The Office of Broadband Development in partnership with the Regional Planning Commissions and the University of Missouri system, invite you to join us for the Connecting All Missourians regional listening session.
October 19, 2022
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Bootheel Regional Planning Commission 105 East North Main Street, Dexter MO 63841
The meeting will be held in person, with a concurrent virtual option available for those who are unable to attend in-person. To view the schedule of meetings and register please click here.
The Connecting All Missourians programs - funded through the Federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program and the Digital Equity Act (DEA) - represent an unprecedented opportunity to connect unserved and underserved Missourians. These programs will fund lasting investments in broadband infrastructure and digital inclusion programs to make sure Missourians can make full use of the internet once they get it. Connecting All Missourians aims to ensure that every Missourian has access to the internet, an internet-capable device, and the knowledge/skills necessary to take full advantage of the opportunities broadband provides. Feedback received from stakeholders at the events will guide the creation of a five-year infrastructure plan and Missouri’s Digital Equity Plan.
The main purpose of the regional listening session is to hear from a diverse range of broadband stakeholders, including, citizens, businesses owners, community anchor institutions such as libraries, schools, and hospitals, local governments, and service providers.
Stakeholder input is crucial to the work of the Office of Broadband Development as they develop future programs.
The information collected will shape the development of broadband infrastructure in Missouri for the foreseeable future. The goal of this campaign is to identify broadband challenges and barriers while identifying resources that can further our mission: Connecting All Missourians.