Local News

Stoddard County Commission Will Accept Bids to Remove Accumulated Silt and Sediment
July 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Will Accept Bids to Remove Accumulated Silt and Sediment


The Stoddard County Commission will be accepting bids to remove accumulated silt and sediment from approximately 2,000 linear feet of Ditch No. 17 at approximate latitude 37.0461 degrees N and longitude -89.9003 degrees W in Stoddard County, Missouri. 

As proposed, all excavated material from the ditch will be placed directly on existing dredge disposal piles or other areas outside waters of the United States. 

Therefore, no Corps of Engineers permit is required under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. 

Bids must be turned in to the County Clerk’s Office by 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 12, 2022. 

All bids will be opened in the Stoddard County Commissioner’s Chambers at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, August 15, 2022. 

Stoddard County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 

Last Updated on July 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin

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Notice to Bid for Broker Services Related to Group Benefits for Stoddard County Employees
July 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin
Notice to Bid for Broker Services Related to Group Benefits for Stoddard County Employees


All proposals submitted by a firm or agency should address the following areas:

Please provide a brief description of your firm or agency, including a brief summary of the individuals and their role in working with the County.

What services will your firm or agency provide to the County.

Explain the capability of your firm or agency to service our account.

List the companies your firm or agency has access to. 

How will enrollment of the County employees be handled?

Explain your firm or agency’s compensation expectations. 

What assistance will be provided to our employees regarding claims resolution or other service-related issues?

How often will your firm or agency’s staff be available to attend employee meetings?

How often will your firm or agency’s staff meet with the County Commissioners to review and analyze the benefit plan and quality of service?

How will the renewal process be handled?

What consulting services will be provided at renewal time?

Provide at least 3 references.

Please prepare your proposal and return it to the County Clerk’s Office, no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 12, 2022.  All proposals should be marked as “Proposals for Professional Services.”  All proposals will be opened at 10:00 a.m. Monday, August 15, 2022 in the County Commissioner’s Chambers.   The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. 

Last Updated on July 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin

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Route P in Cape Girardeau and Stoddard Counties Closed for Pavement Repairs
July 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin
Route P in Cape Girardeau and Stoddard Counties Closed for Pavement Repairs

Route P in Cape Girardeau and Stoddard Counties Closed for Pavement Repairs

Route P in Cape Girardeau and Stoddard Counties will be closed as Contractor Crews perform pavement repairs.  

This section of roadway is located from County Road 265 to County Road 266 near Delta, Missouri. 

Weather permitting, work will begin at 7:00 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3 and will end at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 5.  

The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area. 

For additional information, contact Resident Engineer Kevin Plott at 573-472-9034, MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636)

Last Updated on July 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commissioners Meet, Bridge Repairs, Health Insurance and More Discussed
July 18th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commissioners Meet, Bridge Repairs, Health Insurance and More Discussed

The Stoddard County Commissioners held their weekly meeting on Monday, July 18, 2022 from 9 a.m. - noon at the Stoddard County Government building.

Bootheel Regional Planning Commission requested the contract signed by Sheriff Carl Hefner for the new body scanner.  There was a change of contact person in the contract and therefore they needed another contract filled out and signed.  They will send a copy to Commissioner Talkington.

Commissioner Steve Jordan made a motion to approve the July 11, 2022 meeting minutes,  Commissioner Carol Jarrell seconded.  No changes were made. All voted yes to approve.

Smith & Co., Pre-Construction Meeting, BRO-B103 (073/074) meeting opened at 10:00 a.m. sharp.

Colter Gaebler, Construction Manager and Project Manager opened the meeting along with Keith Simpson, contractor, who attended in person and representatives from MoDOT via telephone were present for the preconstruction meeting.  Construction will begin on Bridge 760 on August 15, 2022 and should be completed by November 14, 2022.  Bridge 784 has a start date of November 14, 2022 and should be completed by February 15, 2023. Both bridges are located in Stoddard County in Elk Township.  They will be closed to traffic during construction.

Responsibilities of Engineers: The Construction Inspection Services Contract, includes inspection with authority to require compliance to contract documents. No instructions shall be issued to the contractor during construction except as authorized by the Construction Manager or Project Engineer 

Responsibilities of Owner's Governing Body (Stoddard County Commission): All interests of the Owner in regards to this project will be conducted thru the Stoddard County Commission.  The Owner shall not supervise or be responsible for the 

Responsibilities of Contractor: The Contractor shall adhere to the contract documents and shall not deviate from the contract without written approval from the Engineer and Owner.  The contractor shall supervise, inspect, and direct the work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention to and applying such skills and expertise as many be necessary to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents.  Other responsibilities are stated in the General Condition.

Responsibilities of Any other Agency Contributing to the Project:  All agencies will work thru the Construction Manager Project Inspector.  The Construction Manager will then keep the Owner informed of issues that may arise.

The Notice to Proceed will be signed after MoDOT concurs that all contract documents are in place.  All parties will receive an executed copy of all documents.

Liquidated Damages are $700 per day for every day beyond the final completion.

Final Acceptance of Work: The Contractor must complete all work including punch list items, provide lien releases, consent of surety, affidavits of payment, before final acceptance.

In other business:

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to approve the Rapid Financial Solution LLC program for paying jurors for services at a cost of .55 cents per debit card.  Commissioner Jarrell seconded the motion.  All three commissioners voted yes.

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to request bids for a cleanout of 2,000 linear feet of drainage ditch #17 which is east of highway 25 and north of highway 91.  Commissioner Jarrell seconded the motion.  All three commissioners voted yes.  

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to request bids for the 2023-2024 Healthcare Provider for Stoddard County employees.  Commissioner Jarrell seconded the motion.  All three commissioners voted yes.

Sheriff Carl Hefner produced three options for the leaking pipes in the old jail.  Commissioner Jordan made a motion to replace plumbing and use the existing stainless steel toilets/sinks as they are good shape just need new internal parts.  Cost is $27,500 for the c-block section in the old jail that will be used.   The other two quotes were much higher for complete replacement.  Jarrell seconded.  All three voted yes.

No other business was conducted after Presiding Commissioner Danny Talking left early.

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to adjourn at noon.  Commissioner Jarrell seconded.  Both agreed.

Last Updated on July 18th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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Spotting Credit Card Skimmers and Shimmers
July 18th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Spotting Credit Card Skimmers and Shimmers

Credit card skimmers and shimmers are small, illegal devices fraudsters attach to ATMs and gas pumps in order to steal your credit card information. While these devices are rare, here's what to watch for:

1.  Skimmers are placed on the outside of the card reader. Skimmers are easier to spot since they're bulky and often look like they don't belong on the machine. Watch for mismatching colors or odd fitting equipment.

2.  Shimmers are placed inside the card reader. Shimmers are thin and harder to spot, but they can be noticed inside the card slot if you look carefully.

3.  Check for tampering. If a panel looks like it's been removed or if any pieces seem loose, take caution. Be on the lookout for any pieces that look odd or move when they shouldn't.

4.  Consider where the machine is located. These devices are more common on ATMs that aren't in busy areas.

Last Updated on July 18th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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