Bernie R-XIII School District Board of Education Regular Meeting for Monday, December 12, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
Proposed Agenda
A. Call to Order
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Routine Matters
1. Approval of Minutes (November 21, 2022)
D. Information Items
1. Announce Board Candidate Filing Dates (Zoll)
i. December 6, 2022 8: 00 AM to December 27, 2022 5:00 PM
ii. Terms Expiring, Denny Riddle, Rick Beaird and Richard Owens
2. Administrative comments
i. Elementary Principal, (Ellenburg)
ii. High School Principal, (Botsch)
iii. Superintendent (Hicks)
E. Action Items
1. Review and Approve No Tax Increase Bond Ballot Resolution (Hicks)
2. Review and Approve HVAC bids (Hicks)
3. Review and Approve Program Evaluations (Hicks)
i. Technology ii. Guidance
4. Review and Approve Purchase of Office Security Doors (Hicks)
F. Budget and Financial Statement
1. Review and Approve MUSIC Insurance Bill (Hicks) i. Umbrella Coverage
2. Review Financial Statement, pay bills, replenish petty cash (Hicks) G. Executive Session
1. Move to convene into executive session to consider: i. Approval of Minutes
ii. Student Records (Sch Law 610-021(6))
iii. Personnel Records (Sch Law 610-021 (13))
iv. Hiring, Firing Discipline of Employees (Sch Law 610-021 (3))