Local Schools

Karnes Named New Superintendent of Bloomfield Schools
February 28th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Karnes Named New Superintendent of Bloomfield Schools

The Bloomfield Board of Education held a special board meeting this morning at 7 am.  The board opened the meeting and went directly into executive session.  During the executive session, the board approved the resignation of Toni Hill, effective 6/30/23.  She has taken a position with MSHSAA.

The board hired Mr. Jason Karnes for the superintendent's position with a two year contract. 

The Bloomfield School District will be in great hands under the leadership of Mr. Karnes in the coming years. 

“I’m excited and blessed to receive this opportunity at Bloomfield Schools,” said Karnes. “Bloomfield has been great to me for fifteen years, and I’m looking forward to serving our community, staff, and students as superintendent. I have some big shoes to fill. Mrs. Hill has been a great superintendent at Bloomfield, as well as a great mentor for me.”

Last Updated on February 28th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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Natalie Sills Named 2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Queen
February 17th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Natalie Sills Named 2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Queen

Natalie Sills named the 2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Queen.

Natalie is the daughter of Dean and Nikki Sills and is a senior at Bloomfield High School.

She is a member of Sr. Beta Club, future Farmers of America, Yearbook Staff, Honor Choir, Volleyball Team and Basketball Team.

Her future plans are to go to Cosmetology School and become an entrepreneur by owning her own salon.

She is escorted by Christian Hartlein.

He is the son of Cory and Cara Hartlein.

Christian is a member of Sr. Beta Club, Future Farmers of America, Honor Choir, Cross Country and the Baseball Team.

After graduation he plans to pursue a career in law enforcement.

From left to right are Leilani Hall, Hunter Stephens, Katie Hendley, Caleb Upchurch, Natalie Sills (Queen), Christian Hartlein, Hayleigh Poe, Joseph Lane, Aubrey Hall, and Lucas Dowdy.

Last Updated on February 17th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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2022 Bloomfield High School Retiring Homecoming Queen is Hayleigh Poe
February 17th 2023 by Dee Loflin
2022 Bloomfield High School Retiring Homecoming Queen is Hayleigh Poe

2022 Bloomfield High School Retiring Homecoming Queen is Hayleigh Poe.

She is the daughter of Roy and Jessica Poe.

Hayleigh is currently studying at Southeast Missouri State University obtaining her degree in English Education.

Her escort is Joseph Lane.

He is the son of Lee and Tressa Lane.  

Joseph also attends Southeast Missouri State University and is majoring in English Education.

Last Updated on February 17th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Candidate Featuring Natalie Sills
February 17th 2023 by Dee Loflin
2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Candidate Featuring Natalie Sills

2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Candidate Featuring Natalie Sills.

Natalie is the daughter of Dean and Nikki Sills and is a senior at Bloomfield High School.

She is a member of Sr. Beta Club, future Farmers of America, Yearbook Staff, Honor Choir, Volleyball Team and Basketball Team.

Her future plans are to go to Cosmetology School and become an entrepreneur by owning her own salon.

She is escorted by Christian Hartlein.

He is the son of Cory and Cara Hartlein.

Christian is a member of Sr. Beta Club, Future Farmers of America, Honor Choir, Cross Country and the Baseball Team.

After graduation he plans to pursue a career in law enforcement.

Last Updated on February 17th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Candidate Featuring Aubrey Hull
February 17th 2023 by Dee Loflin
2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Candidate Featuring Aubrey Hull

2023 Bloomfield High School Homecoming Candidate Featuring Aubrey Hull.

Aubrey is a junior at Bloomfield High School and the daughter of Nathan and Linda Hull.

She is a member of Future Business Leaders of America, Sr. Beta Club, FCCLA, Future Farmers of America, Volleyball Team, Cheer, Honor Choir and serves as the Student Body Treasurer.

Her future plans are to become a dental hygienist.

Her escort is Lucas Dowdy.

He is the son of William and Christy Dowdy.  

Lucas is a member of Sr. Beta Club, Future Farmers of America, Student Council, and the Basketball Team.

After graduation he plans to attend college.

Last Updated on February 17th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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