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Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, December 4, 2023
December 05th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting - Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday, December 4, 2023 - The Stoddard County Commission meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis.`All three Commissioners were available at the meeting.

Katelin Lambert - Bootheel Regional Planning Commission/ARPA Funds Update

1. Bell City Fire Department requested a draw down on their already approved ARPA Funds for $5,000 for clean-up including demolition and haul off of concrete from the building site. 

2. Water District #5 is waiting on software for their new meters and will have training as well soon.

3.  SCAD has about $8,000 left, but she has not heard from them.  She thought they were going to purchase computers. Chuck Kasting is the director and will need to get with Katelin Lambert.

4. Bo Bishop on Friday got all his documentation for 15 radios.  He is going to get more radios under the micro purchase for that as the bid came in lower than he predicted.

5. Bernie, Advance, Bloomfield have projects that will start in the spring and all are using a Poplar Bluff engineering firm.

     Bernie will bid in the spring for the water basin.  Advance and Bloomfield have larger project for CDBG grant.  They should bid out in the spring as well.

6.  Duck Creek is getting the rest of their requests and documentation.

7. Water District #2 - Katelin has been back and forth with their lawyer with signing the documents. No other city or township or even a water district has hired an attorney for the documentation for the ARPA Funds.  they can not move forward unless they sign the documents that everyone has signed thus far.  

8. City of Essex will try for a CDBG grant for street repairs and are currently working on their LMI requirements.

Motion to authorize payment to Bell City Fire Department in the amount of $5,000 from ARPA Funds made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All voted yes and motion passed.

Gary Wyman, Stoddard County Extension Council

"I am here to discuss the parking issues around the Courthouse," commented Wyman.  "There are 8 people in the courthouse and there is a parking situation because we have two people that have difficulties walking around.  One is even going out every two hours to move her vehicle." (If that is the case that person is walking more by moving the vehicle every two hours than actually just parking a little farther away from the building).

"Is there anyway we can get some designated parking places for those employees?" asked Wyman.

"I am not going to ask for a motion on the parking and leave as is and let the city deal with their two hour parking sign," commented Commissioner Mathis.  "I have already spoken to those employees and I let them know the city of Bloomfield put the 2-hour parking signs up for the new businesses that have just recently opened and other businesses downtown."

Wildflower Boutique and Cafe'Ghost Lease Agreements

The two new businesses renting from Stoddard County have rental leases.  Peter Coutavas, IDA, will need to get copies of their liability insurance for the contents of their business.  The County should have liability insurance on the building itself.

The lease is for one year and then month-to-month after that beginning January 1, 2024.  The rent will be five dollars per month, increasing to one hundred fifty dollars per month on May 1st and then two hundred fifty dollars per month beginning September 1, 2024. 

Motion to sign the lease agreement for Wildflower Boutique located in a building in Bloomfield owned by the County made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to enter into the lease agreement with Cafe' Ghost located in a building in Bloomfield owned by the County made Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

10:00 Audit Bid Opening 

Cecil Weeks, Stoddard County Clerk, opened the bid package as they only received one sealed bid.  

Bid is from Daniel Jones & Associates in the amount of $25,000.00 for the 2023 audit.  The bid packet however had an error and had 2022 on the paperwork.  Mr. Weeks placed a call to the firm to be sure it was an error and not the wrong paperwork. After the call Weeds confirmed it was an error and new paperwork was submitted electronically..

Motion to accept the single audit bid for 2023 from Daniel Jones & Associates bid in the amount of $25,000 made by Commissioner Jarrell seconded by Commissioner Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

New Lisbon Township 

The New Lisbon Township board received their letter of resignation from a board member.  The person they wanted to put on the board has a relative that works for the Township so the would have to quit or they could not have this person on the board due to the MO State Statute on nepotism.  They have two people interested so the board and will have a meeting to discuss and bring a candidate's name next week to the Commission for appointment.

Ben Godwin, Stoddard County Public Health Center Administrator, Mailed Documents to the Commission

Statewide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Update

In April of 2017, St. Louis County implemented a prescription drug monitoring program and Stoddard County joined them.  Then on May 12, 2023, the Missouri Legislature passed SB 63 which authorizes a statewide prescription drug monitoring program.  Essentially, the State Department of Public Health is taking over the monitoring of this program.  Mr. Godwin has asked that the Commission sign the Order and User Agreement provided, Stoddard County is allowing St. Louis County transfer their data pertaining to Stoddard County to the State Department of Public Health.

Godwin came to the meeting after the Commission reached out to him and discussed the program and how it is implemented by St. Louis County since 2017.  

Motion to authorize St. Louis County to release the Prescription Drug Monitoring information to the State of Missouri as per SB 63 made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart.  All voted yes and motion passed.

Liability Property is currently under the Leavitt Group/Countywide Insurance.

The insurance renewal is due February 1, 2023.  The Commissioners are in agreement to leave as is and not bid out this year as it is already close the end of the year.

Drainage Districts

District #17 did bids and over spent what they had in their account due to a clerical error.  The amount to be corrected is $10, 526.32.  Mr. Weeks and Mr. Josh Speakman, County Collector/Treasurer have been looking at the best way to correct the line items.  After discussion and explanation the Commission made a motion.

Motion to transfer $10,526.32 out of the General Revenue into the Drainage District #17 fund due to an clerical oversight was made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Other Business

Motion to accept the regular session meeting minutes from November 27, 2023 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.   

Motion to accept the closed session minutes from November 27, 2023 made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to enter closed session at 11:05 a.m. for personal reason made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Last Updated on December 05th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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