Local Schools

2022 DHS National Honor Society Induction
March 07th 2022 by Dee Loflin
2022 DHS National Honor Society Induction

Dexter, MO - The Dexter HIgh School held their annual National Honor Society Induction on Monday, March 7, 2022 at the high school auditorium.

Chapter officers are:

President - Annie Banken

Vice President - Dulcie Pullen

Secretary - Andie Kruse

Treasurer - Rachel Lin

Service Coordinator/Historian - Kennedy Bess

Newly inducted students in alphabetical order are Destiny Ahrens, Grant Ayers, Gage Baran-Ward, Kaden Bias, Peyton Boles, Caitlin Cash, Drew Chamberlain, Kinleigh Chappell, Shelby Dawson, Makenna Dean, Ellen Dowdy, Caitlin Giles, Madison Glaus, Hannah Guy, Nathaniel Harris, Jayci Holcomb, Alise Howell, Britney Hudgins, Logan Josupait, Kaeden Kennedy, Truman Krapf, Alliye Lee, Richard Lin, Carly Long, Amber Madigan, Magi McBride, Danielle Morgan, Cole Nichols, Alyssa Pollard, Abigail Rash, Molly Simmons, Dylan Sitze, Allison Thurlkill, and Kalyn Traw.

Last Updated on March 07th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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