Sparklight recently donated 50 Google Chromebooks to Lake Road Elementary to be used to teach coding during latchkey as the school works toward its goal of incorporating STEM into its curriculum.
“Now more than ever, student access to computers is a necessity,” Sparklight Senior Vice President of Technology Services Ken Johnson stated in a press release. “By donating Chromebooks, we’re giving students in need the opportunity to use technology that will ultimately prepare them for a progressively digital workforce.”
A company representative reached out to Lake Road at the end of last school year, as part of its Chromebooks for Kids initiative. Sparklight has given away over 2,000 devices to Title I elementary schools in the markets where it offers broadband services.
The devices have allowed third grade teacher Michelle McDaniel to start the ‘Kids Who Code’ club during which she uses resources from Code.org and the Girls Who Code nonprofit to teach students how to code. Upward of 40 participants, grades 1-6, gather for about an hour and a half in the gymnasium each morning.
“My hope is that it will foster an interest in computer sciences,” McDaniel explained. “In this way, hopefully, the kids can also become interested in robotics and engineering.”
While the elementary schools are 1:1, the additional laptop cart brings Lake Road closer to realizing its vision of having a space dedicated to science, technology, engineering and math, according to Principal Rondi Vaughn.
“Having these computers in a cart for this purpose will allow us to give students the accessibility to technology while participating in these [activities] and not having to take any technology outside their classrooms,” Vaughn said. “Computers are an integral component of our students’ learning.”
Pictured: Computer technicians Kyle Pearson (forefront) and Joe Salamone inventory Chromebooks on Tuesday, Aug. 24, in the conference room at Lake Road so teacher Michelle McDaniel (standing) can incorporate technology during latchkey.
Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

A Poplar Bluff Junior High faculty member has been awarded a $500 grant from the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation to create a puppet theater and purchase a digital camera for her drama elective.
Hilary Taylor was selected among nine grant recipients in Region 12 of the Missouri Retired Teachers Association out of 112 successful proposals throughout the state, plus 10 awarded to school support staff.
“This project will allow students to interpret literature through various dramatic representations,” Taylor wrote in her grant proposal entitled ‘Literature Through Drama.’ “Through these experiences students will increase their editing, peer review and comprehension skills.”
This is the fifth consecutive year that an R-I educator was among those regionally who submitted successful grants, bringing the running total for the school district to $4,500 from the nonprofit. Since 2017, Taylor has been selected as a winner on two previous occasions – to enhance her robotics and honors English classes, respectively.
The MRTF is the fundraising arm of the association, made up of retired educators whose purpose is to promote the professional, social and economic welfare of all retired school employees, according to its website.
Pictured: (Left to right) Dr. Scott Dill, R-I superintendent; Mark Cook, MRTA Region 12 vice president; Hilary Taylor, Junior High teacher; Candace Warren, Junior High principal; Linda Surber, Butler County unit president; and Arleta Godwin, MRTA president.
Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Dexter, MO - The 2021 Dexter High School Homecoming Queen Coronation will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, October 1, 2021 at Charles Bland Stadium.
The football team, tennis team, football cheer, volleyball team, and cross country team each nominated two candidates.
Football Cheer nominated Aslyn Wirz and Cali Whitaker.
Tennis Team nominated Juliann Rivera and Makenzie Mahy.
Football Team nominated Dulcie Pullen and Jayci Holcomb.
Volleyball Team nominated Lexie Laramore and Tori White.
Cross Country Team nominated Sophia Chasteen and Gabby Brown.
Pictured front row from left to right: Cali Whitaker, Julianna Rivera, Makenzie Mahy, Sophia Chasteen
Back row: Aslyn Wirz, Tori White, Jayci Holcomb, Dulcie Pullen, Lexie Laramore
(not pictured, Gabrielle Brown)
Photo by Danielle Morgan

Dexter T.S. Hill Middle School - This listing of T.S. Hill Middle School activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with Scott Kruse, Middle School Principal and the Dexter Public Schools for your convenience.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!
If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com or call (573) 380-3318.
Tuesday Sept 28 CC-HOME 5:00
Thursday Sept 30 FB vs. Doniphan 5:00
Saturday Oct 2 CC @ ND 10:00/7:30 Bus
Monday Oct 4 GBB vs. NMCC 5:30
Tuesday Oct 5 GBB vs. Doniphan 5:30
Thursday Oct 7 GBB vs. Holcomb 5:30
FB vs. Scott City 5:00
Saturday Oct 9 Stoddard County CC Meet TBA
Monday Oct 11 GBB vs. Woodland 6:00/4:15 Bus
Tuesday Oct 12 Middle School Choir Concert 6:00
Thursday Oct 14 CC-SEMO Conference Meet 5:00
GBB vs. NVille 5:30
Talent Search-6-7-8th Hours
Friday Oct 15 Last Day of 1st Quarter
Saturday Oct 16 CC @ Farmington 12:00/8:45 Bus
Monday Oct 18 GBB vs. Jackson 5:30
Tuesday Oct 19 GBB @ Bluff 5:00/3:45 Bus
Thursday Oct 21 PD Day-NO Students
Friday Oct 22 NO School
Saturday Oct 23 CC @ HOME 11:00
Monday Oct 25 GBB vs. Sikeston 5:30
Tuesday Oct 26 GBB @ Cape 4:30/3:00 Bus
Thursday Oct 28 BB @ Bernie 6:00

Southwest Elementary will participate in Dress Up Days for the week of September 27th - October 1st for the 2021 Homecoming. The theme this year is "Home Sweet Home"
Dress Up Days are as follows:
Monday, September 27th
Fall Picture Day
PAYDAY - dress like a million bucks!!
Tuesday, September 28th
NERD DAY - wear your nerd gear!
Wednesday, September 29th
ROLO out of your bed for PJ day!
Thursday, September 30th
POP ROCKS - dress like a RockStar!
Friday, October 1st
Home Sweet Homecoming - show your Bearcat Pride, wear red & black