Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary in Dexter honored Second Grade students with Positive Office Referral certificates.
This award was presented to students who consistently showed the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN.
Each student received a certificate and a FREE Taco from Taco Bell.
From left to right are Ryder Galloway, Weston Qualls, and Mason Pemberton.

Bailee Hux from Richland High School received the Shelter Insurance Scholarship.
Brock Williams and Matthew Mitchell, Shelter Insurance Agents, presented her with a $1500 certificate.
She was selected by a committee of local area residents based on her scholastic achievement and community involvement.

Dexter, MO - The Dexter High School honored the graduating Class of 2022 at the Bearcat Event Center on Friday, May 20th. Bailey Whitaker was named Valedictorian and Rachel Lin was named Salutatorian.
Rachel Lin is the daughter of Min Lin.
She is the Student Body President, Future Business Leaders of America President, Sr. Beta Club Secretary, Class Representative of HOSA, National honor Society Treasurer, FCCLA Historian, a member of the Pep Club, Art Club, the varsity football cheer squad, the varsity basketball cheer squad and the varsity track & field team.
Her future plans are to attend the University of Missouri - Columbia and major in health professions. She plans to pursue a career in the medical field.
Bailey Whitaker is the daughter of Cecil and Cindy Whitaker.
She has been involved in the Pep Club, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Sr. Beta Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Student Council HOSA, National Society of High School Scholars, and National Honor Society.
Her future plans are to attend Arkansas State University - Jonesboro and major in Biology. She plans to become a Physician's Assistant (PA).