Bailee Hux from Richland High School received the Shelter Insurance Scholarship.
Brock Williams and Matthew Mitchell, Shelter Insurance Agents, presented her with a $1500 certificate.
She was selected by a committee of local area residents based on her scholastic achievement and community involvement.

Essex,MO - Richland R-1 Schools will host Dress up Day during Winter Homecoming Week beginning Tuesday, january 18th.
The Homecoming Coronation will be held between the Junior Varsity and Varsity games on Friday, January 21st.
Monday - No School - Martin Luther King Holiday
Tuesday - Pajama Day
Wednesday - Mismatch Day
Thursday - Beach Day
Friday - Rebel Day
The Rebels will take on Southland beginning with the junior varsity at 6:00 p.m.

Essex, MO - The Journalism Education Association (JEA) released the results from its fall national journalism contest last week and the Richland R-1 School yearbook students took home four superiors, two excellents, and two honorable mentions.
In the photography portion, seven total superiors were presented in the nation and four of them went to Richland students, including in the Portfolio division, to which The Rebel Editor-in-Chief Dacie Ritch took home the top prize of the photography contest, making her the highest rated high school photographer in the nation.
Winners in the contest included, from left: Alex Porter, Excellent in General News Photography; Cassie Bess, Superior in Feature Photography; Katelyn Black, Honorable Mention in Sports Feature Photography; Dacie Ritch, Superior in Portfolio Photography; MaKayla Finch, Honorable Mention in Themed Photography; Jalen Rodgers, Superior in Sports Action Photography; Logan Holman, Excellent in Portrait Photography; and Joe Wyman, Superior in First Year Photography.
Photo courtesy of Kyle Carter

Essex, MO - Richland Preschool and Kindergarten Supplies List for the 2021-2022 Academic School year listed below:
__ Backpack
__ Art Box
__ 4 boxes of 24 Crayons
__ 1 pair of blunt scissors
__ 8 glue sticks
__ 4 #2 pencils
__ 1 large eraser
__ 2 boxes of Kleenex
__ 1 package of washable markers
__ 1 small blanket for nap time
__ 1 eight color tray of washable watercolors
Kindergarten School Supplies
__ 1 Art Box
__ Backpack
__ 2 boxes of 24 Crayola Crayons
__ 1 pair of Fiskars pointed scissors
__ 8 glue sticks
__ 1 package of yellow #2 pencils
__ 2 large erasers
__ 1 box of Kleenex
__ 1 package of Expo Chisel Point Dry Erase Markers
__ 1 pair of Headphones (with a jack)
Back to School Open House will be held on August 17th from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
First day of school will be August 23, 2021.

Essex, MO - Richland R-1 will host Preschool Screening and Kindergarten Enrollment on Monday, March 15, 2021 from 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
This is a 3-5 year old screening, as well as a Kindergarten screening/enrollment for the 2021-2022 academic school year.
Children must be 5 years old before August 1, 2021 to enroll in Kindergarten.
Please bring with you:
1. Your child
2. Certified Birth Certificate
3. Child's Social Security Card
4. Child's Updated Shot Record
5. Proof of Residency such as a utility bill with your name and address on it
Please note that the screenings usually take about 1 - 2 hours so plan accordingly.
You must call 573.283.5310 for an appointment