FAFSA Frenzy offers help with applying for financial aid
Future and current college students and their families can receive free help completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at FAFSA Frenzy from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. October 25-26, at the Testing Center in the Westover Administration Building on the Three Rivers College Poplar Bluff campus.
Completing the FAFSA is the first step in applying for federal financial aid, most state financial aid, and some scholarships.
“We recommend completing a FAFSA even if you are unsure about your college plans,” said Regina Morris, Director of Financial Aid at Three Rivers College.
The TRC event is open to everyone, whether or not you plan to attend Three Rivers.
Dependent students will need 2021 taxes for both parents and student (if applicable). Parents will need an FSA ID along with the student. Students are considered dependent if they are under 24 years old, not married, and do not have children.
Times, dates, and locations for all FAFSA Frenzy activities are available at journeytocollege.mo.gov/pay/file-a-fafsa/fafsa-frenzy/public-fafsa-frenzy-events/.
Academic year 2022-23 marks the 20th year Missouri has offered the FAFSA Frenzy program. Since 2004, FAFSA Frenzy events have provided assistance to more than 25,000 Missouri students.
FAFSA Frenzy, sponsored by the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, is a part of national completion efforts lead by the National College Access Network.

The Bloomfield Board of Education met last night for the regular October meeting.
Wyatt Hendley, Bloomfield High School Student Body President, attended the meeting and gave a presentation over what our high school student council is doing this fall. Wyatt did a fantastic job!
In open session, the board approved the following:
1. Approved the solicitation of district auditor bids
2. Approved the resolution on membership in the Success Ready Students Network
The board also discussed a possible grant that could help with the cost of the ag shop extension/remodel. The board also discussed getting the parking lot on the old factory lot completed prior to the elementary Christmas program.
The principals presented their building reports.
Superintendent Toni Hill presented the District's September Membership numbers. This is the enrollment for the District on the last Wednesday of September.
In executive session, the board approved the substitute list.

Miss DHS candidates were announced and the students have began voting! Miss DHS will be held on Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. at Charles Bland Stadium.
Kylah Hill will be escorted by Jett Grams
Jayci Holcomb will be escorted by Peyton Boles
Molly Simmons will be escorted by Andrew Saylors
Callie Whitaker will be escorted by Cole Gibson
Shelby Dawson will be escorted by Cy Scott
Ellie Dowdy will be escorted by Ben Dowdy
Gabrielle Young will be escorted by Chris Stone
Destiny Ahrens will be escorted by Ryan Young
Hannah Guy will be escorted by Eric Harmon
Alise Howell will be escorted by Tristan Koonce
Back row from left to right: Callie Whitaker, Molly Simmons, Gabrielle Young, Destiny Ahrens, and Hannah Guy
Front row from left to right: Jayci Holcomb, Kylah Hill, Ellie Dowdy, Shelby Dawson, and Alise Howell
Photo provided by Dexter High School

Bloomfield, MO - The Bloomfield School District XIV will have a regularly scheduled board meeting on October 10, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school library.
Agenda: Regular Board Meeting for October 10, 2022 will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library
I. Preliminary Matters
A. Roll Call
B. Approve/Amend Agenda
C. Student Presentation
II. Consider approval of consent agenda
Approve minutes of Board Meeting of September 13, 2022
Approve Payment of Current Bills
III. Financial Report
Treasurer's Report
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
A. Consider Approval of Soliciting District Auditor Bids
Consider Approval of Resolution on Membership in the Success Ready Students Network
Discussion of Ag Extension
Discussion of Old Factory Site
VI. Principal’s Reports
Elementary Report
Middle School Report
High School Report
VII. Superintendent’s Report
September Membership
VIII. Executive Session – Enter Into Executive Session as Per RsMo.610.021
Approve minutes of Executive Board Meeting of September 13, 2022
Student Matters pursuant to Rs.MO.610.021(6)
Employment Matters pursuant to Rs.Mo.610.021(3)
IX. Return to Regular Session
X. Adjourn Meeting
The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2022 starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Building.

Dexter, MO - Future Health Professionals Organization (DHS HOSA) is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a community wide BLOOD DRIVE on Friday, October 7, 2022 at the Bearcat Event Center.
The Blood Drive will be from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Individuals who are able to donate can book at appointment time by clicking HERE.
You may also book an appointment time by signing up in one of the time slots listed on the form posted outside of the High School office.
In order to donate blood you must be 16 years old with parent permission or 17 years or older with valid ID. (obtain a permission form from the pocket folder beside the sign-up outside of the office and return to Mrs. Giles by the morning of October 7th).