Local Schools

2021 DHS Homecoming Queen is Julianna Rivera
October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin
2021 DHS Homecoming Queen is Julianna Rivera

Dexter, MO - The 2021 Dexter High School Homecoming Court was crowned at the Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, October 1st prior to the football game against Caruthersville.

Julianna Rivera (center) was crowned the 2021 Fall Homecoming Queen.

The second alternate is Gabby Brown (left) and the first alternate is Callie Whitaker (right).

Last Updated on October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin

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2021 Miss DHS and 2019 Homecoming Queen, Rachel Lin Crowns New Queen
October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin
2021 Miss DHS and 2019 Homecoming Queen, Rachel Lin Crowns New Queen

Dexter, MO - The 2021 Dexter High School Homecoming Court was crowned at the Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, October 1st prior to the football game against Caruthersville.

The 2020 Homecoming Queen, Myah Al-balawi graduated from DHS in May of 2021 and was not able to be at the game to crown the new homecoming queen.  She is attending University of North Texas in Denton Texas

The 2021 Miss DHS and 2019 Homecoming Queen, Rachel Lin crowned the new queen.

Lin serves as the Student Body President, Future Business Leaders of America President, Sr. Beta Club Secretary, Rotary Interact Secretary, and FCCLA Historian.

She is also a member of the Pep Club, National Honors Society, HOSA, Top Ten Percent, and varsity football and basketball cheerleading.

After graduation, Rachel plans on going to college to major in biomedical sciences and pursue a career in the medical field.

She is escorted by Levi DeMent.

Levi is a sophomore at DHS and the son of Jessica Jinkerson and Barry Dement.

When asked to describe Rachel. Levi said she is smart, athletic, kind hearted.

Last Updated on October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin

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2021 DHS Homecoming Candidate Aslyn Wirz
October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin
2021 DHS Homecoming Candidate Aslyn Wirz

Dexter, MO - The 2021 Dexter High School Homecoming Court was crowned at the Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, October 1st prior to the football game against Caruthersville.

Aslyn Wirz is the daughter of Denise Carver and Rick and Brandy Wirz.

Wirz is a junior at DHS and was nominated by the football cheerleaders.

Aslyn is involved in Future Business Leaders of America, HOSA, and is a member of varsity football cheer team.

After graduation, Aslyn plans on attending a four year university and go into the medical field.

She is escorted by her brother, Francois Wirz.

He is a senior at DHS and the son of Brandy and Rick Wirz.

When asked to describe Aslyn, Francois said, my sister is hard working, smart, and determined.

Last Updated on October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin

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2021 DHS Homecoming Candidate Tori White
October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin
2021 DHS Homecoming Candidate Tori White

Dexter, MO - The 2021 Dexter High School Homecoming Court was crowned at the Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, October 1st prior to the football game against Caruthersville.

Tori White is the daughter of Courtney and Jason Cowell.

White is a senior at DHS and was nominated by the volleyball team.

She is a member of FCCLA, Student Council, Future Business Leaders of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Model UN, pep club, Sr. Beta Club, and National Honors Society.

After graduation, she plans to attend a four year university and study law.

Tori is escorted by Seth Malloy.

Malloy is a senior at DHS and is the son of Bucky and DeAnna Malloy.

When asked to describe Tori, Seth said she is funny, nice, and weird. 

Last Updated on October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin

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2021 DHS Homecoming Candidate Callie Whitaker
October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin
2021 DHS Homecoming Candidate Callie Whitaker

Dexter, MO - The 2021 Dexter High School Homecoming Court was crowned at the Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, October 1st prior to the football game against Caruthersville.

Callie Whitaker is the daughter of Melissa Whitaker and Joe Whitaker.

Whitaker is a junior at DHS and was nominated by the football cheerleaders.

Callie is a member of the varsity football cheerleading team, Kickin' Cats Dance Team, Pep club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and FCCLA.

After graduating from high school, Callie plans to pursue a career in cosmetology.

She is escorted by Cole Gibson.

Gibson is a junior at DHS and the son of Nathan and Sarah Gibson.

When asked to describe Callie, Cole said she is beautiful, Kind-Hearted, and his best friend.

Last Updated on October 03rd 2021 by Dee Loflin

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