puxico Fire (3), Dudley Fire (3), Essex Fire (3), Bernie Fire (3), Bloomfield Fire (2), Bernie MEA (1), Stoddard County EMA (1).
Bishop gave upcoming dates he will be attending three meetings. On January 18th there will be a quarterly SEMO EMA and RHSOC meeting, January 30th a quarterly Bootheel LEPD meeting and on February 28th and 29th in Columbia for the Local Volunteer and Donations Management Class.
Debbie Ellinghouse, AFLAC agent for Stoddard County
She stepped in for just a minute to check in with the Commission and drop off the Employee Benefit Options for 2024 with rates for the pay period
Motion to accept the regular meeting minutes for December 11th made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the closed session meeting minutes for December 11th made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commission Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to close the regular session of the meeting at 11:51 a.m.made by Commissioner Jarrell and seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.