The 69th Annual Miss Bernie Pageants will be held on Saturday, April 1st starting at 5:00 p.m.. in the Bernie School Cafeteria. Qualifications are you must reside in the Bernie school district and attend Bernie Public Schools and older contestants MUST be unmarried with no dependents. Girls 3-Senior year and boys ages 3-6 are eligible to participate. Entry Fee is $30 for all ages.
Categories and age groups are as follows:
3-6 years Little Miss Bernie 5:00 p.m.
3-6 years Little Mr. Bernie 5:15 (BOYS) p.m.
7 Years – 4th grade Petite Miss Bernie 5:30 p.m.
5th-8th grade Junior Miss Bernie 5:45 p.m.
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade- Miss Bernie 6:00 p.m.
All Contestants will compete in formal wear and boys will be Sunday best.
There will be a Queen/King and two alternates in each division.
Queens/king will receive a trophy, crown, and sash. Alternates will receive a trophy.
NO pageants will begin before the scheduled time.
Door Admission will be $3.00 for persons over the age of five.
Contestants and ONE guardian or helper will be admitted free of charge.
Entry fees and forms are due by Friday, March 24 with NO exceptions!
All proceeds will benefit Bernie Elementary Classrooms.
You can e-mail Casey Arnold at arnoldc@bernie.k12.mo.us to request an entry form.

Nearly three years ago, life changed drastically across the world. Blood donors like you rose to the challenge during that time and, even now, your generosity never quits. You're an essential part of this community. Each time you donate, you help us continue to achieve our lifesaving mission.
As thanks for all you do, you'll receive $20 in Visa® Prepaid Cards by email when you come to donate by March 31.* It's a small token that we hope, combined with the overflowing gratitude of patients, reminds you just how incredible you are.
Our gratitude isn't stopping! Come to give blood in March and you'll also be automatically entered for a chance to win a $3,000 Visa Prepaid Card!^^ You could be one of five lucky winners.
Upcoming opportunities to give blood near you:
Dexter Elks Lodge #2439
325 North Two Mile Road, Dexter, MO
Monday, March 13, 2023
1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Sponsor Code: DexterElksLodge

The Stoddard County Historical Society plans to have a meeting on Monday, February 27th at 6:30 p.m. athe Stars and Stripes Museum in Bloomfield, Missouri.
Below is an agenda sent out by secretary, Laura Dumey.
Paul Arnold's students will present their National History Day projects as well.
Call to Order by President Paul Arnold
Officers Present:
President Paul Arnold
Vice President David Carnell
Secretary Laura Dumey
Treasurer Shirley Richards
History Presentation: 20 min
Secretary Report by Laura Dumey
Treasurer Report by Shirley Richards
2023 Current Report - Available Funds
Reading of News by Laura Dumey
Old Business
Should the Historical and Genealogy Society combine?
Member dues are $25 a year and that helps pay for speakers’ reimbursements, refreshments, and the room rent at the Stars and Stripes Museum.
Please make checks to SCHS and in the memo write 2023 membership. What should the cost be for families?
The SCHS needs five officers from the different townships in Stoddard County: Liberty township, Castor township, Elk township, New Lisbon township, Richland township, Pike township, and Duck Creek township. Officers will be nominated at the next meeting.
New Business
Executive Committee
Direction of the society (expectations from the members).
Storage archive list
Meeting Location (see about terms from the museum or use of building society is currently renting in town)
Records (find out where they are)
Future Revenue
expenditures (website).
President’s Report
Next Meeting: Monday, March 27th, 6:30 p.m.
Location-Stars & Stripes Museum

The Bernie Chamber of Commerce Community Egg Hunt will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at the Bernie City Park.
Please arrive by 1:45 p.m. in the following locations:
0-3 Years - Roadway in front of the flagpole
4-6 Years - In front of park concession area
7-10 Years - In front of tennis courts
Join the Chamber for some egg-citing fun! The Easter Bunny will make an appearance. There will also be drinks and treats, giveaways, games and more.

On behalf of the Stoddard County Commission, you are invited to the Kick-Off Meeting to update the county's Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The existing plan, approved by FEMA five year ago, was developed in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.
To maintain eligibility for certain FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants, the Act requires jurisdictions to develop a plan to assess their risks to hazards and identify actions that can be taken to reduce future losses. The law requires Plans to be updated every five years; your participation is key to this process.
The Kickoff Meeting will be Monday, February 6, 2023 at the County Commission Meeting Chambers located at 403 S. Prairie St., Bloomfield, Missouri.
The planning process is heavily dependent on the participation of representatives from local government agencies and departments, the public, and other stakeholder groups. A Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee will be formed to support this project and will include representatives from the County, cities, school districts, private-non-profit entities, business partners, academic institutions, and other local, state, and federal agencies acting in or serving Stoddard County.
At the kickoff meeting, we discuss the benefits of updating the plan, the project schedule, and the hazards that affect Stoddard County, such as tornadoes, floods, extreme temperatures, severe winter weather, and more. Stoddard County requests your assistance in forwarding this invitation to others in your jurisdiction that might participate.
The Bootheel Regional Planning Commission is responsible for developing this plan. community Development Specialists Christy LeGrand and Christine Young (573) 614-5178, ext 106 are coordinating this effort. We need your participation to successfully complete this project and ensure your organization is eligible for FEMA hazard mitigation assistance funding. Cities, counties, and school districts that do not participate in an approved Hazard Mitigation Plan are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply for FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants.
Please confirm your attendance or provide contact information for your designated alternate by responding to Christy LeGrand at clegrand@bootrpc.com
This information from Jim Grebing, Executive Director, Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission.