Calling all fin-atics! We’ve teamed up with Discovery to celebrate the best week of the year: #SharkWeek! In honor of this, we’ve got a new reason for you to sign up to give blood. Come to give blood in July to automatically be entered for a chance to win an exclusive Shark Week merchandise package for outdoor adventure, including a Nine Foot Standup Paddleboard, Beach Cruiser Bicycle, Smokeless Portable Fire Pit, One-Seater Kayak and a $500 gift card to put toward accessories.^
Whether it’s watching an adrenaline-boosting episode of Shark Week or donating blood at your nearest drive or donation center, there are plenty of ways to get your heart pumping this summer. Will you help us with the constant need for blood? Together, we’ll keep the blood supply steady for patients this summer and beyond.
Type O positive blood donors like you are especially needed this week! You can help us avoid a dangerous situation by signing up to give ASAP. This will help ensure this universal blood type is on hand this summer.
As a special thank you, come to give blood June 30-July 10 and get an exclusive Red Cross recycled cotton tote bag, while supplies last!* Carry it on your next trip to your local aquarium or use it to stash some snacks for your next blood donation. (And you know you can count on us to have some snacks waiting for you, too!)
Tyson Foods INC will host a Blood Drive on Wednesday, July 6th from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at 1001 East Stoddard Street in Dexter, MO. Sponsor Code: TysonFoodsIncDexter