Bernie, MO - The city of Bernie will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at 101 West Main in Bernie to discuss the city's submission of an application for the fiscal year 2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) program according to a public notice posted on their building. (Though I think the CDGB Grant is for the 2023 year).
The city is interested in obtaining all citizens' input on community development needs within the city. As part of the hearing process citizens will be asked to verbally assist in the completion of a Needs Assessment document. This document will detail what the residents feel are strengths and weaknesses of the community.
The city of Bernie needs as much local participation as possible in order to reflect the true desires of the community as a whole as well as the comments relating to the proposed project application. The state of Missouri has established a maximum application request for each funding category. Activities that are eligible for funding include the improvement of public works, public facilities, housing rehabilitation and others called by law. At least 51% of the funds must be used to benefit low-and-moderate income persons. No displacement of persons will be proposed.
The city of Bernie is proposing to repair and rehabilitate the water system throughout the Bernie Community. The city is seeking $750,000 from CDGB for gap funding to accompany the USDA Loan and Grant. The project if funded will benefit 52% low/moderate income persons. All citizens including those in the targeted area are encouraged to attend in order to comment on the proposed activities.
For more information on the proposed project contact City Clerk at (573) 293-5318 or by email at jacobcameron@berniemo.com. If you need special accommodations for the public hearing, including LEP assistance, please contact the city clerk by January 20th by 12:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at an accessible location and the city will make every effort possible to provide reasonable accommodations.
(Notice of Public Hearing was sent to the ShowMe Times by a concerned citizen. The ShowMe Times will be in attendance.)