Bloomfield, MO - The Stoddard County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, September 8, 2022.
Water District #5 - The Commissioners will need to appoint a new board to serve a specific term. Once that is done Missouri Rural Water can come in and train the board and the clerk on procedures to maintain the Water District #5. There are approximately 270 meters in the district.
Motion was made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell to appoint Commissioner Steve Jordan to the banking account at Southern Bank along with Brandy Ross from Water District #5 until a Board can be appointed. Seconded by Danny Talkington. Jordan abstained since he was being appointed. Commissioners Jarrell and Talkington voted yes to the motion.
Commissioner Jordan will contact a few people and ask to serve on the Board of Directors for Water District #5.
Andrew Bohnert, Stoddard County Emergency Management Director, presented a draft job description for his job. The Commissioners will review and get back to Bohnert on any recommendations or changes to the job description. If you are interested in applying you can send your resume to the Stoddard County Clerk's office.
Tornado sirens - Battles was able to do maintenance and repair. City of Advance needs a control panel. Cost will be $210 to purchase and install. Dudley siren is at 80% capacity. It will need to be addressed in the near future. Batteries are three years old in all of the sirens. They will need to be replaced over the next two years. A plan to do 1/3 each year as a long term plan. Each battery is $200 each and it takes 4 to run the sirens. August of 2018 was the last time they were replaced. Six speakers that we maintain and operate and getting 3 new ones. two speakers and two amps, supply chain issues Cost $3,170.00 for two complete sets. An extra solar charger on hand as well. Bohnert will get quotes by September 18, 2022 and present to the Commissioners.
Meeting adjourned at noon on Thursday.