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    SoutheastHEALTH Foundation Announces Scholarship Awards
    August 11th 2022 by Dee Loflin
    SoutheastHEALTH Foundation Announces Scholarship Awards

    SoutheastHEALTH Foundation has announced recipients of healthcare scholarships made possible by the Foundation and the generosity of individual and family donors. Twenty-seven students received $32,500 in scholarship awards at an event held recently at the Jackson Civic Center. 

    Dr. Steven Langdon, President, Southeast Hospital College of Nursing and Health Sciences, addressed the group. Dr. Karen Crites Hendrickson, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, served as Master of Ceremonies, and scholarship certificates were presented by Gina Leath, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at SoutheastHEALTH, and Darah Jirkovsky, Executive Director, SoutheastHEALTH Foundation.

    Jirkovsky said, “Because of the generosity of donors, our scholarship recipients are working to enter a field dedicated to helping others, which is more important now than ever before. These programs make a difference to patients and the communities we serve, as scholars meet their academic goals and enter the healthcare workforce.”

    Since 1962, the SoutheastHEALTH Foundation has awarded over $1.1 Million to local scholars. These funds have supported the education of over 1,300 current and future healthcare workers for our region.  

    This year’s recipients include:

    Enrolled in SoutheastHEALTH College of Nursing and Health Sciences programs:

    Kolbe Asmus, Tom Welch Radiography Scholarship

    Mallory Cook, O.D. Niswonger Scholarship

    Addison Curtis, James W. Wente Scholarship

    Carly Gotto, Dorothy Kies Penzel Scholarship

    Hope Hartman, Ronald James Schwent Nursing Scholarship

    Alexys Littlepage, Jean Chapman, MD, Scholarship

    Tina Medlock, Sheila Caskey, PhD, Scholarship

    Mary Stewart, Karen Crites Hendrickson, EdD, RN, NEA-BC Scholarship

    Audrea Tellor, Karen Crites Hendrickson, EdD, RN, NEA-BC Scholarship

    Ashley Winkler, L.P. Maxwell, MD, Scholarship

    Arkansas State University

    Austin Bucher, Ilena Aslin Scholarship

    Southeast Missouri State University 

    Amber Dukes, Karen Crites Henderickson, EdD, RN, NEA-BC Scholarship

    Ashley Elkins, Balsamo Family Scholarship

    Megan R. Te, William and Martina Scott Scholarship

    St. Louis Community College

    Bethany Dorris, Elda Haertling Scholarship

    St. Louis University

    Debra Compton, SoutheastHEALTH Foundation Scholarship

    Mia Foote, Nancy Ann Bray Scholarship

    James T. Waltz, Margaret Foster Roberts Scholarship

    Southwest Baptist University

    Brendan Gross, Margaret Foster Roberts Scholarship

    Western Governors University

    Martha Cissell, Polly DuVal Kinder Scholarship

    Three Rivers College

    Kaylee Ball, Hutson Family Scholarship

    William Brewer, Charlotte Black Sargent Scholarship

    Murray State University

    Allyson Johnson, Hazel Harrison Strickler Scholarship

    US Bank Foundation Giving Program-Grant

    Southeast Hospital College of Nursing and Health Sciences

    Elizabeth David

    Aimee Linares

    Central Methodist University

    Tracy Lewis

    Southeast Missouri State University

    Matthew Obasanjo

    About SoutheastHEALTH Foundation 

    SoutheastHEALTH Foundation, Inc. was organized in 1977 as an independent 501 (c)3 nonprofit entity to ensure the future of healthcare in our region.  The Foundation’s Board of Directors is made up of individuals and volunteers from all segments of our service area. The Board oversees fund-raising projects and manages the allocation of funds in an effort to enhance service to our community.

    Last Updated on August 11th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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