
2023 Miss Puxico Homecoming Queen and Her Court
August 10th 2023 by Dee Loflin
2023 Miss Puxico Homecoming Queen and Her Court

76th Annual Puxico V.F.W. Homecoming Queen Coronation

2nd Alternate is Paisley Wilkerson (left).  She is the daughter of Brian and Wren Wilkerson.  1st Alternate is Kelby Rodgers (far right).  She is the daughter of Glenn and Ashley Rodgers.  Homecoming Queen is Miss  Emily Carr (seated).  She is the daughter of Josh and Tiffany Carr.  Retiring 2022 Miss Puxico Homecoming Queen is Miss Adysen Shepard (standing center).  She is the daughter Michael and Michelle Owens and David and Tammy Shepard.

Last Updated on August 10th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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Clinton Opens 76th Puxico V.F.W. Homecoming with Blowing of the Horn!
August 10th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Clinton Opens 76th Puxico V.F.W. Homecoming with Blowing of the Horn!

It is tradition in Puxico to open the annual V.F.W. Homecoming with the 

sounding of the horn on the Tuesday, the first day of Homecoming. 

 Ronnie Clinton, Puxico High School Class of 1966, a Vietnam Veteran and V.F.W. member continued that timely tradition on Tuesday, August 8th at 10:00 a.m. by sounding the horn.  

Every year they “toot” the horn once for each year of the homecoming.  

The nostalgia and tradition of blowing the horn has passed down through the generations.  The horn was from the old Puxico Handle Company and has been used for many years.

Last Updated on August 10th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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New City of Dexter Officials Named
June 29th 2023 by Dee Loflin
New City of Dexter Officials Named

The Dexter Board of Alderman appointed Kerry Jarrell to Administrative Assistant, Sierra Luttrull to City Treasurer and Melissa Wright to City Collector!

Pictured left to right are Jarrell, Luttrull, and Wright.

Last Updated on June 29th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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31st Annual 4th of July Patriotic Parade for Kids
June 29th 2023 by Dee Loflin
31st Annual 4th of July Patriotic Parade for Kids

The 31st Annual Fourth of July Patriotic Parade for Kids will be held on Tuesday, July 4th at 10:00 a.m. 

This annual parade will begin at the corner of Elm and Vine streets in downtown Dexter, across from the License Bureau.

The youngsters guided by Uncle Sam (aka Mayor Banken) will gather on the steps of the U.S. Post Office on Stoddard Street to salute the American Flag with the Pledge of Allegiance.  They will sing a few patriotic songs and pose for those everlasting photos and videos. (ShowMe Times will be there!)

The parade will follow its traditional route down Elm Street to Stoddard Street with kids on bicycles, tricycles, wagons, scooters, golf carts, on foot or in strollers.   You may even see a few patriotic dogs in the parade.

The parade will get moving again, east down Stoddard Street to Poplar Street, where it will turn south at the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) back to Vine Street and turn west returning to the Bankens' front yard where they will be treated to lemonade and a small snack.

The "just for kids" parade was started by Janice Barney, Lisa Greer and Jean Rahm.  The parade leadership has passed to a new generation, as Kristina and Jason Banken, now host the holiday parade each year.  The Banken family began hosting the parade 16 years ago, and have continued to build upon the Independence Day tradition.

Children are invited to participate.  They may walk or bring their bikes and other means of transportation for the parade.  Parking will be available for grown-ups in the city parking lot on Vine Street across from the Dexter Municipal Building

Last Updated on June 29th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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Missouri Veterans Cemetery Receives Large Donation
May 28th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Missouri Veterans Cemetery Receives Large Donation

The Missouri Veterans Cemetery in Bloomfield received a donation of $51,320 from the Sikeston American Legion. 

The funds were raised at the Legion's annual cook off and poker run fundraiser event. The event also featured a corn hole tournament, barbeque dinner and more. The event has raised more than $220,000 in the 10 years it has been held. The event raised $9,967 the first year and has increased each year up to the more than $51,000 this year. A presentation ceremony was held at the cemetery.

Members of the Sikeston American Legion, Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion and Missouri Veterans Cemetery gather for a photo in the committal facility at the cemetery. Photo courtesy of Tammy Smith

“It's a team effort, it's the Legion, the auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion and the riders,” said Blair Moran, President of the Bloomfield Assistance League. “It's a labor of love for all of them, each and every year. This is the tenth year and this being the tenth year this was our best year. We have doubled what they have done in the past and we truly appreciate it.”

Money raised from the Poker Run and Cook off have done such things as enclose the Committal Shelter and installed heat and air for the comfort of the families during a service. The bell in the bell tower has been replaced, a new sound system was installed and more.

“I just want to thank the American Legion Family for a wonderful tenth year,” said auxiliary member Vicki Wilson. “I knew that the sponsors were up this year, but I was in awe when the final totals came in, I was just busting at the seams.”

“Thanks to the American Legion Auxiliary, the Legion, the S.A.L. (Sons of the American Legion), the riders,” Wilson continued. “And you poor riders, one of these days we are going to have this poker ru and it is not going to rain. We have had it in April, we have had it in May, we have had it in September we have had it in October and it has rained every single time. So I think you guys are just going to have to deal with it and you do a good job. Thank you guys for going through the weather to make that happen.”

Despite the rain 25 vehicle were in the poker run, 23 of them motorcycles. The cook off featured 15 teams representing Missouri, Illinois, and Arkansas. Royal Oak Charcoal provided all the charcoal for the event and the Legion provided the meat.

Last Updated on May 28th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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