Local Schools

2023 DHS National Honor Society Induction
March 12th 2023 by Dee Loflin
2023 DHS National Honor Society Induction

The Dexter High School held their annual National Honor Society Induction on March 7, 2023 in the auditorium.

Mrs. Laura Stone, DHS counselor and NHS sponsor, spoke to the students first.  

She talked about the four basic requirements for membership are scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students are eligible to apply for NHS membership if they demonstrate academic achievement by achieving a 3.65 or higher. 

Candles were then lit by Jayci Holcomb, President; Molly Simmons, Vice President; Alyssa Pollard, Secretary; Amber Madigan, Treasurer; Richard Lin and Ellen Dowdy, Service Coordinators; and Abigail Rash, Historian.

New inductees stated the National Honor Society Pledge: I pledge to uphold the high purposes of the National Honor Society to which I have been selected; I will be true to the principles for which it stands; and will maintain and encourage the high standards of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

The following students were inducted: Alexis Bennett, Audrey Calvert, Tyson Carmode, Katarrah Churchill, Mya Darnell, Holden Duer, Ann Ellinghouse, Chase Farmer, Marei Fees, Preston Hampton, Alexis Holden, Amelia Holden, Matthew Honeycutt, Brooklyn Huggins, Gabrielle Ingram, Landon Jarrell, Anistin Kyle, Brooke Lasater, Brooklyn Link, Kaden Lirely, Abbie Lloyd, Shane Matthews Kennedy McCormick, Adaline Medley, Chloe Neuhaus, Hailey Northern, Katelynn Owens, Cy Scott, Lily Simpson, Macie Templemire, Allison Turnbo, Alyssa Warren, Le-Roy Watson, Susan Wells, Calysta Whitaker, Clayton Whitaker, Emma Worley, and Ryan Young.

Last Updated on March 12th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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