Paid for by the Citizens for Sawyer Smith, Leeza Edmundson Smith, Treasure.
Sawyer Smith for Stoddard County Prosecuting Attorney will present a Women's Luncheon on Friday, June 17th from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The campaign luncheon is provided by Citizens for Sawyer Smith.
The event will feature the three speakers and is designed to provide information about victim advocacy for women and children.
Leeza Edmundson Smith, wife of Sawyer, and Campaign Treasurer is a Registered Nurse and Medical Aesthetics Specialist, will welcome and provide the introduction.
Morgan Copeland Nesselrodt, Executive Council, Bootheel Babies & Families, and Board member of the Southeast Missouri Network Against Sexual Violence (SEMO NASV) will speak on Advocating for Children.
LeAnn Malone Ryan, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Pemiscot County and Juvenile Attorney, Pemiscot and New Madrid Counties will speak on Advocating for Women & Children - in cases of sexual abuse and domestic violence.
The event will be held at Hickory Log.