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1st Grade Classroom Earns 3Rs Flag for September 2021
November 01st 2021 by Dee Loflin
1st Grade Classroom Earns 3Rs Flag for September 2021

Dexter, Missouri - The 1st Grade classroom of Mrs.Ryan earned the Southwest Elementary Positive Behavioral Support Reward Flag for September 2021.

School Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) award is presented at the start of each month at Southwest Elementary.  One classroom in each grade is recognized for exhibiting the high character with regard to observing the school's 3R's.

The 3R's stand for being Respectful, Ready to Learn and Responsible.  The class with the highest attendance average, combined with the fewest disciplinary measures and general good character are awarded a 3R red flag to be posted in their classroom for the next month.

Back Row: Lennox LeBeau, Kylie Worley, Rice Garner, Emma Garner, Penelope Warren, Annabelle Bowers, Calvin Carnell, Ryan Patterson, and Blake Freeman.

Middle Row: Bailey Atkinson, Karter Kirkpatrick, Bentley Mattingly, Ryder Ackman, April Nichols, Olivia Frazier, and Ares Jarrell.

Front Row: Cayden Lawson, Myles Delcamp, Abbigail Alms, and Raelyn Barnes.

Last Updated on November 01st 2021 by Dee Loflin

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