![Cole Barnfield Recognized for Earning Several Scholarships](/img_vipm_910_800.png)
Cole Barnfield, Class of 2023, at Puxico High School earned more than $24,263 in scholarships.
He received the Puxico CEA Scholarship, College Preparatory Scholarship, ACT Incentive Scholarship,Jay Parsley Scholarship, Drake Duffey Scholarship, Tragedy to Triumph Scholarship, Janis Faries Memorial Scholarship, Proctor & Gamble STEM Scholarship, Puxico Project Graduation Scholarship, Southeast Missouri State University - Copper Dome Scholarship, and the Southeast Missouri State University - Residence Life Leadership Scholarship.
![Isabell Adams Recognized for Earning Several Scholarships](/img_vipl_910_800.png)
Isabella Adams, Class of 2023, at Puxico High School was recognized for earning more than $19,450 in scholarships.
She received the Red Cross Scholarship, Southeast Missouri State University - Copper Dome Scholarship and the Southeast Missouri State University - Residence Life Leadership Scholarship.
![Emily Day Earns Certificate of Completion in Culinary Arts Program](/img_vipk_910_800.png)
Emily Day, Class of 2023, at Puxico High School has earned a Certificate of Completion from the Technical Career Center in the Culinary Arts Program.
Emily also received honors recognition from the center and was inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. To receive this honor she received an instructor referral, superior grades, 95% or above attendance rate and outstanding citizenship plus passing her designated skills exam.
She attended the Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center for the past year and was provided with job experiences, basic skills development, and educational opportunities while developing leadership abilities needed to fulfill occupational, social, and civic responsibilities.
She completed at least 1,044 clock hours of course work to obtain this certification.
![Talley Burns Earns Certificate of Completion in Cosmetology](/img_vipi_910_800.png)
Talley Burns, Class of 2023, at Puxico High School earned a Certificate of Completion in Cosmetology from the Technical Career Center.
She has received honors recognition from the center and was also inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. To receive this honor she received an instructor referral, superior grades, 95% or above attendance rate and outstanding citizenship plus passing her designated skills exam.
She attended the Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center for the past year and was provided with job experiences, basic skills development, and educational opportunities while developing leadership abilities needed to fulfill occupational, social, and civic responsibilities.
She completed at least 1,044 clock hours of course work to obtain this certification.
![Dexter School Board Agenda for June 29th Regular Meeting](/img_viq1_910_800.png)
Dexter School District Agenda for the June 29th regular board meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Consent Agenda
Approve board agenda.
Approve minutes of May 16, 2023 regular board meeting.
Approve payment of bills.
Public Comments (At this time someone who is pre-registered with the Board Secretary prior to the beginning of the Board meeting to present a position on a specific agenda item or who is pre-registered with the superintendent in writing at least 5 days prior to the beginning of the Board meeting to present a general comment about a non-agenda item will be given time for presentation to the Board of Education. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. A maximum of 15 minutes is allowed for this public comment section. Please, just one spokesperson per group; individuals may speak only once per meeting; time regulated by the Board Chairman. Note: Individuals wishing to convey a complaint about procedures, regulations, or personnel will not be scheduled to address the Board until the District’s complaint procedure has been exhausted; Complaints directed at specific personnel will not be heard in open session.)
Registered requests-There is one registered guest to address the board.
Recognition of guests-
Old Business
A. Approve the MCE Policy Updates.
B. Approve the District Curriculum Handbook and the K-5 ELA
New Business
A. Approve Southwest Handbooks for 2023-2024.
B. Approve Central Handbook for 2023-2024.
C. Approve TS Hill Middle School Handbook for 2023-2024.
D. Approve Dexter High School Handbook for 2023-2024.
E. Approve a General Fund Transfer to Zero-Out the Special Fund Balance.
F. Approve the 2023-2024 Tentative Budget.
G. Approve the 2023-2024 Personnel Handbook.
H. Approve the 2022-2023 Budget Amendments.
I. Approve the amendment to the food service management contract.
Discussion Items
A. COVID-19 Continuity Services Plan Review
B. Building Attendance and Discipline Reports
C. End of the Year Transportation Report & Formal Bus Inspection
D. Next Regular Board Meeting is July 18, 2023.
Motion to Enter Executive Session
A. Hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting particular employees. § 610.021(3), RSMo
B. Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment. § 610.021(13), RSMo.
Items to be considered after conclusion of Executive Session
None at this time
Motion to adjourn the meeting.