Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board of Directors held their regular meeting on April 19, 2022 at 6 p.m. New board members were sworn in, existing board was dissolved, and new board officers were elected.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge:
The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members, with Mr. Herman Morse being absent. The Board President leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
Board Reorganization: The existing board was dissolved and the new board was reorganized. The following board officers were elected:
President - Mr. Ben Worley
Vice President-Mrs. Nancy Mayer
Treasure-Mrs. Saren Demaree
Secretary-Mrs. Laura Miller
Member-Mrs. Bonnie Howard
Member-Mr. Ron Glaus
Member-Mr. Jon Thompson
Member-Mr. Aaron Mathis
Public Comments: There were no registered guests.
Old Business: There was no old business.
New Business:
A. The board approved the science textbook/resource purchase for the 22-23 school year in the amount of $281,396.
B. The board approved the annual MSBA membership.
C. The board approved professional architecture services from DillePollard for upcoming roofing, interior renovations, mechanical, and electrical improvements.
D. The results of the Missouri State Highway Patrol were reviewed with the board.
9. Discussion Items: The following items were discussed with the board:
A. Building board reports were shared.
B. The monthly nursing report was shared with the board.
C. The superintendent’s report was shared with the board.
D. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for May 17, 2022
In Closed Session:
1. The board approved the hiring of the following substitute teachers for the 21-22 school year:
Lacey Wood
Emily Mouser
2. The board approved hiring of the following individuals for the 21-22 school year pending favorable background checks and appropriate certification:
Jennifer Hankins-Southwest Elementary, ECSE Aide
Angie Foster-Southwest Secretary
3. The board approved the transfer of the following individuals for the 22-23 school year pending appropriate certification:
Kimmy Chamberlain-Southwest Elementary 1st Grade Teacher
Christina Jenkins-Central Title Aide
Angie Horad-SW Title Aide
4. The board approved hiring of the following individuals for the 22-23 school year pending favorable background checks and appropriate certification.
Michelle Walker-6th Grade English
Brent Shipman-MS Cross Country
Josh Dowdy-HS Cross Country
Allison Sneed-Video Board Operation
Delaney Simmons-SW Special Services Teacher
Ethan Stevens-HS Assistant Football Coach and Assistant Wrestling
Chris Bolin-MS Head Baseball
Guethle/Lovelady-MS Assistant Baseball
Scott Kruse-MS Girls Basketball
5. The board approved employing all coaches and extra duty staff for the 2022-2023 school year.
6. The board approved employing Eric Boles as the district Director of Curriculum, Instruction and PD for the 2022-2023 school year.
7. The board approved employing all classified staff for the 2022-2023 school year.
8. The board approved the following resignations/retirements/recensions:
Mendi Zych-MS Library Aide, resignation effective at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
Annette Frazier-6th Grade ELA Teacher, resignation effective at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
April Deberry-Integrated PK Teacher, resignation effective at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
Josh Delay-MS Cross Country, resignation effective at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
Shirley Potter-Special Services Aide at Central, resignation effective at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
Tiffany Terrell-HS Math Teacher, resignation effective at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
Lari Hardin-recessention of employment for the 22-23 school year.
Jessica Watson-Special Services Aide at Central, resignation effective April 29th.
Kerri Kruse-HS Cheer Coach, resignation effective at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
9. The board approved a revised athletic/extra duty pay schedule.
10. The board approved employing recommended summer school staff for the 2022 summer session.
11 . The following items were discussed with the board:
Legal update.
Review of open positions for the 22-23 school year.
Update on agreement with Bootheel Counseling for a school based therapist.
Items at the Conclusion of Executive Session
A. None at this time.
Bernie High School Class of 2022 John Atkinson - Forever in Our Hearts
Poplar Bluff Food Service Director Dixie Harden has been selected as one of three bi-state recipients of the Homegrown Hero award, sponsored by the St. Louis District Dairy Council.
Harden, who is employed by Chartwells School Dining Services, ascended out of 21 finalists from Missouri and Illinois as a grand prize winner for striving to improve the lives of others every day in her community, according to an SLDDC press release issued this month.
“Each year, we are amazed by the heroes nominated, and the work they do right here in our own backyard,” stated Kelsey Hulcher, SLDDC nutrition educator. “It’s wonderful to learn about school cafeteria workers, teachers, custodians and volunteers who creatively and tirelessly work to make their communities a better place.”
Having taken the helm in 2016, Harden has increased breakfast participation and catering services, reduced waste across campus, received kitchen equipment grant funds, assisted with Community Eligibility Program efforts to provide free meals to younger students, and implemented well over a dozen new programs and services at school sites, according to nominator Trish Wilson, Chartwells administrative assistant.
Enhancements to the district’s food service operation Wilson cited include: introducing smoothies, coffee, deli options, on-the-go carts and teacher snack bars, plus providing second chance breakfasts, a dinner option, oversight of Boys and Girls Club dining services, Mule Pack distribution, and expansion of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program as well as the district’s free Summer Food Service Program.
“Within no time Chartwells exploded under Dixie’s leadership,” wrote Wilson, adding that Harden quickly became acquainted with each employee to assess their strengths. “Dixie’s number one priority is feeding her kids nutritional meals.
Established in 2018, Homegrown Heroes is a school-based initiative of SLDDC aimed to promote the local dairy industry in the region. Poplar Bluff R-I was one of two districts in the country to partner with the National Dairy Council and Prairie Farms Dairy to participate in a bulk milk dispenser pilot program two years ago.
Kelsey Hulcher (right) of the St. Louis District Dairy Council presents Chartwells Food Service Director Dixie Harden with the Homegrown Hero grand prize on Wednesday, April 13.
Photo and article by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District